Monday, April 30, 2007
  Entrenched vested interests have been preventing reform of UN for 40 years

By Margaret J Anstee, Financial Times
Published: February 10 2007

From Dame Margaret J. Anstee.

Sir, I should like to support the call in P.B.W. Rayment's letter ("UN seen as international equivalent of House of Lords on top jobs", February 3-4) for radical reform of the procedures for appointing top United Nations officials.

This issue has been raised many times by Sir Brian Urquhart, the former highly respected undersecretary-general (who, like me, was not a political appointee but rose through the ranks) and by others.

I would only add that these earlier proposals specified that such reforms should also be applied to the highest posts of all, those of the UN secretary-general and the heads of specialised agencies and other principal UN organisations.

Mr Rayment rightly points out that this aspect is barely mentioned in official reports on UN reform, perhaps because it is politically too hot to handle, given member states' predilection for the present system as a means of exercising influence within the secretariat. Yet better selection procedures, properly devised, could be applied without detriment to the overall balance of geographical representation, and the organisation's improved effectiveness would benefit all member states.

Mr Rayment suggests that Gordon Brown, the chancellor, should address this issue, given his declared intention of giving priority to the reform of UN institutions. I hope he will also do so in the light of his recent role as a member of the former secretary-general's high-level panel on UN system-wide coherence in the areas of development, humanitarian assistance and the environment.

This latest report on major UN reform, published last November and entitled Delivering as One, contains important recommendations that, if implemented, would do much to correct current deficiencies. Most are not new. Indeed, the general thrust of the report echoes the themes of the seminal Report on the Capacity of the UN Development System, prepared in 1968 under the leadership of the late Sir Robert Jackson.

Why were those recommendations not implemented 40 years ago? The reason lies in the entrenched vested interests of governments and of UN organisations and agencies, which saw their national, bureaucratic and personal fiefdoms threatened by the proposed changes.

Those same forces will militate against the implementation of these latest proposals, and of any major reforms, unless there is a concerted effort by key governments of both developed and developing countries to generate the collective political will and commitment to see them through, including a radical change in the selection of the top management of the UN system. None of this will happen without effective leadership and I greatly hope that Mr Brown will take up this challenge.

Margaret J. Anstee,
Knill, Powys LD8 2PR
(Former UN Undersecretary-General)

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  Japan rejects Chinese wartime claims

By Michiyo Nakamoto in Tokyo
Published: April 27 2007

Japan’s Supreme Court on Friday threw out two claims involving compensation for Chinese nationals forced to serve as labourers and prostitutes during the second world war, just as Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, wrestled with the issue of wartime sex slaves during his visit to Washington.

In the first case, the court overturned a landmark 2004 ruling by the Hiroshima high court that ordered Nishimatsu Construction to pay Y27.5m ($231,000, €169,000, £115,000) to two former labourers and the relatives of three deceased workers who claimed they were forced to work in severe conditions at a hydroelectric power plant construction site in Hiroshima prefecture during the war. The high court ruling had marked the biggest victory among a wave of compensation claims – most of which have been dismissed – filed in Japan since 1995 by Chinese nationals.

But Ryoji Nakagawa, presiding justice, said that under the 1972 Japan-China joint communiqué, Chinese individuals lost their right to claim war compensation from Japan, the Japanese people or companies. Under the communiqué, Beijing renounced any right to claim war reparations from Japan.

The plaintiffs claimed that the communiqué did not cover individual claims.

Justice Nakagawa added, however, that the victims of wartime forced labour had suffered “extremely large mental and physical suffering” and called on those ­concerned to “make efforts to provide relief to the ­victims”.

In the second case, the Supreme Court upheld a high court decision that the right of two Chinese women to claim compensation for forced wartime prostitution had lapsed.

The Supreme Court said that the right lapsed under the 1952 peace treaty between Japan and the Nationalist government, which had then fled to ­Taiwan but which Japan ­recognised as the legitimate government of China at the time.

The rulings come as the US Congress debates a resolution on seeking an apology from Japan for forcing young women to work in military brothels during the war.

Mr Abe, who last month ignited ­controversy with his remarks on the forced prostitution issue, expressed regret on Friday over the fate of the women in remarks to congressional leaders.

“I, as an individual and as prime minister, sympathise with the former ‘comfort women’ for their sufferings and feel sorry for the hardships they were put through,” he was quoted as saying in a meeting with 11 US lawmakers.

2007-04-18 作者:钱忠军 来源:文汇报













刚刚公布的《长江保护与发展报告2007》称, 2003年三峡水库蓄水以来,三峡地区微震活动频度明显增加,主要集中在巫山-秭归-长阳一带,强度仍然维持在较低水平,未突破正常状态,不会对三峡水利枢纽和三峡地区的人民生命财产构成威胁,但岸边松散堆积物塌岸和局部滑移也会危及部分居民点的安全。


石敬涛 新华社-现代快报 2007年04月17日






Sunday, April 29, 2007
  Could China Go Greener Than U.S.?
April 27, 2007, Christian Science Monitor , CBS News
written by Mark Clayton.

Dramatic Plans To Cut Emissions Could Kill U.S. Argument Against Warming Measures

If the United States starts charging people and businesses for the greenhouse gases they emit but China does not, America's economy could fall behind its fast-growing Asian competitor.

It's a crucial issue now bogging climate-change legislation on Capitol Hill. No lawmaker wants to push through laws that are likely to raise US energy costs and hand an advantage to global-warming scofflaws.

Click to enlarge
Source: Center for Clean Air Policy/RICH CLABAUGH – STAFF

"I will not support major legislation imposed upon the American economic system ... unless and until we have brought the Chinese on board," said Sen. Pete Domenici (R) of New Mexico, who serves on the committee that would move global-warming legislation, in a hearing last month.

But new evidence suggests that, despite a fast-growing economy that could make it the world's largest carbon-dioxide emitter as early as this year, China may be getting on board. In a bid to cut energy costs, boost energy security, and reduce air pollution, it could be essentially creating the largest greenhouse-gas-reduction plan on the planet.

Indeed, if the nation's leaders follow through, it may be the US playing catch-up with China – not the other way around. "You hear people in Washington saying we can't do anything if China doesn't do anything to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions," says Ned Helme, president of the Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP), a Washington think tank. "But that's basically a myth. China is really doing quite a lot, not under treaty but on their own."

Make no mistake, China's greenhouse-gas emissions are projected to increase rapidly through 2020. With its roaring economy and demand for coal-fired power, China will surpass the US as the largest producer of greenhouse gases sooner than expected, perhaps this year instead of in 2010, International Energy Agency officials said this week.

Yet China's rate of growth in emissions could slow thanks to sweeping reforms, started in 2001, to slash energy use at cement, steel, and paper factories, and for automobiles, Mr. Helme's group reported this week. Those reforms are on track to cut 168 million tons of greenhouse gases by 2010, says the CCAP.

