Sunday, October 28, 2007
  Peter Costello warns of market 'tsunami'

Posted Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:15am AEST , ABC.au

Warning: Peter Costello predicts market turmoil when China finally floats the yuan (AFP: Torsten Blackwood)

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello says international markets will be hit with a "tsunami"-like effect when China eventually adjusts its currency.

China has been under strong international pressure to float the yuan. Mr Costello agrees it should do so but he expects that when it does there will be major volatility.

"The day they decide to float their currency you are going to get huge reversals of financial flows around the globe, which will affect all exchange rates, that's why I compared it to a tsunami," he said.

Mr Costello says his comments have nothing do with the prospect of the Reserve Bank lifting the benchmark interest rate after they meet on Melbourne Cup day.

"This has nothing to do with the Reserve Bank and its meeting. This is an observation about the global economy, looking out over the horizon," he said.

"And the point I made yesterday when I was asked about Chinese growth is I think Chinese growth will continue. It will go in fits and starts. It won't be even growth.

"It has a long way to go but the Chinese at some point will have to make a decision on their exchange rate."

He says as China becomes more open and democratic, it will be good for the world - but there will be a lot of dislocation along the way.

"This is not something that's going to happen in the next couple of weeks. This is something that could happen in a year's time or in five years' time," he said.

"But you are seeing a lot of volatility in international financial markets at the moment. I think during the period I've been Treasurer, the Australian dollar has been as low as 47 cents against the US dollar, and now I think it's as high as 90. That's doubled in recent years."

Mr Costello also says the US subprime crisis is sending ripples through the global economy.

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  China's Olympic Opportunity
By MARTIN LEE, October 17, 2007
Wall Street Journal, Page A18

When President George W. Bush accepted President Hu Jintao's invitation to attend the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, Mr. Bush's press secretary said that he was going to the Games as "a sports fan, not to make any political statement." I too am a great sports fan -- especially of the Soccer World Cup -- but I would encourage President Bush to take a broader vision of the possibilities for the Beijing Games. He should use the next 10 months to press for a significant improvement of basic human rights in my country, including press, assembly and religious freedoms.

This should be possible, since Chinese leaders have promised to make these improvements anyway. In their pledges to the International Olympic Committee while bidding for the Games and since, China's leaders at all levels repeatedly assured the world that they would use the Games to go beyond improving the country's physical infrastructure.

"By applying for the Olympics, we want to promote not just the city's development, but the development of society, including democracy and human rights," one of China's key Olympic figures, Deputy Mayor Liu Jingmin, told the Washington Post in 2001. Then, Mr. Liu said, "If people have a target like the Olympics to strive for, it will help us establish a more just and harmonious society, a more democratic society, and help integrate China into the world."

I couldn't agree more. But instead of the hoped-for reforms, the Chinese government appears to be backsliding on its promises, including in Hong Kong where we have near total political paralysis, not the promised road to full democracy. That is no reason to give up on the prospects for reform in China. But it is reason to step up the direct engagement on these pressing issues.

In accepting the invitation to attend China's Games, President Bush said this would be "a moment where China's leaders can use the opportunity to show confidence by demonstrating a commitment to greater openness and tolerance." Instead of a "moment" of change, China needs structural and long-term reforms: placing the Communist Party under the rule of law, unshackling the media and Internet, allowing religious adherents to freely practice their faiths, ceasing harassment of civil-society groups that work on AIDS and the environment, and addressing modest calls for accountability in the political system. Mr. Bush and other world leaders planning to attend the Olympics should not wait for the opening ceremony, but must start now with sustained efforts to achieve this agenda.

One reason for optimism about the possibilities for progress in China is recent Olympic history. When South Korea bid for the 1988 Games, the country was a military dictatorship. Due in good part to the prospects for embarrassment and international engagement, the Olympics helped kick off an overdue peaceful political transformation in South Korea just six months before the launch of the Seoul Games. Since then, South Korea has endured as one of Asia's most stable and vital democracies. The parallels between South Korea and China are not exact, but the lesson is that the Olympics certainly present an opening to raise these issues in the context of the Chinese government's own promises.

In the U.S. and elsewhere, there are campaigns to boycott the Beijing Games over the Chinese government's trade with and support for regimes in Sudan and Burma. As a Chinese person, I would encourage backers of these efforts to consider the positive effects Olympic exposure could still have in China, including scrutiny by the world's journalists. This is certainly the time for Chinese leaders to step up and constructively use their clout in Asia and Africa. In so doing, Beijing should open a new chapter of responsible foreign policy and convince the world it is not oblivious to these issues.

Chinese people around the world are proud that China will host the Games. China has the world's fastest growing economy, and may indeed put on history's most impressive Olympic Games next August. But how does it profit our nation if it wins gold medals but suffers from the continued absence of democracy, human rights and the rule of law?

It is my hope that the Games could have a catalytic effect on the domestic and foreign policies of the Chinese government, and that the Chinese people will remember the Games long after they are held -- not merely for medals won, but also because they were a turning point for human rights and the rule of law in China. That would be something worth cheering.

Mr. Lee is a democratically elected legislator and the founding chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Deutsche Welle 2007.10.27

周六苏丹政府代表将在利比亚城市瑟尔特同达尔富尔反叛武装展开谈判,以寻求和平解决长达4年的达尔富尔冲突。这场危机持续的时间越久,局面就会越加复杂。 比如当地过去只有2个反叛武装队伍,现在已经发展到了26个。在达尔富尔这个地区究竟是谁同谁打仗,谁才是最大的受害者呢?

达尔富尔地区好几年来就已经没有了明显的战线。最初因阿拉伯“战沙维特民兵”从农民手中争夺水源和牧场的战事,最终演变成了一场各方相互争 斗的混战。德国世界饥饿组织驻苏丹地区协调员通过手机描述了当地每天混乱不堪的生活场景。“反叛运动和刑事犯罪集团之间的界限早就难以分清了。我们主要面 对的是那些对救援组织和平民百姓采取恐怖主义行动的刑事犯罪集团。我们无法弄清,他们究竟属于哪个反叛武装或者哪个部队的。”

