Wednesday, November 28, 2007
  Australia's new PM is old Asia hand
By Andrew Symon, Asia Times Online
Nov 27, 2007

SINGAPORE - Perceptions can play an important role in shaping international relations and here Australia's prime minister-elect, Kevin Rudd, will take office with some advantages, especially in Asia.

As a fluent Mandarin speaker - the only Western leader of government now or ever, at least in contemporary times, with this ability - the one time diplomat will clearly be able to gain Beijing's interest and attention. This must carry benefits in diplomatic, security and trade negotiations when leaders meet on a bilateral basis or in multilateral forums.

Already this has been demonstrated at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders' meeting in Sydney in September. As parliamentary leader of the federal Australian Labor Party, then the main opposition party, the 50-year-old Rudd joined Prime Minister John Howard in welcoming Chinese President Hu Jintao to Australia. Rudd broke into Mandarin after a brief introduction in English, upstaging Howard. Rudd later had a 30-minute meeting with Hu without resort to interpreters. And during the recent election campaign he was interviewed by Chinese television in Mandarin several times.

Appearances and style do count. While a Rudd Labor government will not depart radically from the foreign and security policies of Howard's conservative Liberal-National Party government, the relationship with the US and the Bush administration will not be the sort of lock-step affair that characterized ties between Canberra and Washington under Howard.

Rudd will demonstrate to Asia that his government is more independent of Washington through his commitment to withdraw combat troops from Iraq and sign the Kyoto Accord on reducing the growth of greenhouse gas emissions and combating global warming. Australia will remain a loyal ally of the US but Rudd should torpedo the view of some in Asia of Canberra having a subservient relationship with Washington.

At the same time, Rudd has repeatedly affirmed that the US alliance, under the broad framework of the 1951 Australia-New Zealand-United States Security Treaty (ANZUS), will continue to be a cornerstone of Australian foreign and defense policies. The US military will continue to maintain important communications centers in the US satellite defense system and Australia will host joint and multi-country military operations with the US. Late on Saturday, with Labor’s success in the election secured, Rudd spoke with President Bush and plans to visit Washington early next year.

Australia will remain a loyal, although more independent ally of the US. This has been very much the usual Labor Party position in government despite left-wing elements in the party opposed to the US alliance. The troop withdrawal is more symbolic, with Australia having only 550 combat soldiers in Iraq and Rudd saying Australia will continue to provide aid for Iraqi reconstruction. But these initial measures over Kyoto and Iraq are important and will be seen by Asian governments and public opinion as marking a new era for Australia on the regional and international stages.

Already, Indonesia's President Bambang Yudohoyono has invited Rudd to attend the key United Nations meeting in Bali in December to determine a successor framework to the Kyoto Accord when that expires in 2012, while Malaysia's leader, Abdullah Badawi, says Rudd's Iraq plan will "improve the country's international standing".

Australia under Labor will put more emphasis on pursuing Australian objectives through multilateral diplomacy in the UN and regional forums as against the more bilateral style of Howard's government and in particular its very heavy weighting on close alignment with the US position. It was the lack of UN support for the US's Iraq invasion in 2003 that is the reason for Labor's opposition to Australian troop deployment, in contrast to Labor's support for the first Gulf War in 1990-91 when in government under Bob Hawke, and Labor's support for the UN sanctioned military invasion in 2001 against the al-Qaeda- supporting Taliban regime in Afghanistan after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the US.

Indeed, there are suggestions that Australia will increase its forces in Afghanistan as it withdraws from Iraq. Rudd in fact may find that Afghanistan becomes an early concern as the apparent strengthening of Taliban forces point to a long struggle ahead. And the situation there has started to come into sharper focus for the Australian public with four soldiers killed in fighting in the last few months.

Looking ahead at US-Australia relations, should the Democrats take the presidency in the US in 2008, which seems very likely, then almost certainly Canberra, under the moderately left of center Labor government, and Washington will see eye to eye on the importance of a multilateral system, the Middle East, Iraq, Kyoto, global warming and many other issues

In Australia's relations with Asia, there will be many continuities with the outgoing John Howard government, with Rudd's government building further on work done over the last 11 years.

Howard was perhaps unfairly seen in Asia, especially in his earlier years as prime minister, as being not particularly comfortable in Asia and in some ways more of a 1950s and '60s man, preferring an old-fashioned Australia tied closely to Britain.

Yet many overlook the fact that Howard presided over an unprecedented strengthening of Australia's economic links with China, driven especially by exports of Australian mineral, energy and agricultural commodities and increasing Chinese investment in Australia. There has also been remarkable growth in the numbers of immigrants from China settling in Australia as well as growth in students studying and tourists visiting down under.

Under his watch, China's Hu addressed the Australian Parliament in October 2003, the first time this was done by any Asian leader, a day after the address by George W Bush. Negotiations for a free trade or preferential trade agreement with China were also begun, following the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement signed in 2004.

The Howard government also differentiated - although probably regretting that it did so publicly - Australia's policy over Taiwan from that of the US. In August 2004, then foreign minister Alexander Downer during a visit to Beijing said that under the ANZUS Treaty, Australia was not automatically committed to provide military support to the US in any Taiwan Strait crisis.

This is true as the treaty in fact is short and quite general although Australia is still obligated under the treaty to act diplomatically with the US in such a situation. Rudd, then shadow foreign minister, more carefully stated that Australia’s interest was to see the use of peaceful means to deal with tensions and that Australia was not obliged to say what it would or would not do in the event of a crisis in the Taiwan Strait.

As far as Southeast Asia is concerned, Howard also sought to strengthen relations after a fairly passive start. Relations with Indonesia, especially, plummeted as a result of Australia's military support for East Timor's independence as the head of the UN force sent in 1999 to pacify the country after Indonesian military inspired militias went on a rampage. Here the US alliance was important as Washington pressured Jakarta to "invite" the UN to send the force, although the US did not contribute American troops.

Relations though have been rebuilt with Jakarta, as symbolized by Howard's effort to attend Yudhoyono's inauguration in August 2004, the only leader outside the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to do so. Underlining further the effort that Howard's government has put into Indonesia-Australia relations is the new and broad security pact signed between the two countries in November 2006, replacing a 1995 agreement that was jettisoned by Jakarta during the Timor crisis.

As far as Southeast Asia and Asean as a whole are concerned, again the Howard government can boast of real advances. Australia is pursuing a free trade agreement with ASEAN and on the diplomatic and security front has signed the 1976 ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, after some concern that it might cut against ANZUS, so that Australia could become a founding member of the East Asia summit, first held in Kuala Lumpur in December 2005, joining the 10 ASEAN countries, Japan, China, South Korea, India and New Zealand.