That's a pittance compared with the nearly 6 billion tons of carbon-dioxide China emits annually. But that amount nearly matches the Bush administration's goal of reducing US emissions, voluntarily, by 183 million tons a year by 2010, says the CCAP report.

That small start may be just the beginning for China. Last year it embarked on a dramatic plan to boost energy efficiency 20 percent nationwide by 2010, a move that could eliminate as much as 1.4 billion tons of carbon-dioxide emissions, according to a recent Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory analysis.

"They've really done a lot already to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency," says Mark Levine, who heads the China Energy Group at the lab. He notes, however, that growth in coal-fired electric power between 2001 and 2005 has vastly increased Chinese emissions.

China is also currently lagging behind its ambitious 2010 efficiency goals, Dr. Levine says. Instead of a 4 percent energy-efficiency gain, the nation achieved only a 1.2 percent cut last year, the first year of the program. But even if China gets only halfway to its goal, the reductions in emissions growth would be larger than the EU's Kyoto goal of cutting 682 million tons annually by 2012, Helme says.

Such a large cut means China could end up by 2010 with "by far the most aggressive global warming pollution reduction policy of any country in the world," Douglas Ogden, director of the China Sustainable Energy Program at the Energy Foundation, an organization in San Francisco promoting renewable energy and efficiency in China and the US, wrote in an e-mail.

Much still hangs, however, on whether China can replicate the energy-efficient gains it made through 2000, Levine says. China once had 20,000 efficiency experts, since disbanded. Now the central government is demanding long-term efficiency gains from provinces, whose eyes are fixed more on short-term profit.

Still, if China's new efforts were recognized, it might deflate what Helme calls a pair of "myths" that are inhibiting Congress from acting on global warming.

One myth, he says, is that developing nations like China aren't taking meaningful action to curb emissions. Another is that China and other developing nations, like Brazil, will be pollution havens that suck jobs out of the US. (An exception to the rule so far may be India, he says.)

Several new bills, including one proposed by Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D) of New Mexico, include an "off ramp" to allow the US to back out of its emissions-reduction program if China does not do its part.

Domenici isn't yet satisfied, however. And in the House of Representatives, Democrats such as Rep. John Dingell of Michigan and Rep. Rick Boucher of Virginia are worried about China gaining an unfair advantage. A number of Republicans, meanwhile, are digging in their heels even more. "You cannot have a legislative package that passes the House of Representatives that does not have an enforceable, meaningful mechanism to include the developing world, especially the Chinese," said Rep. Joe Barton (R) of Texas in hearings last month.

But if Congress doesn't recognize China's actions, the US might end up delaying climate-change policy for no good reason, some say. "For some lawmakers, their opposition has turned from 'we shouldn't do this because climate change isn't occurring' to 'we shouldn't do this because what we do has no meaning if China doesn't act,' " says Kyle Danish, a partner at Van Ness Feldman, a Washington law firm specializing in energy and environmental issues.

Business and labor groups, in an unusual moment of alignment, say emissions credits should be required for imported goods manufactured using energy- and CO2-intensive processes.

"Imposition of emission controls by some but not all major emitting nations disrupts the competitive trade balance between nations and inappropriately shifts jobs to countries without emissions controls, where manufacturing costs will be less," wrote American Electric Power president Michael Morris in an opinion piece in Energy Daily coauthored with Edwin Hill, president of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Despite China's official hard line – government representatives are adamant that China won't curb emissions if it compromises economic growth – there are glimmers of flexibility. Earlier this month, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe signed an agreement to work on a successor to the Kyoto treaty.

But if the Chinese are acting to curb global warming, Congress needs to see that in clearer ways, some say. "We in the US would be better off to deal with the reality of what China is doing rather than the perception of where China stands," Levine says.

Friday, April 27, 2007
  奥运圣火政策逆转 早在2月露端倪
非第叁国进第四国出 奥运圣火政策逆转 早在2月露端倪











Asia Times
撰文 Anil Netto
2007/04/27, 週五

檳城 --- 最近,馬來西亞宣佈將在南部的柔佛州(Johor,與新加坡僅隔一條海峽)建立經濟區,從而引來更多的外來直接投資,並希望有一天能與中國的深圳經濟特區一爭高下,爭奪全球製造業的訂單。然而,這一項目卻引發了人們對馬來西亞“新經濟政策”(NEP)的激烈討論。


位於柔佛州的“依斯干達經濟特區” (Iskandar Development Region,IDR) 項目,正是專為重新吸引外資對馬來西亞的興趣而設。1997年東南亞經濟危機後,隨著中國“世界工廠”的影響力逐漸擴大,外來投資者對馬來西亞的興趣不斷縮水。去年,馬來西亞吸收的外國直接投資總額下降了14%,至40億美元。

根據中央政府的規劃,依斯干達項目佔地面積約為鄰國新加坡國土的三倍,並計劃將該項目與發展迅猛的丹戎帕拉帕斯港(Port of Tanjung Pelepas)、以及分佈在柔佛州東部的產業區連接起來。目前,服務業已為該州貢獻了50%的國內生產總值;決策者們希望,能通過進一步加強與新加坡的商貿關係,來大幅提升這一比例。



這些預測,都使得公眾對“新經濟政策”的辯論再度升溫。事實上,根據馬來西亞這項“平權措施”(affirmative action)政策,佔全國總人口60%的馬來人等原住民(bumiputera)享有多項經濟特權,而華人與印度人等少數民族,則無法享受這些優惠。



依斯干達特區顧問組成員希塔姆(Musa Hitam)指出,要是沿用實行種族配額制度的“新經濟政策”,經濟特區項目遲早會泡湯。他表示,巫統稍後仍會就此向黨員們做出詳細解釋。曾擔任副首相的希塔姆,是現任首相巴達維(Abdullah Badawi)的親密盟友。








為消除這些疑慮,馬來西亞已擱置了原來的一個計劃,即在依斯干達經濟特區劃出一個專區,讓外國人無須海關檢查而自由出入。此外,柔佛州務大臣阿都干尼(Ghani Othman)早前又表示,取消“30%股權”的規定,僅適用於經濟特區中兩個涉及面積僅為1,780公頃的專有地區,而在那裏的外國投資者只能從事對外貿易。

無論如何,縮減優惠待遇、主張經濟開放的依斯干達經濟特區項目,已在馬來西亞政壇掀起了軒然大波。前首相馬哈蒂爾(Mahathir Mohamad)最近就表示,馬來人還“未準備好”迎接外來競爭。他說,若經濟特區項目按計劃推行的話,當地百姓勢必會被外國人所“奴役”。他甚至警告道,經濟特區將使馬來西亞喪失柔佛州的部分主權,令其再次淪為外國的“殖民地”。



  台灣拒聖火 開先例 北京宣布路線:胡志明市→台北→香港 台體委會立即表態:主權矮化 不答應
2007-04-27 世界日報











  Taiwan rejects Beijing’s Olympic torch

By Kathrin Hille in Taipei and Mure Dickie in Beijing
Published: April 26 2007

Taiwan on Thursday rejected mainland China’s plan for the Olympic torch to pass through the island in a foretaste of the likely political tensions between Taipei and the mainland in the run-up to next year’s Olympics.