目前达尔富尔有26个相互争斗的反叛武装。它们不但政治目标不同,而且还不断挑起部族冲突。而苏丹的邻国乍得,利比亚和中非共和国由于担心达尔富尔 危机进一步蔓延,也已经介入到了这些矛盾和冲突当中。喀土穆政府不但采取了军事干预行动,而且还对反叛武装采取分化和各个击破的政策。埃及记者政治学家拉 斯兰指出:“秘密情报部门通过秘密联系,鼓励反叛武装走向分裂。政府则利用这种分裂状态在反叛武装之间继续制造矛盾,煽动冲突,并通过这种办法削弱反叛武 装的谈判筹码。但是恰恰是这种做法使得喀土穆政府无法找到问题的政治解决途径。没有一个同苏丹政府谈判的反叛武装将有能力执行和平协议。这样一来,苏丹政 府的团结将受到威胁,整个国家将面临分裂的危险。”

在达尔富尔为难民争取权力的律师奥斯曼指出,反叛武装早就没有能力代表老百姓的利益了。“内部已经四分五裂的反叛武装提出的要求并不一定能代表达尔 富尔老百姓的要求。其中一些武装关心的只是自己的地位。我认为,现在到了该听取那些真正想结束这场危机的人的意见的时候了。在国际部队到来之前达成和平协 议非常重要。如果联合国兰盔部队士兵在和平协议达成之前抵达达尔富尔,那么达尔富尔的混战不会停止,而兰盔部队将成为被打击的对象,就象在索马里一样。而 如果兰盔部队士兵采取自卫反击行动,那么就会引起更为激烈的反应,整个动乱局面会进一步升级。因为在达尔富尔周围,在乍得北部以及在利比亚南部地区都有基 地组织的分部在活动。”

江迅 BBC 2007年10月24日


宫雪花又出现在公众眼前,久违了。当年隐瞒年龄,隐瞒曾经的婚史,隐瞒有两个孩子,参加香港亚洲小姐选举,成了城中的热门 话题。10月12日,宫雪花在一个发布会上现身。谁都知道她是60岁的人了,面对记者却依然将年龄视作最高机密。她一袭"菜色"长裙,超低胸装包裹着过于 丰满的身躯,露出胸脯,连乳贴也露了出来。有记者故意问她不老秘方。她嗲声嫩气地正经道:"我保养的秘诀是12年不近男色,才永葆青春不老。"


香港政坛现在正闹两个女人的战争。陈方安生对决叶刘淑仪,参加立法会港岛区议席补选。陈方安生,被誉为香港政坛"缈娘子 "。这位前政务司长,香港政坛精英,被泛民主派称为"香港良心"。一贯以"见步行步"(看一步走一步)为口头禅的她,当然志不在补选的任期不到一年的立法 会港岛区议员,即使届时能连任5年,但议员席位对这位离开政府已经多年的高官,意义也不大了。谁都明白,她志在特区行政长官。以她目前与中央"有你无我" 的僵化关系,唯有香港实行普选才有望当上。不过依据时下的形势判断,2012年普选根本无望,而2017年普选行政长官,陈方安生已经77岁了,届时再出 选,年龄是否大了些?

这位政坛美女,美在"4万"的招牌笑容。没想到这位政坛老手,这一回却也装了一次"嫩"。话说10月7日,泛民主派举行争 取2012年双普选"撑伞"及游行活动。撑伞拚成"2012"年字样后,众人从维多利亚公园出发游行。陈方安生始终是活动中的焦点人物和必然主角。活动前 几天,她呼吁民众参加。在人们心目中,她俨然是这两项活动的代言人。不过,在众目睽睽下,在传媒镜头下,戴着太阳帽的她在游行队伍中,仅仅走了约20分 钟,在铜锣湾崇光百货附近竟然离队,走到白沙道一家发型屋修整头发。一个小时后,她走出发型屋,守候的记者围着她提问,她竟然处之泰然,施施然轻描淡写响 应说:"离队没有什么特殊原因,大家已经游行了一段时间。"有人批评她中途离场,她笑着说:"香港是言论自由的地方,总会有人赞扬有人批评。"她这一天的 言行掀起轩然大波,当天电视新闻就表明,这是一场公关政治灾难,连不少泛民主派和参加游行的民众都指责她"愚不可及",可谓一片哗然,成为众矢之的。

有人抨击她行为不智,缺乏选举意识;有人批评她如果真有私人事务要处理,就干脆别游行;有人指责她不能放下身段,还是高官 那副德性……如果她不是如此张扬地离队,不是如此张扬地走进发型屋,而是径直回家休息也罢了,或者坐出租车走得远远的再找一家发型屋。市民会理解为这是她 的做事方式,惜身如玉的她,以前游行也没有走完全程的。问题就是她偏偏张扬了,偏偏高调了。一个政府高官、政坛老手,真会这么傻,自陷政治险地?看来不可 能,这是她故意犯下的失策,故意表露的失误。这是一种政治"装嫩"。亲北京阵营的舆论几乎每天在骂她"陈老太",老美人装嫩不正是一种时尚吗?

其实,她如此高调的离开游行队伍,能解释的惟有一个原因:她要当众表白,她与泛民主派是若即若离的,与泛民主派还是保持距 离的。香港那么多政论学者,那么多专栏作家,似乎都没看出这一点,唯独香港牛棚书院院长、凤凰卫视节目主持人梁文道在一篇文章中说:"打从一开始,陈方安 生就很小心地保持自己和泛民主派的距离。虽然参加泛民主派的初选机制,但她从不承认自己是代表泛民主派的候选人。虽然和泛民主派的成员站在一起高呼争取 2012年普选,但她又表示还有妥协的余地。"梁文道点中了穴位。

在舆论的穷追猛打下,陈方安生为游行离队而走进发型屋向支持她的人道歉了。记得,当年她身为政务司司长时,新机场启用混 乱,公众要她道歉,具有高民望的她竟然拒绝道歉。如今她愿为自己的不妥举动作出反省。因为她的目的已经达到,让北京看到她和泛民主派并不完全站在一条战壕 里。政治舞台上,政治装嫩折射出一种政治光谱。陈方安生不愧是香港政坛的"缈娘子"。


Tuesday, October 23, 2007
  Roots of China’s miracle

By Yasheng Huang
Published: October 21 2007

In designing his economic policy programme for the next five years, President Hu Jintao is well advised to seek counsel from someone virtually unknown to those Chinese who came of age in the 1990s. He is Wan Li, 91 years old and still intellectually alert.

Mr Wan was a special guest at the opening session of the 17th Communist party congress in Beijing last week. It was he, more than anyone else there, who put China on the right track. In the 1980s he was a vice-premier in charge of agriculture, and before that he was the party secretary of the impoverished Anhui province.

It was in Anhui that the true Chinese miracle began. In December 1978, 18 households in Xiaogang village made a secret decision to privatise their rural output. Fearing reprisals, the households entered into a pledge – written in blood – to support the families of their leaders should they be arrested.