Despite all this, Australia's relations with Asia have probably been hurt by measures Howard took in response to Islamic extremism and terrorism internationally and the possible threat to Australia domestically, especially in the wake of the Bali bombings in October 2002.

The specter of Islamic terrorism within Australia has led to an alarming degree of xenophobia. As many leading figures - from former conservative prime minister Malcolm Fraser to former Labor prime minister Paul Keating - warn, Bali has encouraged a climate of suspicion, insularity and narrow nationalism, seriously eroding the strong multicultural and multiracial policies and attitudes that had developed under both conservative and Labor governments since the 1970s.

Severe new security laws have been established, there has been often heavy-handed detention of illegal immigrants from the Middle East, an "Australian knowledge and values" test has been established that immigrants must pass before gaining Australian citizenship, and there have been some nasty cases of street abuse and racism towards Australians of Middle Eastern and also African background.

All this has reinforced the still sometimes strong view among people in Asia that Australia is still beset by racism. So a critical task of the Rudd government will be to re-cast and re-assert a non-discriminatory and "fair go" Australia. This will in turn enhance Australia's moral capital and "soft power" in regional and international forums.

To this end, what also will not have escaped notice in Asia is the fact that Rudd's daughter, Jessica, recently married an Australian of Chinese background. In election night celebrations on Saturday in Brisbane they were both on stage and under the spotlight with the rest of the immediate Rudd family. While interracial marriages are hardly a big deal in Australia - and of course there are plenty in Asia, Europe and North America - it does help to promote Australia as the open, tolerant and inclusive country that Rudd has declared is his objective to strengthen.

Andrew Symon is a Singapore-based journalist and analyst. In Australia he worked in the Senate of the national Parliament and as a ministerial speech writer in the 1980s. He has been working in Southeast Asia since 1992. Andrew.symon@yahoo.com.sdg

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撰文 Andrew Symon. 亞洲時報
2007/11/27, 週二

新加坡---在塑造國際關係時,感知可以發揮重要作用,澳洲當選總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd)就任後在這方面具有一些優勢,特別是在亞洲。


去年9月在悉尼舉行的亞太經濟合作組織峰會已顯示了這一點。當時作為澳洲主要反對黨工黨在議會的領導人,50歲的陸克文與總理霍華德(John Howard)一道歡迎到訪的中國主席胡錦濤。陸克文在用英文做一番簡單的介紹後,用國語會談,搶走了霍華德的鏡頭。後來他還在沒有翻譯的情況下與胡錦濤舉行了30分鐘會談。不久前在競選運動期間,他有幾次接受中國電視臺的漢語採訪。






與霍華德政府的雙邊外交和緊隨美國的政策不同,工黨政府將會更加重視通過聯合國多邊外交和地區論壇實現澳洲的目標。2003年工黨之所以反對澳洲向伊拉克派兵,是因為美國入侵伊拉克沒有得到聯合國的授權。霍克(Bob Hawke)執政時,工黨支持1990-91期間的第一次海灣戰爭。2001年“911恐怖襲擊”發生後,工黨支持聯合國授權對支持基地組織的阿富汗塔利班政權採取行動。







霍華德政府對臺灣的政策與美國的也有所不同-儘管它可能對這種分歧的公開化感到遺憾。2004年8月,時任澳洲外長唐納(Alexander Downer)訪問北京期間說,根據《澳洲、紐西蘭和美國安全條約》,澳洲沒有義務自動向捲入台海危機的美國提供軍事支持。






內部的伊斯蘭恐怖主義幽靈在澳洲內部引發了值得警惕的排外情緒。正如包括保守黨前總理弗萊舍(Malcolm Fraser)和工黨前總理基廷(Paul Keating)在內的許多澳洲領導人所警告的那樣,峇厘島爆炸事件加劇了澳洲內部的疑慮、隔閡以及狹隘的民族主義氣氛,嚴重削弱了自1970年代保守黨和工黨都一直推行的文化和種族多元化政策。




本文作者Andrew Symon是駐新加坡記者和分析家,曾在澳洲國家議會的參議院工作,並作為部長演講撰稿人,自1992年起一直在東南亞工作。


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Friday, November 23, 2007
Vol.29, Thu, 05 Oct, 2006
新世纪周刊 記者/張雄 實習記者/熊巧




  郎朗在香港入境處的那張招牌式的笑臉,第二天便出現在內地各大報紙上。很多人通過這條新聞才知道香港政府的“ 優秀人才入境計劃”(簡稱優才計劃)。

  讓特區政府感到尷尬的是,擁有夢幻般開局的優才計劃並沒有如他們設想中那般順利。從2006年6月推出到今年 10月底,入境事務處只收到1071份申請,最終通過申請的,只有238名。這與特區政府當初“利用該計劃每年引進1 000人”的設想相差甚遠。















  “計劃每年獲批准人數都在遞增,基本上只要提交申請大都可以過。每引入這樣一個人才,就可以給香港社會創造2 .9個就業機會,因為會帶動相關產業的發展。”陳麗君說,這是個很成功的人才引進計劃。

  “嚴格按照工作崗位引進人才計劃有局限性,那就是缺乏靈活性。”香港入境事務處助理處長陳詠梅這樣解釋出台“ 優才計劃”的原因:“有些內地優異人才未必希望在香港找一個固定的工作,很多還可能開公司創業,為此去年我們推出了全新的『優才計劃』,讓內地人才先來港熟悉情況,再決定找什麼工作或者創業,緩衝期可以有一年之久。”













  Currency blocs fall into place

By Andrew Wood in Hong Kong
Published: 22/11/2007

Asian central banks appear to be adopting similar monetary policies in a way that suggests they could be preparing for an eventual currency union for the region, according to Deutsche Bank.

Twelve Asia-Pacific currencies - including the yen, the Korean won, the Indian rupee and the Australian dollar - have increasingly traded as a bloc since 2005, the bank's research has found.

There is an increase in the correlation between the value of Asian currencies as central banks try to keep their export-led economies competitive internationally and also reduce foreign exchange volatility within the region.

This trend is a result of the wider use of trade-weighted currency baskets in India, China, Singapore and Malaysia, the bank says, adding that the patterns show similarities to movements in some European Union currencies in the years before the euro was created in 1999.

"Asia is beginning to look a lot like Europe in the 1980s and the start of the 1990s," said Martin Hohensee, Asian head of fixed income and credit research, who led the analysis.

"Policymakers and politicians are talking seriously about the possibility of Asian currency union, even if there isn't a single currency," he told the Financial Times in an interview.

