Wednesday, April 23, 2008
FT读者:Liu Yang
2008年4月23日 星期三






在70 年代末我的童年时期,父母亲实在是找不到更好的培养我特长的方式,因为很多大门都是只对着朝鲜族学生敞开着的,少年宫里不收汉族学生,那时又没有钱请家教,孩子几乎是没有机会受到什么特长培训的。父亲说朝鲜不会永远这么穷下去,也许等你长大了朝鲜统一了,强大了会请你去做重要职务,比如给领导当当翻译什么的。于是我就被送到了朝鲜族小学。







我们(朝鲜族,汉族和其他民族)住在同一个城市,呼吸着同一样的空气,看的是一样的报纸,听到的是一样的言论,思想上却不能互相融入自己的生活。比如说我的父母亲戚会不停地告诫我,不要领一个朝鲜族人做老公,你只是去学语言,不是要变成他们,比如说朝鲜族的父母亲会告诫他们的儿子离我远点,千万不能领回来一个汉族母老虎,以后你连饭都吃不上…… 还有汉族人说你长得气质都像汉族,就是夸你漂亮,如果换了朝鲜族说你怎么跟汉族人似的,就是在损你。





Wednesday, April 16, 2008
作者Francesco Sisci是意大利《新聞報》(La Stampa)的駐京編緝。
2008/04/16, 週三

北京 --- 懷著最好的動機去翻看歷史,我們很難為西藏找到證明或反駁它與北京關係的證據。然而,被中國當作意識形態工具使用了幾個世紀後,歷史已無法繼續為今日的問題提供幫助。











2,蒙古人通過支持不同派系,介入了西藏的權力鬥爭,但是這種行為有沒有上升為直接對西藏的統治和管理,還存在爭議。美國漢學家白慕堂(Thomas Bartlett)如此總結:“蒙古人的元朝僅通過藏族宗教領袖之手來施加對西藏的統治,並沒有征服、佔領或統治西藏。”




一些史料認為,清朝對西藏的吞併始於此時。不過,這實屬誇張。滿族人竭力希望在西藏建立以達賴喇嘛為首的傀儡政權;1721年,康熙在一份聖旨中稱西藏已被滿族統治80年,並打算用更嚴厲的文字寫明二者的關係。藏人表示,應繼續延續傳統的“施主與喇嘛”關係,即不認為康熙與達賴喇嘛的關係為“君臣關係”。 美國漢學家牟複禮(Frederick W. Mote)在《900—1800年之中華帝國》(哈佛大學出版社1999年出版)寫道:從當地管理來看,西藏仍獨立於清朝;身為領導者的喇嘛們並未得到除此之外的任何政治利益。


美國的中國歷史學家彼得•普度(Peter C. Perdue)在新著《中國挺進西---大清對歐亞中心的征服》(China Marches West, The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia,哈佛大學出版社2005年出版)寫道:“西藏發生內亂,令雍正皇帝下定決心,派兵進藏。1720年,清兵在康熙的命令下已進駐拉薩,趕走了准葛爾人,並成立了軍政府,還受到了當地百姓的歡迎。被准葛爾人佔據的布達拉宮,重新回到了達賴喇嘛的手中。佔領者的官邸均被拆毀,而年僅12歲的七世達賴則淪為了西藏貴族們統治的傀儡。兩位最有權力的人是西藏西部噶倫瑣南多結(Sonam Stobgyal),又名頗羅鼐(Polhanas),和康濟鼐。二人曾率眾抵抗准葛爾人的統治;三位清兵官員連同三千人的部隊,一同監督著西藏政府的運作。西藏的局勢並未因此獲得穩定,因為當地統治者仍無法成立一個名至實歸的集權化議會。”










美國藏史研究專家史伯林(Elliot Sperling)的《漢藏衝突的歷史及爭辯》(The Tibet-China Conflict: History and Polemics)一文,被刊登在美國東西方研究中心(EWC)在2004年第七期的《政策研究》(Policy Studies)中。他在文中寫道:














在19 世紀,國體不同且邊境劃分也不同。歐洲國家會以共享的權力與義務來劃分邊境線。若不承認這一政治原則,就有被其他國家吞併的危險。清朝則是個特例。它太強大無法被瓜分,而其遵守的政治原則也與歐洲不同。當時,西方外交官(很多後來變成了歷史學家)嘗試著將中國的政治領土原則翻譯過來;有了這些譯稿,他們便開始順理成章侵佔清朝領土。






























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撰文 羅少蘭
2008/04/16, 週三










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Sunday, April 13, 2008
DWNEWS.COM-- 2008年4月14日












Thursday, April 03, 2008
  Hopes rise for Taiwan-China dialogue
By Kathrin Hille in Taipei
Wednesday Apr 2 2008, FT

Only two weeks after Ma Ying-jeou won Taiwan's presidential election in a landslide, the first signs are emerging that Taiwan and China are edging towards resuming a dialogue that has been suspended for a decade.

Mr Ma this week lauded a remark by Hu Jintao, China's president, that China and Taiwan should restore talks on the basis of an agreement to disagree on sovereignty issues which allowed the two to launch consultations in 1992. "You cannot deny that there is progress here," Mr Ma said.

In the arcane world of cross-strait diplomacy, nuances in language make a big difference. They are back in the spotlight now that Mr Ma's election has raised hopes of rapprochement in the ­Taiwan Strait.

As China refuses to recognise the existence of a separate state on Taiwan and the island refuses to renounce its sovereignty, Beijing and Taipei agreed in 1992 to recognise the existence of only one China and differ on its interpretation.

Mr Ma based his optimism this week on the understanding that Mr Hu had actually acknowledged the contents of this "92 consensus", something Beijing has refused to do for the past eight years.

According to George Tsai, one of Taiwan's foremost experts in cross-strait relations, Mr Hu's reported remarks are "a very big step forward". "So far, [Mr Ma's party, the Kuomintang] has always referred to 'one China, with different interpretations', but China preferred 'one China, no interpretation'."

Mr Hu is believed to have made the switch in a phone conversation with President George W. Bush on March 26. According to a US account of the talks, Mr Hu said: "It is China's consistent stand that the Chinese mainland and Taiwan should restore consultation and talks on the basis of 'the 1992 consensus', which sees both sides recognise there is only one China, but agree to differ on its definition."

Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan's incumbent president, argues that since China never publicly recognised the differing interpretations, Taiwan would, by agreeing to the 92 consensus, give up its claim of sovereignty. He has warned that China's official Xinhua News Agency, in its report on the Hu-Bush conversation, omitted the reference to the contents of the "consensus".

But Mr Ma argues that the vagueness of the understanding would allow the two sides to return to the negotiation table. "The whole world deals with this according to 'one China, different interpretations'. We should adopt the same kind of flexibility," he said.

Analysts expect Taipei and Beijing to continue technical talks aimed at opening non-stop weekend charter flights, which ended without results early last year, as soon as Mr Ma takes office in late May.

Higher-level, more wide-ranging dialogue through government-backed foundations, suspended since 1998, would probably resume later this year, Mr Tsai said.

According to Mr Ma, such dialogue would focus on the protection of Taiwanese investment in China, double taxation and access to the Chinese banking market, and eventually result in a Comprehensive Economic Co-operation Agreement. Only after building trust through these trade talks can the two sides move towards more sensitive issues, according to Mr Ma's road map.

Any peace agreement would be years away. All of those "political issues", says an aide to Mr Ma, are ­"second-term stuff" and "not going to happen before 2012".


英国《金融时报》席佳琳(Kathrin Hille)台北报道
2008年4月3日 星期四






台湾最知名的两岸关系专家之一蔡玮(George Tsai)表示,报道中胡锦涛的表态是“向前迈进了很大一步”。“迄今,(马英九所在的国民党)一直在提‘一中各表',而大陆更喜欢‘一中不表'。”

据信,胡锦涛是在3月26日与美国总统布什(George W. Bush)通电话时作出上述转变的。美方的一份通话记录显示,胡锦涛说:“在‘九二共识'(即双方承认只有一个中国,但同意彼此对‘一个中国'有不同的定义)的基础上恢复两岸协商谈判是我们的一贯立场。”









Wednesday, April 02, 2008
  Ex-bandits shoot blanks to avoid baby boom
By Shuriah Niazi
Apr 2, 2008, Asia Times

BHOPAL, India - In an area of India notorious for untamed outlaw activity, an innovative health campaign is using the local citizens' longstanding love affair with guns to battle overpopulation.