Mr Wan did not arrest them. On the contrary, he endorsed the experiment and bravely defended it in the face of withering attacks from conservatives. The experiment, which became known as the household responsibility system, was adopted by 90 per cent of villages in Anhui within a year and by the rest of the country a few years later.

Mr Wan was then promoted to vice-premier. In that position, he worked tirelessly to support rural financial liberalisation, lengthening the leasehold of farmland, removing employment restrictions on private businesses, deregulating rural-urban trade, curtailing the power of party officials in the countryside and introducing grassroots democracy to village governance.

The result was that rural household income per capita galloped ahead at more than 10 per cent a year in the 1980s. Western economists may tout foreign direct investment and globalisation as the reasons for China’s poverty reduction. But the true credit lies with the rural reforms. The vast majority of China’s poverty reduction came in the first half of the 1980s. Also during that period, income distribution improved.

A defining characteristic of Mr Wan and other leaders of the 1980s was that they respected the inclinations and actions of farmers rather than imposing their own visions.

The 1980s reforms were a classic example of a bottom-up, wisdom-of-the-crowd success story. A market economy, in essence, is an economic democracy. Mr Wan once told his subordinates always to assume that they were in the wrong if the farmers wanted to do something different from them.

It is truly unfortunate that China in the 1990s deviated from these market-conforming policy principles. In the 1990s, rural China was starved of financial resources in order to support industrial development in the cities. The effect of the urban policy bias was dramatic. Rural income growth collapsed from double-digit annual increases in the 1980s to about 4 per cent a year in the 1990s. Since then, under the leadership of Mr Hu, it has recovered to 6 per cent.

China will succeed or fail not because of how many skyscrapers Beijing and Shanghai have but as a result of the economic fortunes of its vast countryside. Domestic consumption will not grow if rural incomes do not improve and if rural residents are forced to save for their medical and educational expenses. China will not be a true market economy if rural land rights are not secure and if its financial system does not serve the most dynamic force in the economy – innovative rural entrepreneurs.

It may be counter-intuitive to think that China’s high-technology future depends on its countryside – but not if you believe in market principles. The success of low-tech businesses in rural China will force urban companies to innovate in their production and technology to maintain their competitive edge. The rural stagnation of the 1990s sent millions of migrants to the cities in search of jobs. Urban companies, never short of labour, were flooded with tens of millions of eager job-seekers and they did what any rational owners and managers would do in similar circumstances – they favoured labour-intensive production at the expense of research and development.

There are other long-term costs, including the fact that the children of these rural migrants failed at schools. Due to the massive policy mistakes in the 1990s, China may have produced another uneducated generation.

In the past five years, Mr Hu has formulated many worthy objectives, such as creating a harmonious society and raising the living standards of average people above gross domestic product growth. He will realise these objectives more effectively if he can listen to Mr Wan and his colleagues, such as Tian Jiyun and Du Rensheng. These visionary leaders from the 1980s, who were marginalised in the following decade, were founders of the economic miracle. Its future success depends on how quickly and completely China returns to the model of the 1980s.

The writer, from MIT Sloan School of Management, is author of ‘Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics’ (Cambridge University Press, 2008)

  为中国经济奇迹“寻根” (FT2007中国报告之九)
作者:黄亚生(Yasheng Huang)为英国《金融时报》撰稿
2007年10月23日 星期二














本文作者是麻省理工学院斯隆商学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)教授,也是《具有中国特色的资本主义》(Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics)(剑桥大学出版社(Cambridge University Press),2008年出版)的作者。

Monday, October 22, 2007
发表者: 明宪

如果你从五年前开始持有微软和花旗的股票,今天你的脸色一定很难看。从2002年10月到2007年10月,微软在纳斯达克市场的年化回报率为2.6% (包括股息,下同),而花旗集团在纽约证券交易所的年化回报率为3.9%,还比不上美国国债的收益率。标准普尔500指数的同期年化收益率为11%,是微 软的四倍多,花旗的近三倍。这两家超级大公司的表现如此之差,以至于媒体一天到晚猜测巴尔默(微软CEO)和普林斯(花旗CEO)何时下台。

如 果从十年的长期看,微软的年化回报率为6.2%,花旗的年化回报率为5.7%,略微超越了同期标准普尔500指数,似乎还算差强人意。不过,与IT界或金 融界的同行比起来,这样的回报率就算不了什么了。在IT界,从1997年到2007年,苹果的股价上涨了33倍,雅虎上涨了8.6倍,Oracle上涨了 2.6倍,而刚刚上市3年的Google已经上涨了5倍。微软的表现只能与IBM这种公认的大笨象相提并论,完全丧失了“成长股”的性质。在同一时期的金 融界,花旗的表现算是中规中矩,与德意志银行、瑞士银行、巴克莱银行的表现相差无几,略微领先于美洲银行,大幅度落后于摩根士丹利、高盛和美林。微软和花 旗的区别在于,微软从7年前就开始落后了,而花旗的落后主要是最近5年的事情。几乎所有的综合性银行,在最近5年的回报率都大幅度击败了花旗。

时 光倒转回2000年,你会觉得微软是不可战胜的,只有寄希望于美国和欧洲的反垄断法能够予以制裁。微软通过强制捆绑IE浏览器打败了Netscape, 并且与Intel结成所谓的“Wintel同盟”,向全世界索取保护费。在纳斯达克泡沫的最高峰,微软的市值达到5000亿美元,比尔-盖茨一人的身价就 有1000亿美元。当时的分析师认为,想在桌面软件市场打败微软是不可能的,而且它已经意识到了网络的重要性,推出了以".Net"为代表的网络服务平 台。那些反对微软的人,只能把希望寄托在Linux和Java身上——前者必须打破微软对操作系统的垄断,后者则必须打败微软统一网络技术标准的美梦。

与 此同时,花旗似乎也将成为21世纪最伟大的金融寡头。在人类历史上,它第一次实现了“金融超级市场”的梦想,同时拥有一家伟大的投资银行(所罗门兄弟)、 一家名列前茅的保险公司(旅行者集团)、一个规模巨大的资产管理与零售经纪部门(美邦),以及强大的公司银行和零售银行网点。你可以把所有金融事务都交给 花旗去管理,从信用卡消费到遗产计划,从买卖股票到办理人寿保险,一切都由它包办。美国和欧洲有许多强大的零售商业银行,但它们的投资银行和公司银行业务 没有花旗那样强大;华尔街有许多优秀的投资银行,但它们没有像花旗那样多的零售客户。恩格斯和列宁预言的一两个大金融集团主宰世界的可怕局面,似乎即将降 临。