Asia has a thickening network of free-trade agreements, creating conditions similar to Europe's single market that paved the way for the euro. "Intraregional trade within Asia accounts for a similar share of total trade as was the case in Europe in 1992," he said. The Asian Development bank has outlined plans for a possible Asian Currency Unit, similar to the European Currency Unit that preceded the euro.

But Mr Hohensee said that, unlike in Europe, there is much less political will for integration. Nevertheless, this week leaders of the 10 members of the Association of South-east Asian Nations agreed to remove trade barriers by 2015 to create a European Union-style economic community.

"What seems to be happening in Asia is an economic process that might become a political one," Mr Hohensee said.

He did not think Asian central banks were deliberately colluding in setting monetary policy, but that informal co-operation would grow naturally. "I think every time central banks get together and talk they realise that volatility is in no one's interest," he said.

Deutsche Bank says the trend offers investors the chance to use similar strategies to those popular in the run-up to the euro, by betting that interest rates for high-yielding currencies will converge to the regional average. "This informal kind of monetary union by stealth is throwing up good investment opportunities," Mr Hohensee said.

The bank is launching two Asian Convergence indices to track the trend. One is based on the nine non-Japanese regional currencies most likely to take part in any Asian currency union, and another broader index which includes the yen and the Australian dollar, as both countries are likely to be affected by any Asian regional currency policy.

Patterns begin to emerge

The chart shows the correlation between individual Asian currencies against the dollar and a basket of those currencies from 2000.

Of the 10 currencies measured by Deutsche Bank, eight have shown increased correlations since 2005 than the previous five years. Five have shown correlations of greater than 90 per cent since 2005: the Chinese renminbi, the Malaysian ringgit, the Philippine peso, the Singapore dollar (which has jumped from 10 per cent since 2005) and the Thai baht. The yen and the Taiwan dollar's correlation to other currencies have turned negative since 2005, however.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007
作者:英国《金融时报》安德鲁•伍德(Andrew Wood)香港报道
2007年11月23日 星期五

德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)表示,亚洲各国央行似乎正在采用类似的货币政策,这一情况表明,它们可能正在为最终建立一个亚洲地区货币联盟进行准备。




负责此次研究的德意志银行固定收益及信贷研究部门亚洲主管马丁•霍恩泽(Martin Hohensee)表示:“亚洲正开始看起来与上世纪80年代、90年代初的欧洲很相似。”


亚洲拥有一个日益密集的自由贸易协议网络,创造的市场环境类似于当初为欧元面世铺平道路的欧洲单一市场。他表示:“亚洲地区内部贸易占整体贸易的份额,与 1992年欧洲的情况颇为相似。”亚洲开发银行(ADB)已经为可能面世的亚洲货币单位(Asian Currency Unit)制定了计划。这与欧元推出前的欧洲货币单位(European Currency Unit)非常相似。

但霍恩泽表示,与欧洲不同,亚洲在货币一体化方面的政治意愿不太强。不过,东盟(ASEAN) 10国的领导人本周已达成共识,在2015年前消除贸易壁垒,以创建一个类似欧盟那样的经济共同体。




该行正推出两项亚洲趋同指数(Asian Convergence indices),以跟踪这一趋势。其中一项指数基于日元之外的9种最可能加入亚洲货币联盟的亚洲地区货币,而另一项涵盖更广的指数则纳入了日元和澳元,因为这两个国家可能会受到亚洲地区货币政策的影响。

  Hong Kong's peg delivers disparity

By Mark Konyn
Published: November 19 2007

Most years my Hong Kong sales colleagues take a long weekend at an offsite to build their strategy for the coming 12 months. On the past few occasions they have made the hour-long flight to China's tropical paradise, otherwise known as Hainan Island. In years gone by it was infamous for smuggling contraband, but has since been transformed into China's spa capital made famous through hosting the Miss World beauty pageant.

Loaded with wads of Hong Kong dollars, my colleagues landed to discover that, in contrast to previous visits, their once prized dollar was no longer the currency of choice. In fact restaurateurs and shopkeepers alike refused to take the pegged and internationally traded currency in preference to their own strengthening renminbi. How times have changed.

The Hong Kong dollar has followed the decline of the US dollar as a result of the currency peg that has been in place since 1983. In recent months international funds have flowed into Hong Kong's financial system both to participate in IPOs and also to buy up mainland companies already listed in Hong Kong.

Investors have continued to speculate on the expected valuation convergence between the shares of mainland companies listed in Hong Kong and their counterparts listed in China. As a result of these inflows, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has acted to sell the Hong Kong dollar to maintain the exchange rate within its stated range. The most recently reported amount of selling was for HK$7.8bn (US$1bn, €680m, £488m) at the end of October. Comparisons have been made to 1998 when the then financial secretary and now chief executive of Hong Kong, Donald Tsang, spent $15bn to protect the peg and drive away speculators betting on a devaluation. However circumstances are radically different now and the HKMA is in a strong position to maintain stability.

Dollar weakness and significant international fund flows have been coincident with speculation of a possible stock through train that will allow mainland investors direct access to Hong Kong-listed companies. Much of the Hong Kong stock market's spectacular performance from the early days of August has been due to this speculation with the market rising by over 50 per cent at its peak since then.

However it is not just speculation and possible valuation convergence that is driving asset prices in Hong Kong. The discipline of the peg effectively cedes monetary policy to the US Federal Reserve. As such, local banks have little choice but to slavishly follow US interest rate movements. At times in the past this has imposed either a too austere or too liberal policy on the Hong Kong economy since it is not always perfectly synchronised with the US economy.

In the current cycle, the Hong Kong economy is more influenced by developments on the mainland where the economy is growing at a rapid 11 per cent this year at a time when the US economy is slowing. With inflation beginning to pick up, savers are likely to face the prospect of negative real interest rates again. Compounded by the weaker currency, this means that local assets are looking cheaper from an international perspective, and local savers are likely to be motivated to move their money out of deposit accounts. Typically in the past similar circumstances have been the cause of major stock market revaluation and rampant speculation in the property markets. Both are now on the verge of repeating historical patterns.

Recent investor doubts caused by the losses in the US financial sector and fears of a US slowdown have cautioned some investors, although the staggering interest in the November launch of China's e-commerce portal, Alibaba, indicates that the appetite to invest and speculate remains strong. This IPO raised $1.5bn on its Hong Kong debut and delivered an opening day profit of nearly 200 per cent. Chinese companies have raised $20bn on the Hong Kong stock exchange this year.

It seems as we approach the final stages of this year, global economic issues, uncertainty about the timing of the through train, and falls in China's A share market have combined to impede the progress of the Hong Kong market.