Beijing said on Thursday that the Olympic torch would enter Taiwan from Ho Chi Minh City and leave it for Hong Kong.

But Tsai Chen-wei, head of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, said: “This plan intends to compromise our sovereignty and is unacceptable to us.”

China is likely to argue that its inclusion of Taiwan is a gesture of goodwill to­wards the self-ruled island over which it claims sovereignty. But Taipei said the Olympic torch was being abused as a pro-unification propaganda stunt.

China’s official media listed Taipei as a stop on the torch’s “domestic route” along with Hong Kong and Macao, while cities outside China were listed as part of the “international route”.

“This is the worst-case scenario. They are humiliating us,” said a senior Taiwanese official.

China’s insistence that Taiwan is not a sovereign nation has forced the island to take part in Olympic activities under the name of “Chinese Taipei”.

Taiwan government officials said Beijing now intended to lower its status further by calling it “China, Taipei”.

“The two sides are locked in a propaganda war, and there is no mutual trust,” said George Tsai, an expert on cross-Strait relations. “This is part two of the Panda saga.”

When China offered two giant pandas to Taiwan two years ago, it said they were a symbol of its “goodwill” towards the island, but Taiwan rejected them.

Rejecting the torch will be much more difficult for Taiwan to explain than refusing a pair of pandas.

“No IOC member has ever refused to let the Olympic torch in and I appeal to the government to not let sports fall victim to ideology,” said Huang Chih-hsiung, a Taekwondo silver medallist and lawmaker of Taiwan’s opposition Kuomintang.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007
  Taking the countryside: why agribusiness may reap profits and problems for China

By Geoff Dyer
Published: April 4 2007, FT

When he was 19 years old, Yan Haichun was dispatched to a bleak stretch of fields just outside Shanghai to work on a collective farm. China was in the midst of the Cultural Revolution and Mao Zedong had decreed that the best education a youngster could receive was back-breaking labour alongside peasants.

In the early 1970s, the farm employed more than 20,000 people to produce modest quantities of rice and cabbage. "Everyone eventually went back to the city, except the stupid ones and me," says the 52-year-old Mr Yan, a chain-smoker who coughs when he chuckles at his own jokes.

The last laugh could be with Mr Yan, however. He is now deputy manager of an agricultural business that operates the very same farm. Instead of cabbage and rice, he is producing premium organic pork to be sold at Carrefour and Wal-Mart.

Mr Yan's company is part of a quiet revolution beginning to spread through Chinese agriculture as farmers try to meet the needs of rapidly expanding supermarket chains. Farms that only a decade ago were merely subsisting are now slowly coming under the influence of agribusiness companies. "Agribusiness is in its infancy at the moment in China but it is going to be one of the big phenomena of the next 10 years," says Jonathan Anderson, Asia economist at UBS. "It is a good time to buy into a pig farm if you can."

China has had a huge impact on companies such as Wal-Mart, which every year sources more than $10bn (£5.1bn, €7.5bn) of goods from the country. But Wal-Mart and other modern retailers are also creating a lasting impression on China, even down on the farm.

The expansion of industrial agriculture has been seen all over the developing world over the last two decades - from the savannahs of central Brazil to Egypt's Nile delta. But it is particularly sensitive in China because of its potential impact on two of the most important political issues. The government of President Hu Jintao has pledged to lift farm incomes and reduce the gap that has opened up between the standard of living in rural areas - where 900m of China's 1.3bn people still live - and the booming coastal cities. Making farms more efficient is central to any long-term effort to reduce poverty.

Greater efficiency can partly be achieved through using the sort of machinery and technology that agribusiness brings. But to boost productivity significantly, farms in China will have to become much bigger and directly employ fewer people.

As a result, the introduction of industrial agriculture raises difficult questions about the status of land ownership in rural China. This has become an explosive issue in recent years as property has been seized to make way for factories and apartments. If farmers are bullied off their land to make way for larger operations, the advance of agribusiness could add to already simmering social tensions and accelerate migration to the fast-growing cities.

The dilemma goes back to the early days of economic reform in China in the late 1970s. One of Deng Xiaoping's first decisions was to break up the system of communal farms and distribute land on an equal basis to rural families. Residents did not gain ownership of the land but typically received a 30-year lease from their village.

The initial results were spectacular. Not only did farm incomes rise quickly but China avoided some of the problems of landless rural workers that have afflicted many developing countries undergoing industrialisation. However, the new land system also had considerable limitations. It left China with millions of tiny, inefficient producers - there are around 200m household farms with an average size of 1.5 acres, which cannot be sold. While incomes in the coastal cities soared in the 1990s, rural incomes rose much more slowly, in part because of the low output per worker on Chinese farms.

This creaking rural system stands in contrast to China's fast-growing modern retail network. Supermarkets and hypermarkets are multiplying rapidly as new middle-class consumers look for higher-quality food and more comfortable surroundings. There are now 16,000 supermarkets and hypermarkets, including both foreign and domestic operators, as well as large restaurant chains - KFC has around 2,000 outlets in China and McDonald's some 800.

Yet supermarkets and restaurant chains have very different requirements from traditional markets. They want specific products, they want quality guarantees and they want to be able to trace the source of the food.

These retailers have had to adapt to circumstances. One of the most dramatic examples is the supply chain that McDonald's has put in place for French fries with the help of Simplot, the private US company that is its main supplier of potatoes. Simplot has an operation in China that can churn out 1bn fries a year to the same quality as the US. The potatoes are mostly grown in Inner Mongolia, a region on the same latitude as Idaho and with a climate similar. But it has been a nearly two decade-long struggle.

According to Dan Cushing, the company's general manager in China, when Simplot arrived in the country in 1988 many potato farms still used a horse and plough. A farm needs around 250 acres to justify investment in tractors and fertiliser machinery, he says, but those in China at the time often had less than one acre. "Just to get a piece of land evened out so that water did not accumulate was a huge exercise in China," says Mr Cushing. "That sort of thing you can get done on a US farm by one phone call."

Many farmers were bemused when Simplot proposed a long-term growing cycle that produces commercial potatoes only at the end of the third calendar year. "We had to change the mentality from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture," says Mr Cushing, who admits that the business was lossmaking for a number of years.

Simplot started by selecting potential candidates, giving them advice on how to grow potatoes to its specifications and trying to convince them of the benefits of long-term supply contracts. Some pulled out, others prospered.

Crucially for Simplot, the effective size of the farms has grown larger. A decade ago the company was dealing with 1,000 potato suppliers: now it does business with just 100. Many are private groups that have leased land from other small farmers, while some are large-scale farms that remained under state control after land reform. "To be successful, you do need some sort of scale," says Mr Cushing.

Supermarkets now rarely deal directly with small farmers. Instead, over the past five years, a new generation of companies has emerged to supply them with food. Some of these producers, such as Chaoda, a vegetable producer that operates farms in 29 different parts of the country, have managed to lease large enough tracts of land to justify big investments.