In the Chambal region of Madhya Pradesh - the historic stomping grounds of India's legendary "dacoit", or bandit, gangs - male villagers are lining up for nasbandi, or vasectomy, in return for a cherished gun license. Considering the area's penchant for firearms and its history of crime, men seeking gun permits in the past have faced a stiff application process. Now, men who present a sterilization certificate are sent to the front of the line.

Awarding guns to forestall a baby boom is the brain child of Bhind official Manish Shrivastava, a district tax collector. According to Shrivastava, Chambal has the highest rates of malnourished children and anemic women in India. Other family planning

campaigns, he told Asia Times Online, have misfired largely due to notions of machismo and taboos against intrusive medical procedures.

"I gathered it had to with their perceived notions of manliness. I then decided to match it with a bigger symbol of manliness, a gun license," Shrivastava told The Telegraph newspaper of Calcutta.

So far this year more than 175 men have undergone vasectomies, compared with only eight last year, and Shrivastava expects 100 more in coming weeks. But despite the desired results, the plan has drawn fire from medical and law enforcement officials. In a March 5 article in the The Telegraph, Delhi urologist Suresh Rawat blasted the idea, calling it "ridiculous and irresponsible".

But others, including many Chambal families, feel the campaign is a positive step in securing much-needed weapons, a salve for population problems and a welcome move to modernize a region still shackled to old-time traditions and a dark reputation.

Family planning, at the barrel of a gun

Chambal has been a haven for dacoits, robbers and thugs since as early as the 5th century. The region's yawning chasms and gaping ravines provide an ideal setting for banditry. According to historians, even during Mughal times the powerful administration failed to curb the menace, and as many as 216 dacoits were shot dead and 697 arrested in Bhind district alone from 1959 to 1963. Chambal was the home of the legendary bandit queen Phoolan Devi and other dreaded dacoits.

Guns, many say, are the pride of the Chambal region, and possessing one is a matter of prestige. Residents are known to spend huge sums purchasing weapons and household displays of high-caliber firearms are common. Bhind district has over 92 gun shops and over 23,000 licensed gun owners. Neighboring Shivpuri district has 11,000 gun licensees while nearby Morena district has more than 15,000. On any rural road in Morena, Shivpuri or Bhind it's easy to observe villagers with guns slung with their shoulders. In the Chambal, the gun is a status symbol.

It can also mean self-defense in a region still described as "dacoit-infested" by major Indian newspapers. Local journalist Pravin Chitransh told Asia Times Online, "Dacoits are still active in the ravines here and it is necessary to own a gun to protect oneself from the bandits. However, most bandits do not harm the common people."

Chitransh added that a man loses his honor in society if he loses his gun. A local axiom holds that a person who can't take care of his gun, is good for nothing. According to Chitransh, guns are also routinely used to settle scores. And it's not the first time that gun licenses have been used as incentives for social change. In Morena district in 2005, the superintendent of police offered gun licenses to those who provided information about the criminals.

But the Chambal region, with its rich agricultural tracts, is in the early stages of development; the topography is gradually changing with the reclamation of ravines for agricultural purpose. The dubious distinction of being the home of the dacoits is gradually fading as well. Provincial officials hope that with agricultural and irrigation the area will become prolific and prosperous and, in due time, break the crushing cycle of poverty.

Still, old traditions die hard. Even as locals turn to farming instead of banditry the issue of gun ownership remains both a necessity and social priority. As Bhind resident Sumer told Asia TImes Online, "It's the question of our pride".

Vasectomy plan under fire

Thirty-nine year old Mewat Singh underwent sterilization last month to get himself a gun license. "It's quiet difficult to get a gun license here," he said. "When the administration is offering us incentives for sterilization in the form of gun license, then why should we not take advantage of this?"