可是今天,以上忧虑都被证明是杞人忧天。微软必须竭尽全力阻止自己的优秀工程师逃往Google和苹果,并且在后两者的强大压力下, 徒劳地推销着自己的Live搜索服务和Zune音乐播放器;当Google和苹果不断报出业绩增长50%的喜讯时,微软的利润每年只能增长10%。花旗则 已经成为了一个大笑话,它在国内零售网点的竞争中已经输给美洲银行,在投资银行的竞争中远远落后于高盛、摩根士丹利和美林,在国外商业银行的竞争中也没有 占到什么便宜,而它的保险业务已经被卖掉了。现在,《华尔街日报》最关心的是花旗高管有几架私人飞机,拿着多高的薪水,什么时候才会被愤怒的股东一脚踢出 大门。

微软和花旗遇到什么挫折了吗?它们没有达到预定的目标吗?其实,它们没有输掉任何一场重要战役,基本完成了十年前的计划,却输掉了 整个战争,被迫看着敌人站在领奖台上接受欢呼。军事家都知道,如果一个军事计划在政治上和战略上与现实脱节,那么战术上执行得再完美,它也终将失败。同 样,在商业上,你可以达到一个又一个战术目标,完成一个又一个短期计划,最后却离战略目标越来越远。因为世界变化了,竞争对手也变化了,你却以为还生活在 上个世纪。

微软在桌面软件的统治地位仍然是不可取代的,Linux到今天也没有对它构成实质性打击。在网络软件和系统服务领域,微软已经 做的很好了,它的竞争对手——开发Java系统的Sun的财务表现非常糟糕,内部动荡不安;而它的IE浏览器和Visual Studio.Net开发平台至今还占据着统治性地位。问题在于,以上优势没有转化为利润。Windows和Office的升级不再是摇钱树,而成为了成 本焦点。IE的市场占有率超过80%没有使微软自己的网络业务成为世界第一。而微软的竞争对手在做什么?Google通过网络广告和授权搜索服务,每年可 以盈利三十亿美元,而且还在以每年至少40%的速度增长;苹果推出了一个技术含量很低的iPod, 一系列外观很酷的iMac, 以及一款看上去很不靠谱的iPhone, 就取得了每年20亿美元的利润,今年的利润肯定会超过30亿美元;Oracle把自己从软件公司改造成了办公系统方案设计者,从竞争对手那里抄袭了许多创 意,现在其利润正在以每年30%的速度增长。这几个竞争对手都没有撼动微软的根基,即桌面操作系统和办公应用软件,也没有在网络浏览器或开发平台上与微软 纠缠不清。可是它们的利润增长率就是比微软高,股价涨的就是比微软快。当然,现在微软的规模仍然是最大的,但“规模”对投资者和员工都是没有用的。一只市 值2800亿美元的大笨象,并不比三只市值500亿到1500亿美元的小天鹅更有价值,至少华尔街是这样认为的。

花旗的故事就更可悲了。 雄心勃勃的桑迪-威尔想让它成为“真正的全能银行”,却不知道全能银行的潮流已经过去了。花旗的规模实在太大了,大到拥有33万名员工和2.2万亿美元资 产,比世界上大部分国家的GDP还高。在仔细考虑之后,花旗出售了保险业务和资产管理业务,但是仍然无法灵活运转。它的竞争对手要聪明地多:美洲银行专注 于开拓北美零售银行市场,在零售网点和ATM机数量上都远远超过花旗;瑞士银行和瑞士信贷银行基本放弃了商业银行业务,专注于投资银行和资产管理;德意志 银行集中开拓投资银行、公司银行和自营交易;汇丰银行以欧洲和亚洲两个市场为轴心,在稳固商业银行的前提下小心地开拓投资银行。最后,花旗发现自己成了四 不像,它仍然是全球最大的零售银行、最大的企业银行、最大的证券经纪人和最大的投资银行之一,却不知道自己的重点在哪里。所罗门兄弟曾经是让高盛畏惧的角 色,到了花旗手里却保不住华尔街前五的位置;在中国这个增长最迅速的银行市场,花旗最早进入,却至今没有与任何大型本土银行结成战略伙伴,在利润丰厚的公 司银行与投资银行市场进展甚微;在美国本土,它的地位也受到了美洲银行和摩根大通的日益侵蚀。桑迪-威尔必须面对一个现实:在金融业,规模已经成为了扼杀 活力和利润率的缺陷,而不是提高效益的源泉。所谓一两个金融寡头霸占全球的梦想只活在十九世纪的政治宣传手册里。

微软得到了它十年前希望 的一切,花旗也差不多。可是它们当初没有意识到,即使占领这些目标,也只会使自己的情况恶化。比尔-盖茨和巴尔默可能会觉得iPod和iPhone是小孩 子的玩具,可这些看起来很酷的东西比微软的软件更赚钱;Google的在线广告也比微软十几万员工编出来的程序更赚钱。桑迪-威尔和普林斯也会觉得美洲银 行和汇丰银行的人是一群大老粗,可是他们分别蚕食了花旗在国内和国外的市场,使得花旗现在即使在规模上也难以保证第一了。世界上最痛苦的事情莫过于完成了 自己的计划,却发现南辕北辙。

如果十年前的微软知道今天会发生什么,它肯定会停止对IE浏览器的毫无意义的推广(借此还可以躲过反垄断诉 讼),把精力从开发新一代Windows和Office转移到对网络搜索、广告和增值服务上来,并且早点开设消费电子产品部门,争取在苹果之前开发出 Zune. 如果十年之前的花旗知道今天的金融界是什么样子,它肯定会对已有业务进行大刀阔斧的改造,集中开展利润丰厚的投资银行、公司银行和私人银行业务,对零售银 行则采取重点开发的态势,不要试图在全世界每一个角落张开一个大摊子。视察的变化是不以人的意志为转移的,比尔-盖茨可能觉得桌面软件开发应该统治世界一 千年,桑迪-威尔则会觉得一家大银行统治世界是天经地义,可惜市场不这么认为。

人们对华尔街有许多怨言,但有一件事情值得肯定:华尔街对 事物的估值,在大部分情况下是基本正确的,小部分狂热的情况当然除外。华尔街通过对股票的估值告诉公司,它们现在做的事情是否有意义,投资者是否对此感到 高兴。连续五年的原地踏步,使得微软和花旗在华尔街面前不那么自信了。维持和提高股价,一向是支持公司管理层进行改革的首要动力。在股价低落长达五年之 后,这两家公司总该做些什么了。赢得战役的人不一定赢得战争,在任何时候,正确的战略都是商业中最重要的事情。
Sunday, October 21, 2007