Aisen, which runs the organic pork farm outside Shanghai, is another such business. It has been operating this stretch of land in the Nanhui district of the city for five years and now has 12 different pig farms.

To qualify as organic, the pigs are given no antibiotics in the last few months of life and receive a diet free of animal fat. There cannot be more than 2cm of fat on a piece of meat, 25 per cent less than conventional pork cuts in Chinese supermarkets. "In the big cities, customers now want to know that the meat is safe and that it is not too fatty," says Mr Yan.

Chinese agribusinesses are also beginning to carve out an export sector, especially in labour-intensive crops such as fruit and vegetables. Exports of these have doubled over the past decade and the country is a big supplier of apple juice and garlic. Anyone tucking into the Asian salad served at McDonald's in the US will be eating snow peas produced in China.

Agribusiness may have grown quickly but it has only begun to nibble at the edges of China's vast farming base. One of the few pieces of academic research on the subject looked at 200 communities in the greater Beijing area last year and found that the farmers had been only marginally affected by the creation of supply chains for the city's supermarkets. "It is happening a little, but so far it is not a huge story," says Scott Rozelle, a Stanford academic and one of the authors of the report.

Some researchers are optimistic that modern retailing will increase productivity by creating the conditions for the consolidation of farms and greater investment in equipment, which they hope will lead to higher rural incomes. "There are more and more opportunities for larger-scale farms to develop," says Hu Dinghuan, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. "Supermarkets are going to be the driving force for agriculture in China. They are going to have a huge impact on farms."

Yet there are also concerns about the impact agribusiness will have on rural life in China, with its patchwork of tiny farms. Experts believe that farms will have to become bigger for yields to rise, yet given the ambiguous property rights in rural China, the introduction of agribusiness could open the way to further abuses of small farmers that might aggravate rural poverty and social tensions.

Farmers are not allowed to buy or sell land and, although in theory they can lease their property, many titles have never been formalised. There is huge scope in the system for local officials to make arbitrary decisions that change the terms of land use without providing adequate compensation.

Indeed, land disputes have been one of the most controversial issues in recent years and the cause of many of the thousands of violent protests that have broken out all across the country. According to the Land Ministry in Beijing, there were more than a million illegal seizures between 1998 and 2005, usually for factories or apartment buildings, and the farmers often received little or no compensation.

So far, researchers say, there have been few cases of farmers being pushed off their land to make way for commercial agriculture and larger farms. But Li Xiande, another CAAS professor, says agribusiness groups are increasingly negotiating supply contracts with the village officials who control the use of the land, rather than with the farmers themselves. "It could become a serious issue if the officials do a deal and the farmers only get a small part of the compensation," he says.

The controversy over land rights came to a head last month when a new property rights bill was approved by the National People's Congress in Beijing. The law has been hugely divisive: proponents think it an important step towards strengthening capitalism, while leftwing critics claim it will validate the illegal land grabs of recent years. Yet the law does not change the situation for rural land ownership and legal experts say it will not give farmers much more protection against unscrupulous officials.

Another level of protection could come from farmers establishing more co-operatives, which would allow them to negotiate collectively with buyers and organise larger-scale production. However, although farming co-ops are permitted, only 7 per cent of villages have created one, according to Mr Rozelle at Stanford. "In reality, the Communist party is not so keen on other groups organising themselves."

Tens of thousands of farmers have been elbowed off their land in recent years to make way for the country's manufacturing boom, creating a dangerous well of resentment that China's top leaders have pledged to address. The introduction of agribusiness to rural China is a test of whether Beijing really can look after the small farmer.

作者:英国《金融时报》杰夫•代尔(Geoff Dyer)
2007年4月24日 星期二





中国农民正试图满足迅速扩张的连锁超市的需求,在此过程中,一场静悄悄的革命正席卷中国农业,严海春所在的企业也置身其中。农业生产在10年前还以维持生计为目的,如今已慢慢受到农产品加工企业的影响。瑞银集团(UBS)经济学家乔纳森•安德森(Jonathan Anderson)表示:“目前中国的农产品加工企业还处于初生阶段,但未来10年,它将成为一个亮点。如果有能力的话,现在最好买进一家养猪厂。”









这种陈旧的农村体制与中国快速成长的现代零售网络形成了鲜明反差。随着新一代中产阶级消费者寻求更高质量的食物和更加舒适的购物环境,中国的超市和大卖场数量正在快速增加。目前,中国有1.6万家中外资超市和大卖场,还有许多大型餐饮连锁企业——肯德基(KFC)在中国大约有2000家门店,麦当劳 (McDonald)有800家左右。



据辛普劳中国区总经理丹•库欣(Dan Cushing)称,当辛普劳1988年进入中国时,许多种植土豆的农户仍在用马和犁耕地。他表示,只有农场面积达到250英亩,才值得投资购置拖拉机和肥料播撒机器,但当时中国农户的种植面积往往还不足一英亩。“当时,即使想把一块地弄平整以疏导水流,那也是一个浩大的工程。这种事你在美国农场打个电话就能搞定了。”










农产品加工企业或许已经迅猛发展,但它仅仅刚开始触及中国庞大农业基础的边缘。在为数不多的这方面的学术调查中,去年一项针对北京地区200个乡镇的学术调查发现,为城市超市建立的供应链仅对农民产生了微小的影响。斯坦福大学学者、调查报告作者之一的斯考特•罗兹勒(Scott Rozelle)表示:“(供应链)的确产生了影响,但到目前为止影响还不大。”









2007-04-17 来源:21CN旅游







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  Macau 18-Feb-2007 18:15 hrs

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  http://www.doyouhike.net/forum (这个就不用说了吧,许多实用的攻略)

  http://www.ctrip.com (也不错,许多资料很新)

  2 申请签证,都是在广州中信广场,新加坡24楼,大马在19楼。














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  1 细心检查


  2 出关申报


  3 大马7项禁忌








  4 新加坡注意事项



Sunday, April 22, 2007
作者: 明月照京 2004.9.14















明月照京 2006.4.27
我们从新加坡人说起。当初的新加坡人也是很牛气的。在他们国内,他们对人家说:I’m Chinese(我是华人),到了中国大陆,他们会说:I’m Singaporen(我是新加坡人)。有时候听不下去,我会对他们说,你们小心吧,未来的大中国,是“一国四制”:大陆、台湾、香港、新加坡。本质上说,新加坡人生活在一个管理严格的大公司里面,规矩多多,框框多多,到今天仍然有“鞭刑”,多数人都被管傻了。做起事情来循规蹈矩、小心翼翼,只看细节,不重战略。一个简单的例子是苏州科技园,这么多年,仍然不温不火,与新加坡人的文化无不相关。于是造就了一批像陆纯初这样的经理人。这种人在大公司里面,可以开头,可以执行,却难于发展。如果把“无知”和“无能”划上等号,新加坡人肯定不服,但是新加坡人的小气和坐井观天式的无知,确是事实。
  尤努斯将在华设小额信贷公司 选三地试点
周岚/文《财经》网络版 [2007-04-22]