However with real economic growth at 11 per cent on the mainland and inflation at over 6 per cent, mainland companies should deliver a comfortable average 25 per cent earnings growth over the next 12 months, with many doing better. Convergence between the valuation of Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies and those listed in China will continue at a time when external factors, namely the weaker dollar and rising inflation, will provide another reason for asset prices to inflate further.

Whilst my sales colleagues have suffered a loss of face realising that their currency is no longer dominant in southern China, they have, no doubt, more than hedged their position through investment in the local property and stock markets.

Mark Konyn is the chief executive of RCM Asia Pacific


作者:康礼贤(Mark Konyn)为英国《金融时报》撰稿
2007年11月23日 星期五

多年来,我在香港销售部门的同事都会利用长周末前往别处,制定他们未来12个月的战略。曾经有几次,他们乘坐1小时飞机到中国的热带天堂——海南岛。前些年,海南曾因走私交易声名狼藉,但后来转而成为中国的温泉疗养胜地,并因举办世界小姐(Miss World)选美大赛而闻名于世。



投资者持续投机于在港上市的内地公司股票(H股)及其在内地上市的A股之间预期将出现的估值趋同。由于这些内流资金,香港金融管理局(Hong Kong Monetary Authority)已采取行动,卖出港元以便将汇率保持在规定区间之内。最近报道的卖出港元行动,是10月底的78亿港元(合10亿美元)。外界将目前的情况与1998年进行了比较,当时的财政司司长、现任香港特首曾荫权(Donald Tsang)投入150亿美元以维护钉住汇率机制,并驱离押注于港元贬值的投机者。然而,如今的情形与当年有着根本的不同,在维持(汇率)稳定性方面,目前金管局处于强有力的地位。




近来,美国金融领域的损失和对美国经济放缓的担忧,造成了投资者的疑虑,已给一些投资者敲响了警钟。不过,(投资者)对于中国电子商务门户网站阿里巴巴(Alibaba) 11月(在港)上市的惊人兴趣表明,投资及投机的兴趣依然强劲。阿里巴巴此次IPO在港融资15亿美元,首日交易中涨幅近200%。中国公司今年已在香港交易所筹集了200亿美元的资金。




康礼贤是RCM Asia Pacific行政总裁。

2007年11月23日 星期五



海南,5年前或许还是一个不错的目的地,它位于中国大陆南边,和爱尔兰形状相仿,面积13,500平方公里。但现在它已进入了大众视线,尤其是南部三亚度假区优质洁白的沙滩,使它成了新兴旅游度假地。其实它在中国中产和韩国度假者心中已经成了大热门。俄罗斯人是最早开始光顾海南的欧洲游客,后来凡是貌似欧洲人的游客都会听到当地人用俄语对他们说“Thank you”。更坏的消息是,继英国旅游公司之后,欧洲其他旅游机构也相继开出了到海南岛的包机。北京政府也正积极开发海南。去年,北京决定在海南北部某村庄上建一座高尔夫度假村,于是约70,000工人涌入当地,不到一年就完成了这个项目。



海南就好比中国的夏威夷,尤其是三亚。中国游客在沙滩上穿着大同小异的夏威夷 T恤和短裤,在短暂的假期中创造出一种浓厚的夏威夷氛围。观赏十几个人炫耀似地穿着相同的夏威夷风情服装也成了三亚海滩一景。中国人在自己国家的巨变中也变得超乎想象。在三亚的海滩上你会发现沙滩装从金属太空服到中世纪的盔甲无所不有。“看人”,令外国游客兴奋不已,是他们海南之旅的乐趣之一。三亚正变成他们在中国度周末的首选。

三亚周边住宿条件也相当不错,三星级及以上的酒店超过40家。更注重隐私的人还可以选择新开的三亚凯宾斯基饭店(Kempinski),它内部拥有长达2.5千米的私人沙滩;东方文华(Mandarin Oriental)集团也将开发一处僻静的沙滩修养所。同时,亚龙湾国家旅游度假区距离三亚市区只有20分钟的车程,比市区安静多了。金棕榈酒店精心选择了背山临海的位置,不仅可以欣赏典型的热带风光,还会看到身穿夏威夷服装、头戴牛仔帽的饮酒者,以及停泊的海上不远处的中国特有的平底帆船。







像之前说的,三亚还是个新兴旅游地,所以那里的午餐可能有时会有点出人意料。但在中国这样的新兴海滩度假区你还是可以随时发现许多乐趣的,而且目前还不算拥挤,海水看上去也还未被污染。同时你还能在这里住上五星级的酒店,包括喜来登(Sheraton)、皇冠假日(Crowne Plaza)、万豪国际(Marriott)和希尔顿(Hilton)。这里还有很好的高尔夫设施和很棒的美食,不过你最好远离那些专为游客准备的“特价”的奇异海产品(比如什么大海星)。


(本文参考了FT旗下奢侈品杂志《如何消费》(How To Spend It)2007年9月号"Aloha, Hainan"一文。)
  Indians are Bali's new Americans

By Karim Raslan
Published: October 13 2007

There's a large group of Indian couples waiting in the first-class lounge of the Ngurah Rai airport at Denpasar on the island of Bali in Indonesia. The men are casually dressed but smart: slacks, sport-shirts that bulge over the waist and expensive un-scuffed trainers. The wives are immaculately groomed, tossing waves of exquisitely streaked and tousled hair from left to right. They laugh and joke in a mixture of Hindi and English, shouting at the same time into their mobile phones as they talk among themselves.

"Where's the boy?" One swears in Hindi. "I asked for chai. He's forgotten the hot milk."

"Hot milk, please," the man barks before continuing to his friends, "It's the training. Our people used to be just the same until we trained them properly." The Balinese serving staff merely lower their heads and go about their work. The visitors are much larger and noisier than their diminutive, sarong-clad hosts.

Watching the group surreptitiously, I couldn't help but think that their confidence - both cultural and economic- reminded me of another nationality, Americans. Before the invasion of Iraq, some Americans used to stride the globe with a similar attitude even if many travelled with a deep curiosity about the countries they were visiting. As one of my Indian friends explained in her languid, fluent English of this increasingly ubiquitous traveller across south-east Asia, "Darling, we're here now and we're here to stay - it's our very special 'two fingers' to the world."

Similarly, I remember a group of wealthy Indian artists who stayed in a lavish villa above the town of Ubud in central Bali, overlooking a spectacular gorge. Reluctant to stray from their villa and accompanied by their own chef (who'd been specially flown in from Delhi with his supplies of besan , or flour), they spent most mornings not at the temples but devising their menus - kadi and pakoras - before turning to their canvases.