Mewat Singh is not alone in the belief that bearing arms outweighs bearing children. Hundreds of people in the region want guns and now a vasectomy is the easiest way to do it legally. As Singh pointed out succinctly, "We will have same pleasure during sex and would have a gun license as well."

"Vasectomy leaves the patient unchanged except that the vas deferens - the tubes leading to the testes - are blocked," said Bhind's Chief Medical Officer Dr Dinesh Kaushik. "The testes still produce sperm, but the sperm die and are absorbed by the body. The level of testosterone remains the same and all male sexual characteristics remain the same. For most men, the ability to have an erection is unchanged. "

Local police claim that an increase in guns does not necessarily equal an increase in crime. The Town Inspector at a police station at Bhind Mahesh Budholia said that more guns means the citizens are more empowered to protect themselves. As he put it, "For committing a crime no one will wait for gun permits. They can use illegal weapons."

Women in the area feel the measure is a good way to control the population. Kanta Tomar told Asia Times Online, " I don't see anything wrong in the proposal. After all the collector is the one who issues the gun permits. He wants that maximum number of people should go for sterilization. He is supporting the state in their efforts to control population. "

But social worker KS Mishra said that Chambal residents will simply do anything to for a gun. According to Mishra, this is not the right way to promote family planning and the "administration must take up other measures to encourage people".

Meanwhile District Collector Shrivastava is beaming. "It has helped immensely in family planning. A large number of people are coming for vasectomies in the hope of obtaining a license for the guns. Our scheme has been quite successful."

Shuriah Niazi is a freelance writer based in central India.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008
  Opposition KMT wins Taiwan election
By Kathrin Hille in Taipei
Published: March 23 2008, FT

Taiwan’s voters gave a resounding victory to Ma Ying-jeou of the opposition Kuomintang party in the island’s presidential election, raising hopes of a reduction in tensions with China.

Mr Ma gained 58.45 per cent of the vote. Frank Hsieh from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party won 41.55 per cent.

Mr Ma campaigned on a platform of dialogue with Beijing and closer economic links with China, which regards the self-governing island as a renegade province and has threatened to invade if it moves towards formal independence.

The clear result gives Mr Ma a strong mandate to prioritise economic development over Taiwanese nationalism, and is expected to trigger a rally in the Taiwan stock market on Monday. Investors have been buying Taiwan stocks ahead of the election, betting on a KMT victory over the incumbent Demoractic Progressive party.

However, Mr Ma made clear that unification with China is not on his agenda and that he sees it as his responsibility to safeguard Taiwan’s status quo.

Asked how he interpreted the mandate voters had given him, Mr Ma said: “It clearly says that Taiwan should be more open, more pragmatic and should not isolate itself. But it also says that Taiwan should be united.” Mr Ma’s victory follows a landslide KMT victory in legislative elections in January which gave the party a majority of more than two-thirds in parliament.

Chen Shui-bian, the outgoing DPP president, had increasingly focused on strengthening pro-independence identity in Taiwan after initial attempts at a rapprochement with China were frustrated by Beijing’s refusal to engage.

THe KMT's legislative and presidential victories mark a strong comeback for the party, which lost power in 2000 after ruling Taiwan for over 50 years after nationalist forces fled China in 1949 following defeat by Communist troops in the Chinese civil war.

The president-elect said he would work towards direct passenger aviation links with China as the first step in seeking rapprochement with the mainland when he is inaugurated in May.

Addressing a crowd of thousands of rejoicing supporters in front of his campaign headquarters, Mr Ma called the election a celebration of Taiwan’s core values of freedom and democracy, and pointed to the island’s role as the only democracy in the Chinese-speaking world.

The result of the election marks the third clear electoral defeat in in three years for the DPP. Observers said voters had used the ballot to condemn the ruling party for its weak legislative record and allegations of corruption.

“There’s only one comment to make about our eight years in power: We have failed in government,” said Chuang Suo-hang, a former DPP lawmaker who lost his seat in January.