【网络版专稿/《财经》杂志记者周岚 发自海南博鳌】去年获得诺贝尔和平奖的孟加拉格拉珉银行行长尤努斯再次受邀访华,出现在本届海南博鳌亚洲论坛上。他说,60%的人口只拥有全世界总收入的6%,他们的贫穷是制度失灵所致。尤努斯认为,人类需要互相帮助,赚钱不应是企业惟一目的,企业对社会应有关爱和互助之责。“社会企业(Social Business)”是建立在有社会基础、由社会责任和社会目标驱动的公司。



  他指出,中国目前正积极推动小额信贷,其一是应为小额信贷公司立法。现在的小额信贷公司只能放贷,不能吸纳存款,是一条腿走路,不能自立更生;其二是中国已经放开了村镇银行(Township and village banks)、贷款公司、农村资金互助社等农村金融组织的准入,但申请起来依然非常困难。原因是乡镇银行必须要有传统的商业银行为背景,商业银行需持有 20%的股权,同时,任何其他一个股东的股权均不得超过10%。因此,加上商业银行,乡镇银行起码要有九个股东方能设立,这样一来,组织就很难。


据悉,孟加拉格拉珉银行目前正通过旗下的格拉珉信托(GRAMEEN TRUST),与中国有关部门商讨在中国推行若干个试验性质的小额信贷计划。格拉珉信托董事总经理H·I·Lstifee教授和尤努斯一同出现在博鳌亚洲论坛上。他对《财经》记者表示,格拉珉银行过去已经在中国的17个地方进行交流和合作。目前,其小额信贷公司的申请,原则上已经获批,只待一些程序的完成(Formality)。





Saturday, April 21, 2007
根据美国运输统计局(Bureau of Transportation Statistics)的资料,自去年8月开始,乘客遭遇行李遗失的比例创下了新高,每千名乘客当中,平均出现8.08件的行李遗失桉例,每日报失的行李数量更高达了14089件。从这些惊人的数字可以发现,像丢掉行李这样的麻烦,很可能就发生在你身上。


针对上述的问题,旅游作家克莉丝丽普(Kathleen Crislip)提出实用的建议,敎你怎样降低个人行李遗失的机率;如果不幸遭遇到这个问题,也有办法可以让你的不便减少到最低。

















http://www.oushinet.com 欧洲时报 2007年4月19日








Friday, April 20, 2007















The 100 Most Influential Books






2007年4月20日 星期五








Thursday, April 19, 2007

2002.10.30 Deutsche Welle

德国海军-当年曾对中国产生过重大影响Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: 德国海军-当年曾对中国产生过重大影响



















“操练新军时为什么要请德国人,最主要的原因是,当时日本的军事体制学的是德国。日本人把中国人给打败了,而且败得那么惨。这给中国人刺激性特别 大。日本人个子比中国人小,而且装备也并不比中国军队强多少。中国人总结出的教训之一就是,日本学的是德国,德国的军事战略战术比较好,而且操练比较有 效。这是促使中国转向德国,从德国学习军事的主要原因。”





1911年10月,中国爆发资产阶级辛亥革命,清朝寿终正寝。1912年1月1日,孙中山就任临时大总统,中华民国同时宣布成立。同年10月,孙中 山特意访问了当时仍属于德国租借地的胶州。他在对中国大学生的演讲中特别称赞了青岛的建设和管理,并提出应将德国作为中国现代化建设的榜样。1913年 10月,继美国之后,德国在欧洲国家中率先承认了中华民国。






无独有偶。1934年4月,中国内战进入白热化阶段。蒋介石领导的国民党军队对中共领导的中央苏区展开第5次军事围剿。此时,又有两位德国人分别担 任敌对双方的高级顾问。其中一个叫做奥托.布朗,中文名李德,又名华夫,受共产国际执行局派遣,帮助红军保卫中央苏区;另一个叫做冯.泽克特,德国退役上 将,任蒋介石军事顾问团负责人,帮助实施军事围剿。





1930年代,中国开始出现头带德制头盔,身着德式军服,配备德式武器的部队,这就是经由德国军事顾问指导、训练出来的新式中国陆军。到 1937年7月抗战爆发前,国民党军队基本完成以德国体制为楷模的整军计划。其中,中央军的30个师完全或部分接受过德制装备与训练,而第36、87和 88师为德制化师,中央军校教导总队则完全按照德国步兵标准编装。




当然,对于德国军事顾问在中国所起的作用,史家中也有完全不同的评断。据新浪网军事版德国军事中心文彦的一篇文章中所提出的观点,就淞沪会战而言, 如果没有战前德国军事顾问的指导与协助,没有新式德制陆军的投入,中国军队可能不能坚持3个月之久;没有德国在战前协助中国建立军火生产体制、提供贷款、 建立新型兵工厂,中国将无法自立生产足够的轻武器与弹药,中国的军力将难以为继,从而无法坚持8年之久,失去“苦撑待变”的机会,从而在太平洋战争爆发 后,难以与美英苏并肩作战,获得二战的胜利,并影响战后中国在国际上的地位。


马丁教授指出,毛泽东在1935年1月的遵义会议上对共产国际派遣的德国顾问李德提出的批评,同样适用于国民党一方的德国顾问们。毛泽东当年指责李 德,置中央红军的宝贵经验于不顾,压制不同意见,独断专行,采用西方军事教条,强令实行阵地战,导致中央苏区在国民党军队的第5次围剿中被攻破,红军被迫 实施史称“长征”的长途战略转移。

马丁教授认为,国民党方面的德国军事顾问们,例如韦泽尔、泽克特和法尔肯豪森等,罔顾中国国情,罔顾中国军人思想深处的儒家传统思想,并在与中方的 交往中表现出太多的普鲁士风格,树敌过多,从而影响了顾问团的效率。历史学家马丁教授得出的结论是,就按照普鲁士精神改革中国军队而言,德国顾问团并未成 功。


随着第二次世界大战的迫近,希特勒德国大幅调整对亚洲的政策,外交天平倾向日本。1938年2月,希特勒德国宣布承认“满洲国”,并停止中国学生赴 德留学军事。帝国元帅戈林下令禁止向中国继续销售武器。同年6月,在柏林一再发出命令后,法尔肯豪森离开中国。德国驻中国军事顾问团的使命就官方层面而言 由此告一终结。



Wednesday, April 18, 2007
  Israeli Holocaust survivor among those killed at Virginia Tech
The Associated Press
Published: April 17, 2007, IHT

JERUSALEM: A 76-year-old Holocaust survivor killed while trying to protect his students from a gunmen at Virginia Tech will be buried in Israel, relatives said.

Relatives said Tuesday that Liviu Librescu, an internationally respected aeronautics engineer and a lecturer at the school for 20 years, saved the lives of several students by barricading his classroom door before he was gunned down in Monday's massacre, which coincided with Israel's Holocaust remembrance day.