Fifty years ago, long before India was awash in IPOs, outsourcing and cable TV, Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of independent India, was deep in the fraternal embrace of Sukarno, Indonesia's first president, who like Nehru had liberated his country from colonial rule. Nehru memorably described Bali as "the morning of the world". In those days, we were all brothers (and sisters) in poverty. Times have changed.

Still, it's hard to disagree with the Indian prime minister's poetic words - the island's dawn is extraordinarily beautiful. I will always delight in the first streaks of sunlight slicing through the mist across the lawn in front of my house. There's a gentle bustle of activity as Ubud - where I live - comes to life: staff shaking off the sleepiness from the night before as they set to work preparing the morning's temple offerings, the chickens beginning their day-long scramble for food, the dogs stretching, yawning and then flopping down in the direct sunlight, and the gardeners sweeping up the leaves and fallen frangipani flowers.

But Ubud, the princely and artistic enclave high above the traffic jams and honky-tonk of the towns of Kuta and Seminyak and the vast bed-factories of the Nusa Dua peninsula, is an anomaly even within Bali. With its rich volcanic soil, fast- running streams, rice-terraces folded into the landscape and temples and shrines, Ubud remains relatively unchanged, despite the encroachment of yoga centres, spas, villas and luxury hotels. For Ubud has managed its entanglements with modernity better than others, the town's cultural practices fiercely defended in the face of a constant stream of visitors.

Or so it seems, because in the years since the first Bali bomb blast in 2002, the island has experienced a deep economic slump as potential visitors fearful for their security deserted its beaches and temples. During those years, as the Americans, Europeans and Australians retreated to the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and Queensland respectively, other tourists - predominantly Asian - began to make up the shortfall, bringing their own particular demands.

Admittedly visitors from India are still only a small fraction of the island's tourists, trailing the Japanese and Koreans by a long way, but they bring with them a sense of dynamism and raw energy that stands in marked contrast to the self-effacement of the North Asians.

Certainly, Indians can be demanding guests. Yet on Bali, a Hindu island adrift in the world's most populous Muslim nation, the spirit of place exerts itself on the subcontinental sojourners. The warmth of the welcome extended by the Balinese to fellow Hindus despite the many differences in religious practice make the island a very special place for visitors from India.

For Indians going overseas for the first time, Singapore and Dubai with their endless shopping and dining are more attractive destinations. For some Indian tourists the exposure to Bali's village life is too close to home to be enjoyed as a holiday.

But it's reassuring to see even the most hard-nosed of Indian investment bankers and other businessmen donning the ritual sarongs and outfits of the Balinese to follow them in their prayers and ceremonies with palpable excitement.

Indians may well be the "new Americans" but in Bali among fellow Hindus their softer side emerges amid the surprising capacity of the island to adapt to changing forces of global culture, faith and economics.

Karim Raslan is a writer and consultant, who divides his time between Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Ubud and is the author of 'Ceritalah: Malaysia in Transition'

作者:英国《金融时报》撰稿人 卡里姆•拉斯兰(Karim Raslan)
2007年11月23日 星期五

在印尼巴厘岛首府登巴萨的Ngurah Rai国际机场的头等舱休息室里,很多印度夫妇在候机。丈夫们一身休闲打扮,但相当时髦:宽松裤、从腰部以上变宽的运动衫以及昂贵的崭新运动鞋。妻子们修饰的几乎完美,甩动着精心挑染微乱的头发。他们用印地语和英语笑着开玩笑,在互相交谈的同时还大声讲着电话。







50 年前,在印度首次公开发行(IPO)、外包和有线电视大量出现很久以前,独立后的首位印度总理贾瓦哈拉尔•尼赫鲁(Jawaharlal Nehru)给了印尼首位总统苏加诺(Sukarno)一个深深的拥抱,与尼赫鲁一样,苏加诺把印尼从殖民地统治中解放了出来。尼赫鲁形容巴厘岛是“世界的早晨”。在那个年代,我们都是贫穷的兄弟(姐妹)。时代变了。










卡里姆•拉斯兰是作家和咨询顾问,他的一生在吉隆坡、雅加达和乌布度过,是《Ceritalah: Malaysia in Transition》一书的作者。

Thursday, November 15, 2007
撰文 方德豪
2007/11/15, 週四, 亞洲時報










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Friday, November 09, 2007
  It hurts when an Indian bank loan goes bad
By Raja M, Asia Times
Nov 8, 2007

MUMBAI - "They ripped my shirt, shaved my moustache, cut my hair and gave electric shocks on my chest and even spat on my face." CLN Murthy, a scientist with the Hyderabad-based Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, described how debt recovery agents tortured him after he defaulted on a US$25,000 loan from ICICI, India's second-largest bank, with $79 billion in assets.

Such experiences are unfolding in India's tragic version of a looming subprime crisis. Multinational banks and their outsourced loan recovery agents are presently running for cover, following public outrage and dire warnings from law-enforcement agencies, consumer courts and the Reserve Bank of India.

In October, the country's apex Supreme Court scolded banks and financial agencies for hiring goons to recover loans, and declared that banks would be held responsible for the actions of their recovery agents.

Screaming news headlines in recent weeks have whipped up horror after a spate of suicides across the country following humiliating harassment from loan recovery agents of multinational banks, including physical assault, rape and sometimes even beating up folks who didn't take a loan, let alone default on it.

Fed up and goaded by angry consumer rights activists, the Delhi Consumer Commission slapped a $139,000 fine on ICICI bank on Monday after its outsourced recovery agents assaulted Delhi resident Vinod Kumar with iron rods. Kumar was a friend of a car loan taker named Tapan Bose, and happened to be standing near the $11,000 car outside a New Delhi club in January. Kumar had to be hospitalized after the assault.

Calling loan recovery agents "goons, boors, brutal louts and yahoos", the consumer commission's president, Justice J D Kapoor, fumed: "No civilized society governed by the rule of law can brook such kind of conduct." He tore into banks for the "audacity and impunity" with which they have gone about violently recovering loans.

In a conversation with Asia Times Online, Charudatta Deshpande, head of corporate communications, ICICI, surprisingly offered no unconditional regret about the bloody assault in Delhi, but instead accused debtor Bose of demanding $114,000 for an out-of-court settlement after the violent incident. He said the ICICI had terminated the services of the collection agency after the incident.

Deshpande blamed the media for "distorting the picture" and dismissed incidents of harassment inflicted on the bank's customers across the country as "aberrations", with the market-dominant bank "having to make 8 million loan recovery calls a month". So a few lives lost here and there are merely a banking industry version of the sickening "collateral damage" euphemism.