为70年代的人选书,首先想到的不是 书,是《新华字典》,一切都从认字开始,一切都从扫盲开始,从70年代出生的人开始,我们进入了轰烈的扫盲时代,从小人书一直扫到线装书,因为我们从小都 要为“四个现代化”奋斗,为了读书,我们在白纸上写满了字,直到把自己写成跨时代的栋梁,或者是烂尾楼。














我还是愿意多听柯特·科本(Kurt cabain)的碟。





















017.《伊甸园之门》[美国]MORRIS DICKSTEIN著



























张力足够, 真的是汉字写的小说。









































048.《博尔赫斯文集》[ [阿根廷]豪·路·博尔赫斯著







哲学小说化, 法国也是一流的。





















062.《日瓦戈医生》[ [苏联]帕斯捷尔纳克著





















稿件来源: 城市画报

联合早报网 2007-10-21








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Saturday, October 20, 2007
  Taiwan's Defense Ministry Denies Nuclear Weapons Development
By Chinmei Sung

Oct. 20,2007 (Bloomberg) -- Taiwan's government denied that it is developing nuclear weapons or cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.

Taiwan ``does not produce, develop, get, store, or use nuclear weapons,'' the Ministry of Defense said in a faxed statement yesterday. ``Taiwan's defense strategy has been clearly defined.''

The ministry's remarks came after opposition lawmaker Su Chi said yesterday in a legislative session that the government is developing nuclear weapons, which was reported today in the Taipei-based, Chinese-language Liberty Times.

Taiwan displayed locally developed missiles in its first National Day military parade in 16 years on the Oct. 10.

China considers Taiwan part of its territory.

To contact the reporter on this story: Chinmei Sung in Taipei at csung4@bloomberg.net

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  FBIS Report: PRC Media Response to Taiwan Nuclear Weapons Debate Low-key

Friday, November 12, 2004


(FBIS Report) Beijing has not responded officially to claims by a Taiwan legislator that Chen Shui-bian's government is planning to develop nuclear weapons or to the debate in Taiwan media prompted by his remarks. However, commentary appearing on official websites and in papers affiliated with mainstream party dailies has implied that Taiwan may be developing nuclear weapons and, in one case, recommended a strong Beijing response. To date, neither China's official press agency Xinhua, nor the party paper Renmin Ribao has been observed to report on the issue. The only report known to have been carried by mainstream central media appeared on the website of Beijing's news service for overseas Chinese, Zhongguo Xinwen She, on 14 October. The news service reported, without comment, Taiwan legislator Nelson Ku's allegations and Taiwan Premier Yu Shyi-kun's denial that Chen had set up a five-person team to plan a nuclear weapons program. The sparse commentary that has appeared on the issue in China's less authoritative, state-controlled media, however, has implied that Taiwan may be considering a nuclear weapons program. Popular papers published by mainstream party media organs underscored previous Taiwan efforts to develop nuclear weapons, implying that reports of Taiwan's current nuclear weapons plans may be accurate. Some mainstream central media have included speculation on Taiwan's nuclear program in reporting on related issues since the nuclear weapons story broke in Taiwan. Reportage With No Commentary A number of popular metropolitan papers affiliated with prominent provincial party committees have carried a variety of reports from Taiwan and other media but have not added commentaries of their own. The paper also quoted the president of the Washington think tank Institute for Science and International Security as saying that "if Taiwan were to develop nuclear weapons, it would be suicide." -- In addition, a number of official party committee dailies picked up reports from various Taiwan and Western news sources and relayed them without comment. These included Beijing Qingnian Bao, the paper of the Beijing party committee's Communist Youth League, and such provincial party committee papers as Fujian Ribao and Nanjing Ribao.

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  扁声东击西 偷偷发展核武
2007-10-20 联合早报网










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Friday, October 19, 2007
2007/10/18, 亚洲时报









  台國防部:聯合偵防中心 即日起裁撤






  台湾“现代东厂” 专门监听军界政界媒体















Thursday, October 18, 2007
  一 國 兩 制 前 的 香 港

梅 兆 贊 ( Jonathan Mirsky )
(作 者 為 英 國 《 泰 晤 士 報 》 前 東 亞 編 輯)

英語 世 界 現 時 有 四 本 論 述 香 港 通 史 的 佳 作 , 其 中 曾 銳 生 ( Steve Tsang ) 包 辦 了 兩 本, 另 外 兩 本 則 是 Frank Welsh 的 《 香 港 史 》 以 及 葉 胡 達 ( Michael Yahuda ) 的 《香 港 : 中 國 之 挑 戰 》 ( Hong Kong : China's Challenge ) 。 曾 銳 生 是 牛 津 大 學 聖安 東 尼 學 院 政 治 學 教 授 及 查 良 鏞 榮 譽 學 人 , 曾 於 九 七 年 出 版 《 香 港 : 迎 向 中 國 》 ( Hong Kong : An Appointment with China ) 。 新 近 出 版 的 《 現 代 香 港 史 》 ( A Modern History of Hong Kong ) 有 些 章 節 引 用 自 舊 著 , 但 都 經 過 刪 節 改 寫 。

本書 內 容 廣 泛 , 文 筆 流 暢 犀 利 , 但 除 了 一 處 例 外 , 述 均 止 於 九 七 年 政 權 交 接 , 這 是 頗為 可 惜 的 。 曾 銳 生 既 是 土 生 土 長 的 「 香 港 仔 」 , 若 能 夠 一 併 論 述 董 建 華 首 五 年 的 施政 , 可 望 較 詳 細 地 介 紹 「 一 國 兩 制 」 的 運 作 , 探 討 其 得 失 。 對 此 他 僅 僅 表 示 : 「 九七 之 後 , 中 國 高 層 幹 部 較 少 高 調 干 預 香 港 事 務 」 ; 「 高 調 」 一 詞 可 圈 可 點 。 但 自 去年 七 一 大 遊 行 以 來 , 北 京 不 但 加 強 介 入 香 港 事 務 , 態 度 更 愈 趨 強 硬 , 既 詈 罵 部 份 民主 派 人 士 「 不 愛 國 」 以 至 甘 為 「 漢 奸 」 。 更 乾 脆 放 言 威 嚇 : 民 主 派 若 繼 續 要 求 ○ 七和 ○ 八 年 落 實 行 政 長 官 和 立 法 會 「 雙 普 選 」 的 話 , 中 央 有 權 解 散 立 法 會 。