The island also voted in two referendums on whether Taiwan should seek to join the United Nations. China has denounced the referendums as a “move towards independence.” The US, Taiwan’s sole protector against the threat from China, said they were an unnecessary and provocative step.

The two plebiscites were proposed by the DPP and the KMT respectively, and differed only in the name suggested for UN membership. They were both approved by more than 80 per cent of votes cast but failed to pass because they did not meet the required threshold of 50 per cent voter turnout.

China’s state-run Xinhua news agency said the results showed that Taiwan independence did not have the support of the people.


  Straitened times: Taiwan looks to China
By Kathrin Hille
Tuesday Mar 25 2008, FT

After Ma Ying-jeou won Taiwan's presidential election on Saturday, jubilant supporters of his Kuomintang partied at the KMT headquarters all night. Investors were still celebrating when the market reopened on Monday, with stocks rising 4 per cent before easing back slightly on Tuesday.

Behind the exuberance stands the belief that the KMT's return to power could prove a historic moment - that it will put Taiwan on a track to closer economic integration with China, give the island its rightful share of the benefits of China's growth and defuse one of Asia's most dangerous latent conflicts. "The KMT and the Chinese leadership have a common objective: economic development on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the easing of tension. They will work towards the goal of economic integration and the revitalisation of Taiwan's economy," says Peter Sutton, head of research at the Taipei office of CLSA, a regional brokerage.

Mr Ma (pictured above) says he wants to put disagreements over Taiwan's status aside and start talks with Beijing - first on economic issues and eventually on a peace accord. While China has long claimed sovereignty over the island and threatens to attack it should Taiwan formalise its de facto independence, Chinese leaders have responded by saying they are ready to communicate with any Taiwanese politician who does not actively push for independence.

All of this contrasts sharply with the atmosphere that has prevailed in the Taiwan Strait for most of the past decade. Both Chen Shui-bian, the incumbent president from the pro-independence Democratic Progressive party, in office since 2000, and his predecessor Lee Teng-hui started out with a pragmatic approach to China but quickly hardened their attitude after Beijing frustrated their efforts.

As a result, the semi-official dialogue that started in 1992 - the furthest the two sides had come since the KMT lost the civil war in China to the Chinese Communist party in 1949 and fled to Taiwan - has been cut off since 1998. Arguing that Taiwan must limit its economic dependence on a country so powerful and so politically hostile, Taipei has also maintained a set of rigid rules to restrict the flow of people, goods and services across the Strait.

But now the Taiwanese have elected a president who turns that argument on its head. Mr Ma has pledged to open direct air links with China within a year, allow large numbers of mainland tourists to visit Taiwan, invite Chinese investors to buy Taiwanese property, abolish many restrictions on foreign direct investment in China and do away with rules that tightly restrict investment by local funds in Chinese securities. "China is not only a threat but also an opportunity," says Mr Ma. "We have to maximise the opportunity and minimise the threat."

The reason for the change of heart is economic stagnation. While the island's electronics exporters have thrived and continue to grab market share globally, the domestic sector has suffered as manufacturing jobs move to China, money flows offshore for better returns and multinationals become increasingly reluctant to expand in Taiwan. Taiwanese businesses have watched Hong Kong, South Korea with envy in recent years as they sense that the island, once hailed as an "Asian tiger" alongside the other three, is falling behind.

Indeed, of the four, the island faces the slowest annual growth, forecast at just over 4 per cent. It also trails in terms of per capita income, which stands at some US$15,000 (£7,510, €9,630). Private consumption, which plummeted during the 2001 recession following the bursting of the tech bubble, has not recovered to pre-crisis levels, even though employment growth returned to its historical average. Fixed capital formation as a percentage of gross domestic product is one of the lowest in the region, while property prices have trailed those in Hong Kong, South Korea by a widening margin.

Many economists blame Taiwan's uneasy political relationship with China and its restrictions on economic exchanges with the mainland. The problem, they argue, is not the lack of economic interaction but its distorted nature.

China is already Taiwan's largest trading partner and investment destination. Taiwanese companies have relocated labour-intensive production to the mainland over the past 15 years and their cumulative FDI there might be close to US$300bn, according to the government's latest estimates - which would make Taiwan China's largest source of FDI.