Librescu survived the Holocaust and fled Communist Romania for Israel, where he lived before moving to the U.S.

His widow, Marlena, told Channel 10 TV that he would be buried in Israel, and arrangements were being made. It was not known when the funeral would take place.

Librescu's students sent e-mails to his wife recounting the last moments of their teacher's life, his son, Joe, told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

"My father blocked the doorway with his body and asked the students to flee," Joe Librescu said in a telephone interview from his home outside of Tel Aviv. "Students started opening windows and jumping out."

The gunman, identified as 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui, an English major and native of South Korea, killed 32 people before committing suicide, officials said, in what was the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history.

Librescu had known hardship since childhood.

When Romania joined forces with Nazi Germany in World War II, he was first interned in a labor camp in Transnistria and then deported along with his family and thousands of other Jews to a central ghetto in the city of Focsani, his son said. According to a report compiled by the Romanian government in 2004, between 280,000 and 380,000 Jews were killed by Romania's Nazi-allied regime during the war.

"We were in Romania during the Second World War, and we were Jews there among the Germans, and among the anti-Semitic Romanians," Marlena Librescu told Israeli Channel 10 TV on Tuesday.

As a successful engineer under the postwar Communist government, Librescu found work at Romania's aerospace agency. But his career was stymied in the 1970s because he refused to swear allegiance to the regime, his son said, and he was later fired when he requested permission to move to Israel.

After years of government refusal, according to his son, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin personally intervened to get the family an emigration permit. They moved to Israel in 1978.

Librescu left Israel for Virginia in 1985 for a sabbatical year, but eventually made the move permanent, said Joe Librescu, who himself studied at Virginia Tech from 1989 to 1994.

In Romania, the academic community mourned Librescu's death.

"It is a great loss," said Ecaterina Andronescu, rector of the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, where Librescu graduated in 1953. "We have immense consideration for the way he reacted and defended his students with his life."

At the Polytechnic University, where Librescu received an honorary degree in 2000, his picture was placed on a table, a candle was lit, and people lay flowers nearby.

Professor Nicolae Serban Tomescu described Librescu as "strong and dignified."

"He had a huge affection for his students and he sacrificed his life for them," Tomescu told AP Television News.

Librescu published extensively and received numerous awards for his work.

"His work was his life in a sense," Joe Librescu said.
  UN Security Council holds open debate on climate change

Source: Xinhua, April 18, 2007

The UN Security Council held on Tuesday its first-ever open debate on climate change as some delegates raised doubts over whether the council was the proper forum to discuss the issue.

The meeting, initiated by Britain with an aim to study the relationship between energy, security and climate, was chaired by British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, whose country is holding the presidency of the 15-member council for April.

Beckett told the council that the international community needed to recognize that there was a security impact from climate change, and begin to build a shared understanding of the relationship between energy, security and climate.

Speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, Farukh Amil, Pakistan's deputy permanent representative to the UN, said the council's primary responsibility is for the maintenance of international peace and security as set out in the UN Charter.

"Other issues, including those relating to economic and social development, are assigned by the charter to the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly," he said.

He added that the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the appropriate forum to deal with risks linked with climate change.

South African's UN Ambassador Dumisani Kumalo told the council that the impact of climate change does not as yet directly threaten international peace and security.

The issues of energy and climate change are "first and foremost of a developmental nature" and can be dealt with regionally and in the General Assembly, he said, adding that the mandate of the council does not deal with such matters.

Kumalo voiced the hope that the debate "will not in any way elevate the issue of climate or environment to being an agenda item of the Security Council."

Liu Zhenmin, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, said climate change may have certain security implications, but generally speaking, it is in essence an issue of sustainable development.

"Discussing climate change at the Security Council will not help countries in their efforts in mitigation, Liu said. And it is hard for the council to assist developing countries affected by climate change to find more effective adaptations."

"The developing countries believe that the Security Council neither has the expertise in handling climate change, nor is the right decision-making place for extensive participation," he said.

  First climate debate divides UN
Wednesday, 18 April 2007, BBC

Margaret Beckett
Mrs Beckett proposed the debate
The United Nations Security Council has held its first ever debate on climate change with some members arguing it was not the place for such a discussion.

British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett justified the debate by linking the issue to security.

But Russia and China said that as an international security watchdog, the 15-member council was not the right forum to debate climate change.

Mrs Beckett said an unstable climate could lead to increased world conflict.

The debate was initiated by the UK, which holds the presidency of the Security Council this month.

No resolution or statement arose from the discussion, in which 55 member states spoke.

Two world wars

"Our responsibility in this council is to maintain international peace and security, including the prevention of conflict," said Mrs Beckett.

She said the Stern report on climate change, which was commissioned by the UK government, warned of potential economic disruption on the scale of the two world wars and the Great Depression.

But China's deputy UN ambassador, Liu Zhenmin, said that the council lacked "professional competence in handling climate change".

Pakistan's UN delegate Farukh Amil said it was "inappropriate" for the Security Council to debate climate change.

He said there were other UN bodies which were better suited to dealing with the issue.

However, Panama, Peru and a number of small island states backed the British initiative.

Maritime dispute risk

UN chief Ban Ki-moon said that "issues of energy an climate change have implications for peace and security".

As examples, he said that scarce resources such as water and food could help turn peaceful competition into violence while migrations driven by climate change could deepen tensions and conflict.

The British mission to the UN circulated a paper explaining why it feels a discussion is needed.

It warns of "major changes to the world's physical landmass during this century", which will cause border and maritime disputes.

Some 200m people could be displaced by the middle of the century and "substantial parts of the world risk being left uninhabitable by rising sea levels".

And there could be conflicts over "scarce energy resources, security of supply and the role energy resources play once conflict has broken out", the document adds.
  UK, China clash on climate in UN Council

By Reuters April 17 20:14:54 GMT

Britain and China faced off on Tuesday in the first-ever U.N. Security Council debate on climate change, with Beijing saying the 15-member body had no competence in dealing with global warming.

But British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, who chaired the meeting, argued that the potential for climate change to cause wars had to move from the fringes of the debate to the Security Council, the most powerful U.N. body.

”Our responsibility in this council is to maintain international peace and security, including the prevention of conflict,” said Beckett, whose country holds the current council presidency. ”An unstable climate will exacerbate some of the core drivers of conflict -- such as migratory pressures and competition for resources.”

She noted that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, whose economy depends on hydropower from a reservoir depleted by drought, had called climate change ”an act of aggression by the rich against the poor.”

”He is one of the first leaders to see this problem in security terms. He will not be the last,” she said in the day-long debate with 52 countries participating.

But China’s deputy ambassador, Liu Zhenmin, was blunt in rejecting the session: ”The developing countries believe that Security Council has neither the professional competence in handling climate change -- nor is it the right decision-making place for extensive participation leading up to widely acceptable proposals.”

No resolution is expected and Russia, China, Qatar, Indonesia and South Africa, among others, also warned that the council, whose mandate is only peace and security, was not the place to take concrete action.