Deshpande even claimed he was unaware of the torture of Hyderabad scientist Murthy, a case reported prominently in the Mumbai newspaper Daily News and Analysis (DNA) on November 2. DNA said that Murthy came to an out-of-court settlement with ICICI.

"We follow a standard and robust process for appointing recovery agencies," Mythili Rao of ICICI informed Asia Times Online. "Their background is thoroughly checked."

This "robust process" cost the life of 38-year-old Prakash Sarvankar in Mumbai, who killed himself and blamed ICICI recovery agents in his suicide note. The bank paid $39,000 as compensation to the victim's family, packaged as fixed deposit and insurance covers.

Deven Bharti, joint commissioner (detection) of the Mumbai Police Crime branch, confirmed to Asia Times Online that it's only the middle-class small loan takers who are subjected to savage loan recovery methods from multinational banks, not big defaulters of million-dollar loans who hide behind the impersonal corporate face.

"We have warned banks to stay within the parameters of the law and the guidelines we have laid down for loan recovery," Bharti glowered, "or we will take action against them."

In September, the anti-extortion cell of the Mumbai Crime Branch arrested Umesh Shetty, the Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) bank manager (loans), in the Dadar branch and two recovery agents of the Sai Siddhi Credit Service in suburban Andheri, booked them on charges of extortion, outraging the modesty of a woman, and criminal intimidation. The trio were remanded in police custody for five days, the first instance of police booking a bank official along with its abusive recovery agents.

According to police in the south Indian city of Hyderabad, nine people, including a woman, have committed suicide in the state of Andhra Pradesh following harassment and humiliation by bank loan recovery agents.

A senior police official told local media that 32 cases of loan harassment have been booked in Hyderabad in 2007 and about 100 cases are pending with the economic offenses wing of the Criminal Investigation Department.

Creating their own subprime crisis, banks such as ICICI, HDFC and other finance agencies currently face an estimated loan exposure of about $11.4 billion, with loan amounts per borrower averaging $254.

"Flush with funds, these banks chase the people most in need of money - the poorer sections - and offer them loans at high interest rates," Kishori Udeshi, chairperson of the Mumbai-based governmental watchdog, Banking Codes and Standards Board of India, told Asia Times Online.

Udeshi, a former deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, with over 35 years of experience in central banking, called this loan baiting "predatory lending".

Other senior finance experts have also lashed out at banks for "irresponsible" lending, creating a situation in which people are harassed both after taking a loan and before it.

The harassment starts with unsolicited telemarketing. Phone calls offering loans have become as much of a nuisance as persistent spam offering to lengthen a certain critical part of the male anatomy.

On Sunday, the New Delhi-based Hindustan Times front-paged a report of harassment from banks offering loans, despite cellphone subscribers signing on to the new nationwide "Do Not Call" registry against unsolicited telemarketing.

Vir Sanghvi, former editor of the Hindustan Times and a popular columnist, threatened to publish mobile phone numbers of senior executives of offending banks and urged telemarketing victims among the 6 million Hindustan Times readers to blanket call bank executives with a vengeance.

Mumbai resident Ralph Pais found a more non-confrontational solution. He politely inquires from telemarketers if he has to repay the loans offered. To the surprised "yes, sir", he responds with, "Then I'm not interested." He says he is left alone after that.

Financially vulnerable families succumb to these loan offers and defaulting on an installment or two could bring their worst nightmares ringing the door bell.

A leading Indian business channel, CNBC-TV18, aired in September what it called "a shocking account of how terrorizing consumers into paying up their dues is a thriving business".

With a spy camera, a CNBC reporter went undercover in a loan recovery agency for an unnamed multinational bank. He found the owner casually starting an interview with a prospective recovery agent by probing his expertise in beating up people. The interview continued pleasantly along such lines with the owner telling the candidate, "I hope you have abused a lot of people."

Banks complain that their recovery agents sometimes also get beaten up when calling to collect dues and banking circles have closed ranks in the backlash of widespread bad publicity. They say "activism" against loan recovery will inspire willful defaulters and damage the bank lending system.

Bankers seem to collectively forget that at issue is not the obvious need to recover loans, but the criminal, insensitive, inhuman manner in which they have set about doing it.

Naina Lal Kidwai, group general manager and chief executive officer of HSBC, India, offered the view that if banks stopped lending to low income groups, then the clients would have to return to money lenders who charge usurious rates of interest.

Traditional Indian moneylenders have a reputation for ruthless exploitation, but as yet they have not been linked to a spate of suicides or using electric shocks, iron rods and abusing women to recover loans. Nor do traditional Indian money lenders harass the working public all day with unsolicited loan offers.

HSBC invited a questionnaire from Asia Times Online, but as of the time of writing it had not responded to a query asking if HSBC had a uniform loan recovery process, or whether it varied across income groups.


撰文 Raja M, 亞洲時報
2007/11/09, 週五

孟買 --- 在海德拉巴市“印度化學技術研究所”工作的科學家默瑟(CLN Murthy),因拖欠了ICICI(印度第二大銀行)2.5萬美元,而被追債人員虐待。他描述他的經歷說:“他們撕爛我的襯衫,剃掉我的鬍子,剪去我的頭髮,然後電擊我的胸部,甚至向我的臉上吐口水。”

這樣的故事,在印度版的次貸危機中非常普遍。事實上,跨國銀行與負責催討欠款公司的追債手法,已經觸犯了眾怒。10月,印度最高法庭批評銀行與金融機構,僱用打手來追討債務,並宣佈銀行需為追債公司的行為負責。在遭到執法部門、消費者法庭和“印度儲備銀行”(Reserve Bank of India)的警告後,它們近日已變得低調起來。


這名無辜人士名叫庫馬爾(Vinod Kumar),他的朋友博斯(Tapan Bose)向銀行貸款買了一輛價值1.1萬美元的轎車。事發當日,剛從俱樂部出來的庫馬爾恰恰站在車旁,遇襲後因傷勢過重而被送往醫院。


消費者委員會主席、法官喀普爾(J D Kapoor)將追債者稱作“暴徒”和“粗人”,還說:“任何文明的法治社會都不會容許如此行徑。”他又批評說,正由於銀行的“厚顏無恥”與“不受處罰”,討債公司才敢如此囂張。

然而,在接受《亞洲時報在線》採訪時,ICICI銀行的企業傳播部負責人戴施潘德(Charudatta Deshpande),並沒有對這一事件感到遺憾。相反,他指出博斯事後企圖向銀行索要11.4萬美元,以達成庭外和解。他說,ICICI已中止了與涉案的討債公司之間的合作關係。