"But the restrictions have so far made economic contacts a one-way street," says Grace Ng, an economist at JPMorgan in Hong Kong. "The ceiling [set by Taiwan] which limits companies' investments in China at 40 per cent of their net worth has failed to discourage them from mainland investments. It has just discouraged them from repatriating profits to Taiwan for the fear of not being able to use the funds for further expansion on the mainland."

Individual investors have showed a similar inclination to take funds offshore and keep them there. Again, analysts argue that restrictions on links with China are at least partly to blame. First, the government bans the sale on the island of mutual funds that invest more than a tiny portion in China-linked equities. Second, the 40 per cent rule has kept companies from listing in Taiwan to raise funds for expansion in China, giving local investors who want to build exposure to China's growth no choice but to move offshore.

As a result, Taiwan saw a US$38.9bn outflow from its financial account last year, which more than offset the current account surplus and resulted in its first overall balance of payments deficit in 10 years.

The ban on direct transport across the Strait has had similar effects. Travelling from Taipei to Shanghai, theoretically no more than a one-hour flight, currently takes more than six hours because travellers must transit in Hong Kong. This means Taiwanese entrepreneurs with investments on the other side of the Strait do not have the choice of commuting between Taiwan and China. Many have moved to the mainland and an estimated 2m Taiwanese now live in Shanghai. "The absence of this group with relatively strong spending power is certainly hurting Taiwan's domestic economy," says Ms Ng.

The ban on direct flights, together with Taiwan's unwelcoming attitude towards Chinese citizens, has also discouraged multinationals from putting more staff and more regional functions on the island. Most analysts expect that to change under Mr Ma. "Taiwan will be opened for Chinese capital and people so that Taipei can become a services centre for Greater China, just like Hong Kong," says Mr Sutton.

Not everyone shares this optimism. "I don't think that [relations with China] are the main problem," says Duncan Wooldridge, UBS's chief economist for Asia. "Taiwan is already the most integrated economy in the world with China; and Korea and Japan share the problem of weak domestic consumption. Why is it that only Taiwan should improve by moving even closer to China?" He predicts that Mr Ma's government will enjoy a honeymoon but will fail to meet the market's expectations in the longer term.

Mr Ma emphasises that links with China are just one dimension of his economic policy agenda. They will be complemented by efforts to push other bilateral and regional trade deals and plans to kick-start domestic demand with a T$4,000bn (£66bn, $133bn, €85bn) infrastructure investment programme.

But unlocking the potential for Taiwan to benefit more from its strong trade and investment links to China is still set to be the key psychological driver in the coming years. Ms Ng believes that the Hong Kong experience could provide a valuable example. "After the handover in 1997, Hong Kong was soul-searching because the perception was that it would become marginalised in Greater China," she says. "Although there are differences, this is the problem Taiwan faces now, too."

Hong Kong's fortunes changed after it signed a Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (Cepa) with China, which allowed the territory's banks to invest in Chinese counterparts and gave approval for residents from several Chinese provinces to travel to Hong Kong as tourists.

In Taiwan's case, economists say the main effects could come from companies giving up their past reluctance to invest at home, as tax changes and soaring labour costs damage the investment environment in China just as Taiwan is expected to become more attractive. "Hong Kong's annual growth post-Cepa has averaged at 6 to 7 per cent, up from 3.5 to 4 per cent before 2003, and a similar effect can be expected for Taiwan," says Ms Ng.

Having seen Taiwan transformed from an authoritarian one-party regime into one of Asia's most vibrant democracies, the Taiwanese reject few things more passionately than comparisons with Hong Kong. The parallels, therefore, cannot reach beyond pure economics. Since martial law was lifted in 1987 and democracy introduced in the early 1990s, Taiwan has gradually discovered an identity of its own. Only a tiny minority of the island's residents now accept the idea of future unification with their giant neighbour.