So did Pakistan on behalf of 130 developing nations, although many, such as Peru and Panama and small island states, agreed with Britain. Their main argument against the debate is that the council was encroaching on more democratic bodies, such as the 192-member U.N. General Assembly.


But U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon supported the debate, which Beckett called ”a groundbreaking day in the history of the Security Council.”

”Projected changes in the earth’s climate are thus not only an environmental concern,” Ban said. ”And -- as the council points up today -- issues of energy and climate change can have implications for peace and security.”

The United States, the world’s larger emitter of greenhouse gases that spur climate change, opposes mandatory caps on emissions but a focus instead on alternative fuels and energy efficiency.

”The developing world, we and others, must deal with this issue in a manner that does not affect ... growth and development,” acting U.S. Ambassador Alejandro Wolff said.

Most industrial nations, including the European Union, agreed with Britain. As did Papua New Guinea, head of the Pacific small island states, which fear they may disappear under the waves as the Earth warms up.

”The dangers that the small island states and their populations face are no less serious than those nations threatened by guns and bombs,” Papua New Guinea Ambassador Robert Guba Aisi told the council.

Italy’s deputy foreign minister, Vittorio Craxi, said members should support Ban’s effort to create a new U.N. Environmental Organization, in an effort to coordinate action on climate change.

Currently, the United Nations has had nearly 400 meeting days a year on biodiversity, climate change, desertification and related subjects with over 30 agencies and programs involved in environmental projects.

”It is clear that climate change can pose threats to national security,” Japan’s U.N. Ambassador Kenzo Oshima said. ”In the foreseeable future climate change may well create conditions or induce circumstances that could precipitate or aggravate international conflicts.”

© Reuters Limited
By Mark Turner at the United Nations
Wednesday, April 18, 2007, FT

China and an alliance of developing countries yesterday launched a concerted attack against the right of the United Nations Security Council to debate climate change. The move came at a landmark meeting in which the UK had sought to cast global warming as a threat to international peace.

“Developing countries believe that neither has the Security Council the professional competence . . . nor is it the right decision-making place for extensive participation leading up to widely acceptable proposals,” said Liu Zhenmin, Beijing's deputy ambassador to the UN.

“In our view discussions at this meeting constitute nothing but an exception, with neither outcome documents or follow-up actions.”

The Chinese outburst followed letters sent by Pakistan and Cuba, on behalf of the G77 group of developing nations and the non-aligned movement.

The meeting served to highlight the deep level of disagreement among nations on how to tackle the mounting environmental threat.

The division was all the more striking given evidence that the developing world will be disproportionately hit by climate change, even though the great majority of pollution so far has come from the developed world.

The push-back is part of a wider concern in the developing world about the growing powers of the Security Council, which many countries see as unrepresentative and in thrall to the skewed agenda of the richest nations.

“The ever-increasing encroachment by the Security Council on the . . . responsibilities of other principal (UN) organs . . . represents a distortion of the principles of the charter, infringes on their authority and compromises on the rights of the general membership of the United Nations,” wrote Munir Akram, the Pakistani ambassador.

Ban Ki-moon, UN secretary-general, backed the UK contention that climate change constitutes a serious security threat.

He highlighted a series of “alarming, though not alarmist” scenarios, in which increasing degradation and competition for dwindling resources weakened the power of states to resolve conflict.

“We cannot sit back and watch to see whether they turn into reality. The entire multilateral machinery needs to come together to prevent it from becoming so,” said Mr Ban.

Vitaly Churkin, the Russian ambassador, dismissed the sense of urgency and issued an “appeal against panicking and over-dramatising the situation”.

Dumisani Kumalo, the South African ambassador, conceded that climate change posed a serious challenge but asserted that “the mandate of the Security Council does not deal with such matters” and, instead, challenged the developed world to cut emissions and fund mitigation strategies.
  北京婚宴 PK 上海婚宴
2007年4月18日 星期三











  Undercover Economist: new school ties

By Tim Harford
Published: March 22 2007, FT

Britain has long favoured an odd school system whereby well-to-do parents buy an education at the better state schools by giving money to homeowners who live near those schools, rather than by giving the money to the schools themselves. This is not very satisfactory, and there are two logical responses. One is to let the parents give the money to the schools. The other is to prevent people from buying a place at a good school through the housing market, and instead assign places from a much wider area using a lottery. This bold new experiment is about to be tried in Brighton and Hove.

Some parents are understandably livid: they paid for a service (albeit indirectly) and suddenly discover it’s being handed out like a raffle prize. Their houses will probably lose value. Little Jeremy may not even go to that wonderful school at all. But Brighton’s dispossessed parents are also worried by the same thing that worries parents all over the country: that if their school allows too many of the ”wrong” type of children in the door, Little Jeremy’s performance will suffer.

What these parents are worrying about is what an economist would call a ”peer effect”. Peer effects are what happen when you hang around in the wrong company. Yet the evidence for their existence is slimmer than the nation’s parents assume.

The difficulty is this. If Jeremy hangs around with the ”right” kids and does well, why? The obvious explanation is that he did well because his peers were a good influence on him, but it is just as plausible to suggest that he chose those peers, or had those peers chosen, because he was one of the ”right” kids, too. Does John Terry play great football because he is surrounded by great footballers, or is he surrounded by great footballers because he plays great football?

Clever researchers can disentangle some of these effects. The economist Bruce Sacerdote used the same technique that medical researchers would use to test a new headache remedy: a randomised trial. He realised that students at Dartmouth College had roommates assigned largely at random. There was some selection at work based on sex, smoking and preferences for hours of work - but mostly, the assignments were the result of a lottery.

Sacerdote found a modest - and statistically robust - peer effect. Being assigned a roommate with a higher grade-point average improves your own. If your roommate is at the top of the grade-point distribution you’ll tend to be about 5 per cent better than average. If they are 20 per cent below average you’ll tend to be 1 per cent below average. Sacerdote doesn’t know what the cause is, but since students did not choose their peers, it must be a genuine peer effect.

Most studies of peer effects are not so careful, however. In a clever paper based on studies of North Carolina’s public schools, Thomas Nechyba and Jake Vigdor highlight the pitfalls. They provide what appears to be strong evidence of peer effects - but then demonstrate that these apparent effects are at work before the peers ever appear. That is, by looking at Jeremy’s fifth-grade classmates you can work out how Jeremy performed, with different classmates, in the fourth-grade. Similarly, the quality of John Terry’s team-mates is a sign that Terry was a good footballer before he joined Chelsea.

Nechyba and Vigdor also show that the peer effects evaporate once they consider the quality of teaching. Students with smart peers are also students with better teachers. Perhaps the good folk of Brighton and Hove should worry less about Jeremy falling in with the wrong sort of classmate, and more about him falling in with the wrong sort of teacher.