話說 回 來 , 選 定 論 述 範 圍 是 作 者 的 權 利 。 本 書 述 鴉 片 戰 爭 後 至 一 九 九 七 年 間 香 港 作 為英 國 殖 民 地 的 百 多 年 歷 史 , 足 以 滿 足 一 般 讀 者 以 至 專 家 的 需 要 。 書 中 描 述 香 港 的 發經 過 : 英 國 最 初 委 派 到 港 的 殖 民 地 官 員 只 有 數 十 人 , 但 在 警 隊 和 少 量 駐 軍 的 協 助 下, 香 港 逐 漸 由 一 個 小 漁 村 發 展 成 現 代 都 市 。

香 港 較 少 匪 賊 貪 官 , 政 局 也 相 對穩 定 , 很 多 中 國 人 因 此 南 下 定 居 或 暫 避 戰 亂 。 殖 民 統 治 初 期 , 香 港 的 華 人 和 殖 民 地官 員 彼 此 刻 意 保 持 距 離 , 英 國 政 府 將 香 港 發 展 為 南 中 國 轉 口 港 , 香 港 人 則 謹 守 本 份, 或 在 殖 民 政 府 打 工 , 或 幹 點 小 買 賣 。 ( 一 九 五 八 至 九 七 年 間 我 到 過 香 港 多 次 , 也居 住 過 一 段 時 間 , 據 我 觀 察 , 中 國 人 和 外 國 人 一 直 各 有 不 同 的 生 活 圈 子 。 ) 更 有 意思 的 是 , 自 十 九 世 紀 末 以 來 , 英 政 府 已 容 �\ 反 對 滿 清 的 革 命 活 動 家 在 港 定 居 , 條件 是 不 能 以 香 港 為 顛 覆 大 陸 的 基 地 。 這 情 況 在 中 國 共 產 黨 執 政 後 仍 然 延 續 。

曾銳 生 又 論 述 了 戰 後 香 港 的 人 口 變 化 。 南 下 的 中 國 人 起 初 自 視 為 過 客 , 後 來 逐 漸 對 香港 產 生 身 份 認 同 , 自 覺 身 份 特 殊 , 既 是 中 國 人 更 是 香 港 人 。 ( 這 作 者 可 能 忽 略 了 香港 淪 陷 期 間 的 兩 個 因 素 : 一 方 面 香 港 人 目 睹 日 本 輕 易 擊 潰 英 軍 ; 而 部 份 社 會 賢 達 ,尤 其 是 有 外 國 血 統 的 華 人 則 與 日 軍 積 極 合 作 。 當 年 英 國 人 表 現 膽 怯 , 過 後 並 未 懲 處那 些 高 呼 日 本 皇 軍 萬 歲 的 權 貴 。 後 來 北 京 狠 批 彭 定 康 , 這 些 人 的 兒 孫 也 在 一 旁 推 波助 瀾 。 Philip Snow 的 《 The Fall of Hong Kong 》 一 書 詳 述 了 這 段 歷 史 。 此 書 新近 出 版 , 曾 銳 生 也 �\ 來 不 及 參 考 。 ) 隨 愈 來 愈 多 逃 難 到 香 港 的 中 國 人 對 內 地 的 局勢 不 存 幻 想 , 絕 了 返 鄉 定 居 之 念 , 香 港 的 本 土 意 識 也 逐 漸 成 熟 。

中 英 談 判 這段 歷 史 雖 然 幾 乎 引 述 自 舊 著 , 但 依 然 是 全 書 最 精 采 的 章 節 。 中 英 就 香 港 主 權 問 題 的談 判 可 追 溯 自 七 十 年 代 , 英 國 政 府 一 直 以 為 只 需 稍 作 讓 步 , 在 九 七 後 仍 可 延 續 管 治, 所 謂 「 以 主 權 換 治 權 」 , 多 年 後 才 逐 漸 明 白 中 國 收 回 香 港 的 決 心 。

本 書 也指 出 香 港 對 中 國 經 濟 有 不 少 貢 獻 , 九 七 後 地 位 可 能 更 加 重 要 ; 而 香 港 之 所 以 成 為 生金 蛋 的 母 雞 , 有 賴 多 項 因 素 , 只 可 惜 中 國 對 此 幾 乎 一 無 所 知 。 這 有 點 匪 夷 所 思 , 但卻 千 真 萬 確 。 記 得 一 些 中 國 領 導 人 曾 認 定 , 英 國 在 九 七 前 必 會 「 掏 空 」 香 港 , 更 有人 相 信 港 英 政 府 已 建 成 直 通 倫 敦 的 海 底 秘 道 , 準 確 好 在 最 後 一 刻 將 黃 金 庫 存 運 返 英國 。

我 不 完 全 同 意 曾 銳 生 的 判 斷 。 以 八 九 天 安 門 運 動 為 例 , 他 認 為 港 人不 了 解 北 京 示 威 者 的 「 陰 暗 面 」 , 只 是 對 事 件 演 變 成 血 腥 鎮 壓 深 感 內 疚 , 這 才 激 發起 百 萬 港 人 上 街 。 他 沒 有 進 一 步 解 釋 何 謂 「 陰 暗 面 」 。 書 中 又 指 港 人 有 佔 盡 「 兩 制」 便 宜 的 心 態 , 既 要 保 留 香 港 的 一 制 , 又 企 圖 影 響 內 地 。 這 說 法 對 港 人 並 不 公 平 。「 六 四 」 在 香 港 造 成 極 大 震 撼 , 激 發 起 市 民 的 義 憤 和 熱 忱 , 更 轉 化 為 向 港 英 以 至 中央 政 府 爭 取 民 主 和 港 人 治 港 的 強 大 動 力 。 曾 銳 生 似 乎 低 估 了 這 些 因 素 。
此 外, 本 書 也 交 代 了 英 國 如 何 奠 定 香 港 的 法 治 基 礎 , 以 及 六 十 年 代 後 期 開 始 肅 貪 倡 廉 。這 兩 點 也 是 中 國 認 同 的 成 就 。 ( 作 為 似 乎 認 為 港 英 政 府 建 立 了 公 正 嚴 明 的 警 隊 , 這話 大 致 不 錯 , 但 香 港 黑 社 會 活 動 猖 獗 , 警 方 打 擊 不 力 , 甚 或 有 串 通 之 嫌 。 ) 總 括 來說 , 本 書 以 生 動 文 筆 完 整 記 述 香 港 的 傳 奇 故 事 , 可 謂 同 類 著 作 中 的 表 表 者 。


  Failure to engage Suu Kyi dismays China

By Richard McGregor and Jamil Anderlini in Beijing
Published: September 25 2007

When Jiang Yu, a Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman, addressed the issue of mounting protests in Burma on Tuesday she trotted out the standard line that China “always adopts a policy of non-interference” in the affairs of other countries.