ICICI銀行員工拉奧(Mythili Rao)對《亞洲時報在線》說:“在挑選追債公司時,我們遵循一套嚴格的標準與程序。我們還會仔細調查它們的背景。”

然而,正是這種“嚴格的標準與程序”,在孟買奪去了薩爾萬卡(Prakash Sarvankar)38歲的生命。他在遺書中說,是ICICI的追債人員讓他走投無路,被迫選擇自殺的。為息事寧人,這間銀行不得不以定期存款和保險單的形式,向受害者家庭賠償了3.9萬美元。

孟買警方犯罪科的專員巴爾迪(Deven Bharti)向筆者證實,遭遇跨國銀行暴力追債的,只是些中產階層的小額借貸者,而不是向銀行借了上百萬美元的企業經營者。巴爾迪說:“我們已向銀行提出警告,要求他們在法律與規章範圍內討債。不然,我們將對其採取行動。”

9 月,孟買警方逮捕了房屋開發融資公司(HDFC)在達達爾區的貸款部門經理史迪(Umesh Shetty),以及追債公司Sai Siddhi Credit Service的兩名工作人員,控告他們敲詐勒索、侮辱婦女和刑事恐嚇。三人被警局拘留了五日,成為首宗銀行官員與討債人員同時遭警方控告的案件。



“印度銀行業規範與標準理事會”主席佑德施(Kishori Udeshi)他對筆者說:“鑒於資金充足,這些銀行開始爭奪那些亟需貸款的人群,特別是那些貧困階層,向他們提供高息貸款。”他並將此種貸款圈套稱作 “掠奪性借貸”。他曾在印度儲備銀行擔任副行長,並在央行工作過35年。



《印度斯坦時報》的前編輯、頗受歡迎的專欄作家桑維(Vir Sanghvi)威脅說,將公佈那家銀行所有高管的手機號碼,並呼籲電話推銷的受害者們屆時輪番撥打他們的電話,進行報復。

對付這類電話,孟買人帕斯(Ralph Pais)找到了一個獨到有效的辦法:他很有禮貌地問打來電話的推銷員,他是否需要償還貸款。得到對方詫異的回答—“當然”後,他說“那我就沒有興趣了”。他表示,從此再未受到這類騷擾。


9 月,印度知名的商業頻道CNBC-TV18就“恐嚇消費者還貸如何變成一樁興旺生意”,播出了一個專題節目。一名喬裝的CNBC記者,攜帶著秘密攝像頭,走入了一家與跨國銀行有著合作關係的追債公司。記者發現,老闆在面試求職者時,只關心對方有無打架的專長。末了,老闆還對應聘者說:“我希望你以前‘修理 ’過不少人。”



匯豐銀行印度業務主管基德瓦伊(Naina Lal Kidwai)認為,如果銀行停止向低收入階層放貸,這類客戶可能將不得不去借高利貸。他說,雖然印度高利貸者是出了名的無情,但他們並未捲入用電擊、鐵棍等手段逼債,或造成借貸者自殺的事件;他們也不會頻頻打擾民電話推銷貸款。




Thursday, November 08, 2007
  The wisdom of crowds

By Fiona Harkin
Published: October 20 2007, FT

What is 'crowdsumption' and what effect is it having on the way we shop? Fiona Harkin reports

What happens when the much-vaunted democracy of the internet meets the much-derided elitism of the style set? A new consumer phenomenon, of course. Called "crowdsumption", it is e-commerce based on user recommendation and peer approval. Put another way, it's Facebook for fashion.

This new category of e-commerce, "social shopping", aims to combine two favourite online activities: shopping and social networking In China, a form of crowdsumption called "team-buying", or tuangou, has become a phenomenon, with groups of individuals banding together to barter with a seller and bring prices down. The concept has also gained a foothold in the US, with sites such as NetHaggler enabling individual buyers to group together and force lower prices from a wide range of retailers.

On ThisNext.com, one of a new breed of websites that seeks to connect independent-minded shoppers with hard-to-find products, you can sit back and watch its strangely hypnotic Activity Map, featuring a stream of successive speech bubbles popping up all over the world that offer realtime information on who's looking at what across the globe.

Right now, a visitor from Seoul could be looking at a vintage mink coat as recommended by an opinionated fashion blogger in Los Angeles, while three people add a Juicy Couture JetSet Charm bracelet to their "shopcasts" (a broadcast of their favourite items claiming kinship with a podcast).

The Japanese website Fashion- Walker is an innovative e-commerce/ publishing hybrid marrying a series of high-quality online magazines with easily accessible shopping portals and a series of real-time catwalk shows from which users can instantly buy an outfit. It's not a niche site - monthly sales have hit ¥400m (€2.6m), according to retail research group Japan Consuming - and its sister site, StyleWalker, is riding this success, offering a social networking and shopping service with an avatar facility that allows users to dress a customised digital doll. As for social shopping site Kaboodle.com, it was recently acquired for $30m by the interactive media arm of Hearst, publisher of glossy magazines such as Harper's Bazaar.

"People buy on a discovery basis," says Gordon Gould, cofounder of LA-based ThisNext.

"Most of the time they don't know what they're going to buy when they start looking. Social shopping gives power back to the consumers by recognising that everyone can be a connoisseur and giving them a platform for contribution and discovery." It's the birth of a new "referral economy", according to Dawn Bebe, managing director of Osoyou.com, a UK social shopping site for women. Bebe calls Osoyou a "beautiful, upscale" platform similar to printed magazines such as Grazia and Elle.

Osoyou doesn't sell products, but its unique selling point is that users can create a shopping profile and bookmark their favourite items into a digital wardrobe to be shared with friends, while reading blogs and checking out other users' recommendations.

Bebe has minted another catchy term for this - "me-tail".

"It's a hybrid between media and retail, which also neatly encapsulates the Me Plc phenomenon," she explains, referring to the net narcissism spawned by the Web 2.0 generation of everyman blogs and websites.

ThisNext's Gould adds: "For brands, tapping into the social web will become far more relevant than advertising online and through search engines, which don't provide the emotional and visual platform that social shopping does." Bebe is confident the luxury sector shouldn't be alienated and that social shopping has an important role to play in the industry. "Many brands are nervous of online as a retail outlet but they can't duck out of the web," she says, noting that many luxury good companies have one thing in common: online is their fastest growing retail channel.

Emily Ling, sales manager at 20ltd.com, a luxury goods site selling limited edition pieces (a Hellcat motorbike recently sold for £40,000) says: "Luxury companies are realising that e-commerce is fundamental to growing their business in that at least 90 per cent of their clientele or potential clientele uses the internet on a daily basis. They do not necessarily have time to shop." Ling adds that the ability to browse is key: "The internet offers the consumer an opportunity to search and choose the product at their own leisure - time being the ultimate luxury - and through this, fancy e-tailing has boomed, as, naturally, the consumer wants what he sees.