The twists and turns that Mr Ma has deemed necessary to appear acceptable to voters prove how deep-rooted this new identity now is. In the early phase of his campaign, Mr Ma said that his party's long-term goal remained eventual unification. But he takes the position that, for now, Taiwan is a sovereign country - a view first expressed by the DPP and fiercely rejected by Beijing many times. He also stresses that he will not negotiate over reunification but only over ways to handle the bilateral hostilities.

KMT representatives say the party's focus is and will be on power in Taiwan rather than on any role in a future united China. "Even beyond Mr Ma, it is hard to imagine that any KMT politician would seriously think about unification," says Ho Szu-yin, a political scientist at National Chengchi University who also works for the KMT.

The main difference between the KMT and the DPP could be described as one between realism and idealism. The DPP, a party founded in opposition to the KMT's authoritarian one-party regime in the 1980s, openly advocates Taiwanese independence. The KMT in the past tried to impose a Chinese nationalist ideology on Taiwan and cling to its goal of eventual unification but it has moved to the middle since democratisation for the sake of political survival. "We also love Taiwan, but we love it in a realistic way. We take the view that if we don't have wealth we don't have power," says Mr Ho. "Economic clout is Taiwan's raison d'etre."

That certainly differs from China's long-term objectives. "The Chinese leadership hopes to create an irreversible trend towards peaceful integration," says George Tsai, a professor at Chinese Culture University and one of Taiwan's leading experts on cross-Strait relations. But he believes that China's leaders are happy for now, having been reassured by Mr Ma that formal independence will not be an issue under his government.

Therefore the new start between Beijing and Taipei could be about much more than business, even though it does not put Taiwan on the road towards unification.

Mr Tsai says that by the end of Mr Ma's first term, China and Taiwan could have implemented confidence-building measures such as the exchange of information on weapons deployments and troop movements and the establishment of communication channels between the armed forces to reduce the risk of conflict: "That would be a good start for another four years and far beyond anything that has been achieved ever since 1949."


  US mistakenly sent N-missile parts to Taiwan
By Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington
Tuesday Mar 25 2008, FT

The US mistakenly sent nuclear missile components to Taiwan in 2006, the Pentagon revealed on Tuesday, marking the second big failure of nuclear safeguards in recent years.

The Pentagon accidentally shipped four fuses for the Minuteman missile instead of helicopter batteries that Taiwan had ordered. Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, has ordered an investigation even though no fissile material was sent to Taiwan.

"[Mistakes] cannot be tolerated in the arena in strategic systems, whether they are nuclear or associated equipment, as was in this case," said Ryan Henry, a senior Pentagon official.

While the fuses are similar to those used on convention missiles, the models shipped to Taiwan were specifically designed for the Mk12 nuclear warhead, which would be attached to an intercontinental ballistic missile.

The revelation follows another embarrassing incident last year when a B-52 bomber unwittingly carried nuclear weapons across the US without military officials realising that the warheads had gone missing.

In the latest case, the Pentagon was unaware that the fuses had disappeared from storage. Taiwan notified the US earlier this year that the shipment did not match the order for batteries. Only last week, however, did the Pentagon realise that the shipped equipment was not another kind of battery, but the fuses used to trigger the start of the detonation process.

The US informed the Chinese government, which views Taiwan as a renegade province, about the matter on Tuesday, in advance of the public disclosure. Mr Henry stressed that US policy on Taiwan had not changed, saying the shipment was simply an error. The US is legally required to help Taiwan defend itself.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, said the "extremely stupid" mistake underscored that "procedures and controls on these sensitive items need to be reviewed and tightened". The Pentagon was also examining whether the transfer breached any international arms treaties or congressional regulations.

Admiral Kirkland Donald will investigate the error, and the Pentagon has ordered a comprehensive review to determine how the safeguards failed. Geoff Morrell, Pentagon press secretary, said Mr Gates chose a senior Navy officer partly to avoid any perception of conflict of interest.

While Taipei did not inform the Pentagon about the discrepancy until earlier this year, more than a year after the components were delivered, Michael Wynne, secretary of the air force, said the Taiwanese authorities had acted "very responsibly".

Mr Wynne said there was no indication that the fuses had been probed for intelligence. Mr Henry said there was no evidence that they had been tampered with, but added that the investigation would consider that possibility.