英国《金融时报》专栏作家蒂姆•哈福德(Tim Harford)
2007年4月18日 星期三


一些家长对此怒不可遏是可以理解的:他们为服务付费(尽管是通过间接的方式),却突然发现这种服务要以类似抓阄的方法来进行分配。他们房子可能将失去价值。或许小杰里米(Little Jeremy)甚至根本就没法去那所很好的学校读书了。但与全国各地的家长一样,布赖顿市那些失去择校权利的家长们也担心同样一个问题:如果学校允许过多的“坏”孩子入校,那么小杰里米的成绩将受到影响。

家长们担心的问题,正是经济学家所说的“同伴效应”(peer effect)。同伴效应是当你整天与一个坏同伴待在一起时所出现的结果。不过,表明这种效应存在的证据,不像英国家长们所想象的那么多。

难点正在于此。如果杰里米整天与“好”孩子一起玩,他的行为举止就会好,为什么呢?显而易见的解释是,他之所以表现好,是因为他的同伴对他产生了积极的影响,但这就好像假设他选择那些同伴,或是使那些同伴被选中,是因为他也是一个“好”孩子,这两种假设都同样可信。约翰•特里(John Terry)球踢得很棒,是因为他周围都是优秀球员,还是他身边都是优秀球员,是因为他足球踢得棒呢?

聪明的研究者能够理清其中一些效应。经济学家布鲁斯•萨塞尔多特(Bruce Sacerdote)曾使用与医学研究者用于检验某种头痛新疗法同样的方法:随机测试。他发现,达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)学生的室友基本上是随机分配的。学院使用的一些选择依据是性别、是否吸烟、作息时间——但多数情况下,宿舍分配是抽签的结果。

萨塞尔多特发现一种温和的(从统计数据上看是明显的)同伴效应。如果分配的室友平均积分点(GPA)比你高,那么你自己的成绩会有所提高。如果你室友的 GPA成绩位于分布图顶端,你的成绩往往会比平均水平大约高5%。如果他们的成绩比平均水平低20%,那么你的成绩会比平均水平低1%。萨塞尔多特并不清楚其中的原因,但鉴于学生无权选择室友,因此这肯定是一种真正的同伴效应。

不过,多数有关同伴效应的研究并不是非常细致。托马斯•内希巴 (Thomas Nechyba)和杰克•维格多(Jake Vigdor)对美国北卡罗莱纳州的公立学校进行研究,在此基础上撰写了一篇颇有见地的论文,其中他们着重强调了这些疏忽之处。他们提出了一些表明同伴效应的、表面上看似很有力的证据,但随后他们证明,这些明显的效应甚至在同伴出现之前就在起作用了。换言之,通过观察杰里米五年级的同学,你可以推断出杰里米与四年级其他同学在一起的表现。同样,约翰•特里队友的水准,表明特里在加入切尔西俱乐部(Chelsea)之前,就已经是一名出色的球员。


Monday, April 16, 2007
  In the shadow of greatness
Mrs. Moneypenny (mrsmoneypenny@ft.com)
Monday, April 6, 2007, FT

The City of London is the ultimate bastion of communism. That was the view expressed by Anthony Hilton, veteran financial commentator, at a breakfast I attended the other day. The reason? Workers, rather than the owners of capital, command the biggest share of the profits. He was referring to the gargantuan bonuses distributed across the investment banking industry in the Square Mile, but it could equally apply to Wall Street. In what other industry do shareholders patiently stand by, accepting scraps from the table, while profits are looted by the staff?

No wonder competition to secure a job in investment banking is so intense. It’s not enough to be graduating from Oxford or Cambridge with a first class degree and to speak four languages. I am told by several banks that one of the ways they whittle down thousands of applicants to the 200-300 that they interview each year is by looking for relevant work experience, or internships.

Proper internships are paid (or unpaid) temporary positions in companies, taken up by young people still in education. These are best done in large companies that can spare the time and resources needed to invest in the intern and which intend to benefit from a decent length of service from them. There is no tradition of internships in the UK. Instead, by the time I left university I had had several jobs, starting at 15 washing up in a pub. One summer was spent at Gatwick airport in a bright red uniform ushering drunken passengers on to charter planes, but it is hard to see how that prepared me for a career in capital markets. Equally, working in a ski resort taught me how to feed 20 people on ₤10 a day, but that was not a skill that I needed in the City.

In the US and continental Europe, by contrast, the tradition of the intern is well established. Students apply to competitive schemes and spend their summer holidays working to improve their job prospects. Many of them will do several internships. Young people in the Netherlands and Germany in particular seem to be in danger of becoming grandparents before they get an undergraduate degree as they procrastinate through endless internships.

In the UK, we have our own way of doing things. The term ”work experience” is one I dread hearing. Work experience is when someone asks to foist their 16-year-old child on to you for a week or two so that he or she can get an idea of their career options. Some schools even make it part of their syllabus. Last summer my company agreed to take on two such young people, for the usual appalling reason that their parents were well known to us and therefore had undue influence. This took up a massive amount of time, not least because their schools sent inspectors to check out our offices and our adherence to health and safety rules.

The girls themselves were delightful, but that isn’t the point. Would we have taken them on were they not the children of people we knew? Of course not. The exercise took up valuable resources with no obvious gain to our business other than two sets of hugely grateful parents. And of course, this system isn’t limited to school-age children. We are also often asked to create holiday jobs for undergraduates and even ”starter” jobs for graduates, many of whom seem, to my horror, not to know what they want to do in life.

I must admit that I too use this system. Cost Centre #1 is 17 and will be applying to university this year. His CV will list several work experience stints at various big companies. But I wish there were a different way to help our children start their careers.

As a reasonably solvent parent, I would even be prepared to pay to get CC#1 the relevant work experience he needs. I know that there will be those up in arms about this idea, that it would favour the rich over the poor. But how is it different from his experience so far? I have paid for his education, so why not pay for work experience too? If you are going to give a child an advantage, why not go all the way? Surely that is better than begging favours?

I have decided to start a company that exists purely to deliver work experience to undecided graduates. I plan to staff it with new graduates who need both career advice and a starter job. We will limit their contracts to three months, long enough to get something sensible on to their CV and to be able to give them a reference. And we will charge their parents for taking them on. Capitalism at its worst? Yes. But it is only an extension of what goes on already. And who knows, a few of our ”interns” might even make it into the Square Mile, where they too can embrace communism by looting shareholder returns by way of bonuses. They will earn enough to send their children to private school - and so begins the cycle all over again.
英国《金融时报》专栏作家钱眼太太(Mrs. Moneypenny)
2007年4月16日 星期一

伦敦金融城是共产主义最后的堡垒。这是资深金融评论员安东尼•希尔顿(Anthony Hilton)前几天与我共进早餐时发表的观点。原因何在?因为工人、而不是资本所有者,掌握了最大的一部分利润。他指的是金融城投资银行业分发的巨额奖金,不过,这话同样也适用于美国华尔街。还有什么其它行业能让股东耐心地袖手旁观,甘心接受桌上的残羹剩饭,而利润却被员工抢夺一空呢?










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