“The stability of [Burma] serves the interest of [Burma] itself and the interests of the international community,” she said.

But the emphasis on “stability” and the benefits to the global community of a peaceful and prosperous Burma – a country in which Beijing has significant economic interests – underlined China’s frustration at the inability of the governing junta to broaden its popular support in recent years.

Privately, in talks with the US, and publicly in recent weeks, although less explicitly, China has urged Burma to engage the now-detained Nobel laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi, directly in recognition of her democratic mandate.

China hosted direct talks between the US and top Burmese officials in June in Beijing, in an effort to draw Rangoon back into the international community.

In September, Tang Jiaxuan, a former foreign minister who has been used as an envoy by Beijing, told Burmese leaders that “China wholeheartedly hopes that [Burma] will push forward a democracy process that is appropriate for the country”.

Xinhua, the official news agency, added that China, “as a friendly neighbour, sincerely hopes [Burma] will restore internal stability as soon as possible, properly handle issues and actively promote national reconciliation”.

China fears that any violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators by the junta will reflect badly on Beijing itself and its willingness to support dictatorial regimes.

China has invested heavily in Burmese gas fields, often in competition with India. It is also building a port at Kyauk Phyu, in Burma, which will be connected by a 1,950km highway with Kunming, capital of China’s Yunnan province.

China’s frustration at the incompetence of the regime was in evidence in an unusually frank posting on the foreign ministry website in May.

In the posting, since taken down, a Chinese diplomat described in mocking tones the transfer of the Burmese capital from Rangoon to a specially constructed city in the isolated centre of the country.

He recounted how foreign diplomats were kept in the dark “as is usual in Burma” until they were ordered to relocate to the new capital built on a “wasteland” and renamed to make it sound grander.

“It is hard for such a backward developing country to build a large city with proper facilities from scratch,” the article said.

The article noted that after years of effort, the new capital’s basic infrastructure was barely finished and that it lacked a proper airport but that the junta had managed to complete the construction of four golf courses.


  Indian microfinance is attracting big business

By Amy Yee
Published: October 12 2007

The Indian microfinance sector is starting to attract private equity groups and hedge funds after a series of high-profile deals cast the sector in a different light from its charitable origins.

Leading Indian microfinance groups, such as SKS Microfinance, Share, Spandana and Basix, make small loans of typically less than $100 to the poor and, until a few years ago, were largely viewed as a destination for charitable donations rather than serious investment.

However, this week, Indian and foreign investors interested in investing in the fast-growing sector have met about 40 microfinance institutions at an inaugural microfinance investment fair in New Delhi.

Private equity investors’ entry into the field follows that of big banks such as ICICI of India, ABN Amro, Standard Chartered and Citibank, which have in recent years greatly increased the capital they give to microfinance institutions.

The heightened interest in India, one of the largest microfinance markets, comes after a flurry of deals, which included Sequoia, the Silicon Valley venture capital company that backed Google, investing $11.5m in SKS Microfinance this spring.

“There is huge commercial interest in the sector,” said Vikram Akula, SKS chief executive. SKS has been approached by about 20 private equity funds and even hedge funds, he added.

The number of microfinance borrowers in India reached 36.8m, according to a report from the Ford Foundation, the Swiss agency for development and microfinance advisory access. Outstanding loans distributed by Indian microfinance institutions increased 76 per cent to about $766m in 2006-2007. Repayment rates of about 98 per cent have created confidence in the business.

Dubai-based Legatum Capital this week announced it would pay $8.4m for a minority share in Intellecap, an Indian adviser that focuses on microfinance.

Legatum this spring paid $25m for a majority stake in Share, as well as $4.5m for an undisclosed interest in Fino, maker of microfinance technology, such as Smart cards and card readers.

Legatum hoped that its investments would “send a powerful signal to other equity investors that the microfinance industry is worth looking at”, said Mark Stoleson, the president.

US-based Unitus Equity Fund (UEF), whose partners include the investment company of Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar, invested $500,000 in SKS last year and this year closed a $23.4m fund devoted to microfinance in Asia and Latin America.

Chris Brookfield, UEF director, said the fund would be making more investments in India soon.

Sequoia will focus on its investment in SKS but anticipates others will enter the fray. “It may not be us but you will see a lot more investors coming in,” said Sumir Chadha, managing director of Sequoia Capital India.

But he warned: “Now there is so much euphoria around microfinance, many companies expecting overnight success will probably be disappointed if they have these expectations.”

Apart from India’s biggest leading microfinance companies, many fledgling groups lack the experience to prepare for investment, said Vipin Sharma, chief executive of Access, a sector ad­viser formerly part of humanitarian organisation Care. Access has been working with small microfinance companies to develop business plans and help woo investors at Thursday’s conference. But the possible entry of private equity players has raised questions about how this could alter microfinance’s original mission of uplifting the poor.

Vijay Mahajan, chairman of Basix, pointed out that this year’s flotation of Mexican microfinance group Compartamos had made its founders millionaires. “Presumably, this will attract more capital, but on what terms to the ultimate users? Is this what we set up this sector for?” he told the magazine Microfinance Insights.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007
  China’s bubble may burst but the impact will be limited

By Andy Xie, an independent economist in Shanghai
Published: October 16 2007

China’s stock market is trading at 50-60 times earnings – we really don’t know the number – and its residential properties are selling for 15-20 times average household income. Many draw parallels between China now and Japan of 1989 or Hong Kong of 1997. The comparison is wrong.

China’s urban residential properties and listed shares in the local and foreign stock market are worth 3.5 times GDP. Both Japan and Hong Kong peaked near 10 before bursting. I am not denying that China’s asset market is a bubble. Most blame excess liquidity for the bubble. Yes, China’s current account surplus is likely to reach 10 per cent of GDP in 2007. Such a large sum of surplus cash can cause a bubble. But, the government control of asset supply is more to blame for the ridiculous valuation.

For example, all the shares of Chinese companies listed in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong are worth Rmb35,000bn ($4,649bn) to Rmb40,000bn, or 146 to 167 per cent of GDP. Over two-thirds of these are owned by government entities. The shares that are liquid and locally listed are merely Rmb9,000bn, or 38 per cent of GDP. China’s stock market is similar to Nasdaq’s in 2000 when the hot internet companies had ridiculous valuations but small free floats.