Shopping in this fashion is set to evolve even more in the future." Peer recommendation and consumers who want what they see others are buying online could well influence this evolution.

"Brands know that word of mouth is the best way to generate interest and the image conscious brands should seek out those social shoppers who can be their best brand evangelists," says Gould. Don't think of it as following the herd, think of it as the wisdom of the masses.

Cool-hunters stalk the net

Every styleconscious consumer can now be a coolhunting fashion editor, thanks to the internet. At Buyma, a Japanese site similar to eBay, individuals become trendsetters by buying hip products and hardtofind fashion to sell on. They are rated not on reliability but on how hip their offering is. Fashionsavvy web surfers have a bookmark folder full of fashion blogs packed with refreshing opinions and cult followings, while style stars are hooking up on fashion networking site Iqons.

The internet also allows instant access to the seasonal catwalk shows via public access sites.

The catwalks are traditionally a chance for editors to preview trends six months ahead of the season and to plan how best to present these to the consumer.

but all that began to change in 1999 when Anna Wintour, editor of American Vogue, sent a letter to the big international designers, notifying them that images from their catwalk shows would be appearing on sister site Style.com.

The democratisation of fashion has reached its pinnacle on the net, the street has become the new catwalk, and everyone can see what the world is wearing.

Beautifully shot photos on The Sartorialist capture the impeccably dressed; StreetPeeper logs the coolest global looks; and FaceHunter admits only the hip, quirky or beautiful. Having a good hair day? Post a shot of yourself on StyleMob or ShareYourLook and see if the world agrees. Falling head over heels with your new shoes? Spread the love on StyleHive or StyleFeeder. With its "Shop, Watch and Share" layout, Condé Nast is ahead of the rest with ShopVogue.TV, launched in collaboration with Vogue's US edition in September. It offers snappy video content and encourages viewers to "Share your Style" by uploading photos of their favourite outfits or items.

For those unsure about where to start tracking the latest trends online, head to UglyOutfitsNYC, a fantastically cruel yet compulsively addictive stream of street shots detailing exactly what not to wear.

Selected sites:
作者:英国《金融时报》撰稿人菲奥娜•哈金(Fiona Harkin)
2007年11月8日 星期四



ThisNext.com 是新型网站中的一个,它试图将思想独立的购物者与难找的产品联系起来,在这里你可以放松身心,看着它怪异而有些催眠的活动地图(Activity Map),上面显示着一连串连续的对话泡泡,从世界各地弹出来,提供实时信息,告诉你世界各地的谁都看些什么。现在,首尔的访客可能在看着洛杉矶固执己见的时尚博客推荐的老式貂皮大衣,同时还有三个人把Juicy Couture的JetSet Charm手镯加入了他们的“店播”(广播他们喜爱的、并宣称与某播客有关联的物品)。

日本网站FashionWalker是个富有创意的电子商务/出版混合网站,它把一系列高质量的在线杂志、易于访问的购物门户网,以及用户可以即刻购买服装的一系列实时模特走秀整合在了一起。它不是利基网站——据零售研究集团Japan Consuming表示,其月销售额已经达4亿日元(合260万欧元),它的姐妹网站StyleWalker借其成功顺势推出了社交和购物服务,以及让用户穿上定制数码玩偶的虚拟化身工具。

“人们的购买行为是个发现的过程,”总部位于洛杉矶的ThisNext的共同创始人戈登•古尔德 (Gordon Gould)表示。“大多时候,人们一开始看时并不知道自己想要买什么。社交购物将权力交回给了消费者,因为它承认每个人都能成为鉴赏家,并给他们提供了做出贡献和发现的平台。”

据英国女性社交购物网Osoyou.com董事总经理多恩•贝贝(Dawn Bebe)称,这是全新“推举经济”的诞生。Bebe将Osoyou称为“漂亮、高档次的”平台,类似于《Grazia》和《Elle》等平面杂志。 Osoyou不卖产品,但其独特的卖点在于,用户可以创建购物简介,把他们喜爱的物品打上标签,放入数码衣柜与朋友分享,同时还可以阅读博客并查看其他用户的推荐。贝贝为此制造了另一个朗朗上口的新词——“媒售”。

“这是媒体和零售的结合,还巧妙地融入了‘自我公司'现象,”她解释道,她指的是普通人博客和网站的Web 2.0一代造就的网络自恋。



销售限量版商品(一辆Hellcat摩托车最近卖了4万英镑)的20ltd.com经理爱米莉•林(Emily Ling)表示:“奢侈品公司意识到,电子商务对发展业务十分重要,因为他们至少90%的客户或潜在客户每天都使用互联网。他们未必有时间购物。”





Friday, November 02, 2007
  Hayden Panettiere, Fishermen in Violent Sea Confrontation Over Dolphins' Slaughter
Thursday, November 01, 2007, FOX News

Actress Hayden Panettiere has been involved in a violent confrontation with Japanese fishermen as she tried to disrupt their annual dolphin slaughter.

The 18-year-old star of the TV blockbuster "Heroes" paddled out on a surfboard in an attempt to reach a pod of dolphins to stop them from being driven into a nearby cove and killed.

But the six surfers, from Australia and the United States, were intercepted by a fishing boat before they could reach the dolphins.

The fishermen used the boat's propellers to block their way and at one point struck out with a boathook.

It was an ugly and potentially life-threatening confrontation that lasted more than 10 minutes before the surfers were forced to return to the beach.

It is believed that the dolphins were later taken into the cove and killed.

Panettiere, who is a keen surfer and a committed marine conservationist and supporter of the campaign to save the Japan dolphins, said: "It was really frightening.

"Some of us were hit by the boathook. But in the end all we really worried about was the dolphins.

"It was so incredibly sad. We were so close to them and they were sky hopping, jumping out of the water to see us."

Breaking down in tears, she added: "One little baby dolphin stuck his head out and kinda looked at me and the thought that it's no longer with us is really hard to take."

The surfers drove straight to Osaka airport and left the country to avoid arrest by the Japanese national police.

All would have been charged with trespass, but Panettiere is now back in Los Angeles.

More than 22,000 dolphins are slaughtered by fishermen in Japan every year. The hunt continues despite worldwide condemnation.

In Taijie, more than 2,000 mammals are slaughtered in the season.

Many Japanese believe dolphins should be treated like fish. They have been hunting dolphins for centuries and see any criticism of this as an attack on their culture.

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