  Taiwan president cautious over KMT resurgence
By Kathrin Hille in Taipei
Published: March 28 2008, FT

Winning a presidential election with a margin of 16 percentage points would be considered a triumph for most politicians or their parties.

But Ma Ying-jeou, who defeated his rival by a landslide in Taiwan’s presidential poll last weekend, speaks of “feeling fear” as he considers his term, while Wu Po-hsiung, who chairs Mr Ma’s Kuomintang (KMT) party, has declared: “This is not a victory of the KMT.”

Prompting such a cautious response is anxiety that Mr Ma could struggle to get his party under control, and that the KMT’s return to power could be short-lived if it is seen to abuse the dominant position it has gained in elections this year by winning both the presidency and a two-thirds majority in parliament.

Once omnipotent in Taiwan, the KMT today is a collection of factions and individuals with little in common beyond the consensus that the local economy needs to be fixed. The one thing holding it together is Mr Ma’s overwhelming popularity, which has both helped it win back power and put a heavy load on his shoulders.

“Faced with this huge responsibility, I feel I need to be very careful, and I feel fear,” Mr Ma said after his election triumph.

The KMT, under Chiang Kai-shek’s leadership, retreated to Taiwan in 1949 after defeat by the Communists. It ruled the island under an authoritarian, one-party regime for more than 40 years, imposing a Chinese nationalist ideology and claiming to be the legitimate government of China. But after trying to “localise” its message in the 1990s, it lost power in 2000 to the Democratic Progressive party (DPP), founded by former dissidents keen to pursue Taiwan’s formal independence and an agenda of social justice.

Since then, the KMT has developed into a concoction of ideological directions and policy orientations.

Chen Chien-chung, an official at the party’s central policy committee, said; “I admit that, in contrast to the DPP, the [KMT] doesn’t really have any core values or ideological beliefs.”

In recent years, KMT conservatives favouring a return to the Chinese nationalism of the party’s founding fathers, have gained ground.

Simultaneously, KMT lawmakers concerned with building personal support bases have increasingly opted for populist posturing – blurring the party’s traditional pro-business image.

For example, Lee Chi-chu, a legislator now considered a possible choice for finance minister, took part in efforts to ground DPP attempts to privatise government banks and reform an overcrowded and underperforming financial sector.

KMT legislators have also in recent years blocked most of the government’s planned weapons purchases from the US, with one protagonist – the former general Shuai Hwa-min – seen as a potential candidate for defence minister in Mr Ma’s cabinet.

The past unruliness of the KMT has raised questions over whether Mr Ma will be able to control his party.

“He is far too soft for our liking, and many of us had to swallow their hate before we voted for him,” says Chang Ling-chen, a professor of political science at National Taiwan University and a KMT conservative.

Mr Ma’s decision to surround himself with a small circle of trusted advisers – none of whom holds a post in the KMT hierarchy – has created distrust among other senior politicians in the party. He is also at odds with major factions.

A descendant of a mainland family, born in Hong Kong and a former aide to the late president Chiang Ching-kuo, Mr Ma has the wrong background, in the eyes of “localised” KMT factions. Pro-China stalwarts, meanwhile, view him with suspicion because he insists he will not negotiate a re-unification with the mainland, and insists on criticising Beijing’s human-rights record.

But people close to Mr Ma say that his demonstrated popular support means the party will have no choice but to follow him.

“He is all the party has got,” said one senior aide.

“If the result had been close, there might have been claims by certain people in the party that he owed his victory to them. But that is out of the question now.”

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008


作者:英国《金融时报》席佳琳(Kathrin Hille)台北报道
2008年4月2日 星期三








国民党中央政策委员会官员Chen Chien-chung表示:“我承认,相对于民进党,本党并没有任何核心价值观或意识形态方面的信念。”






国立台湾大学政治学系教授、国民党保守派人士Chang Ling-chen表示:“他太软弱了,不是我们喜欢的类型,在投他的票之前,我们中的许多人不得不按捺自己的不满。”








2008年4月2日 星期三








第一, 这次矛盾是怎么出现的?









































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