In addition to the illiquidity of state-owned shares, tight control over IPOs and share placements are also to blame. The controlling shareholders of privately owned and listed companies cannot sell down their shares even when they think the shares overvalued. Government policy in China deliberately blocks such arbitrages that prevent a market from running away from fundamentals.

The value of residential properties is 4-4.5 times that of the shares that households own. With investment in property construction reaching 10 per cent of GDP, it is a large market in stock and flow. Its high price is due to the presence of extraordinarily large grey income in China – earnings garnered by charging above official prices. Property construction costs less than third of the sales value. The rest goes to local governments as land sale proceeds and taxes and to property developers as profits. That money tends to circulate among people who have grey income. The higher the property price, the more the grey income.

State ownership in important sectors also generates large grey income. One developer in a second-tier city, when I asked, told me that most buyers at his vast development were teachers, doctors, civil servants and policemen. Teachers get paid by the parents of their pupils for extra care. Doctors raise prices right before putting you on the operating table. Well, civil servants and policemen . . . 

China’s property market is like a squeegee machine on the economy – all its juice is sucked out through all the levers of power and squirted into property. The high monetary value of power and the love of property have combined to make China’s property market large and expensive. Still, the value of China’s residential properties is 1.7 times GDP. Japan’s was 4.5 in 1989 and Hong Kong’s 7.5 in 1997.

China’s asset bubble may burst next week or next year. Your guess is as good as mine. The economic impact, however, will be limited. If the stock market drops by half, households lose 20 per cent of GDP in paper wealth, similar to the impact of a 15 per cent drop of the US market on its economy. If the property market drops 30 per cent, most people in China will laugh; only the rich and powerful will grumble. The banks may suffer bad debts. But the Chinese government has a tendency to pick up the tab after a party and gets another one going right afterwards. It still has the money to do so.

China’s growth drivers are trade and urbanisation. A US recession could slow down the former. But China’s trade with other developing countries is booming. As all developing countries have excess forex reserves, they can continue to spend in spite of a US downturn. Local governments drive urbanisation. They have just got their new party secretaries who are eager to push ahead. China will continue to build until it runs out of money. The banks have too much money for the foreseeable future.

Burst or not, China’s high growth is likely to continue.

作者:谢国忠(Andy Xie)为英国《金融时报》撰稿
2007年10月18日 星期四



例如,在上海、深圳和香港上市的中国公司的全部股票,现在的价值为35万亿元人民币(合 4.649万亿美元)到40万亿元人民币,相当于GDP的146%到167%。这些股票有三分之二以上由政府实体持有。本土上市公司的流通股仅价值区区9 万亿元人民币,相当于GDP的38%。中国股市与2000年的纳斯达克(Nasdaq)相似,当时,炙手可热的互联网公司估值达到荒谬的水平,而流通股却很少。




中国的房地产市场就像压在经济上的一个榨汁机——通过各种权力手段将全部汁液压榨出来,然后喷向房地产。权力的高货币价值和对房地产的热爱,两者的结合使中国房地产市场成为一个规模庞大、价格高昂的市场。不过,中国住宅地产的价值只有GDP的1.7倍。而日本1989年为4.5倍,香港1997年为7.5 倍。

中国资产泡沫的破裂可能发生在下周,也可能是在明年。在这方面,我和你一样不清楚。然而,泡沫破裂对经济的影响将是有限的。如果股市下跌一半,中国家庭会损失相当于GDP 20%的账面财富,与美国股市下跌15%对经济造成的影响差不多。如果房地产市场下跌30%,多数中国人都会发出笑声;只有富人和权势阶层会哀怨。中国的银行可能会受到不良贷款的困扰。但中国政府往往会在盛宴过后买单,而且还会马上再举办一场盛宴。它仍有钱这么做。




  Grand dames let rip in Hong Kong cat fight
Oct 16, 2007, Asia Times Online
By Augustine Tan

HONG KONG - Cheered on by the political class, two of Hong Kong's aging tais-tais (a Chinese term for a privileged woman of leisure) are publicly slugging it out to the utter amusement of the common folk.

In one corner representing the Democratic Party is Anson Chan, a Hong Kong and US educated former top civil servant under former chief executive Tung Chee-hwa and the last colonial Governor, Chris Patten. Known as "Hong Kong's conscience" for her steadfast support of the city's freedoms, former chief secretary for administration Anson Chan Fang On-sang, aka Chan Sei Man (for her icy smile which is said to resemble the "40,000" mahjong tile) is 67.

In the other corner stands her former subordinate and ex-security chief Regina Lau Ip Suk-yee aka "Broomhead" (after her flaring hairstyle which cartoonists found so amusing during her ill-fated campaign to push through anti-subversion legislation in 2002) whose opening shot was: "I'm 10 years younger than her!"

Ip, who also spent some time in the United States at Stanford University, is also known for her passionate support for a 1982 anti-sedition law as secretary for security which made her a symbol of fears of a Beijing crack down on Hong Kong's political freedom. However, when she announced plans to contest the vacant legislative seat she also said, "Democracy is the only way forward for Hong Kong."

The prize for this contest is the Legislative Council (Legco) seat left vacant by the recent death of Ma Lik, chairman of the pro-Beijing Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB). The winner will only have the seat for 10 months before fresh elections for the entire council are called.

The by-election is set for December 2 but official campaigning does not begin until nominations are filed later this month. Nevertheless both women are already hitting out at each other.

Supposedly the fight is over universal sufferage for Hong Kong where the chief executive is not directly elected by the people, but virtually rubber-stamped at Beijing's behest through an 800 member electoral college, hence the pro-democracy camp's adoption of Chan as their candidate and her elevation from "conscience of Hong Kong" to "goddess of democracy".

Ip, despite her "democracy come lately" stance, has Beijing's support since the DAB and the pro-government Liberal Party are backing her with organizational support.

The reality may be more prosaic.

A power struggle has been going on for the last couple of years between the leaders and younger members of the Democratic Party, flagship of the whole pro-democracy movement. Many of these rank-and-file members sit on district councils and feel it is time for them to move up to the legislature.

The party squabbles have led to leakage of confidential party documents on the Internet, accusations of collusion with Beijing and counter-accusations of sabotage on Beijing's behalf, followed by an internal inquiry without any resolution of grievances.

The elitist leadership is simply not about to admit anymore of the proles into its ranks, hence their need to recruit someone of stature - from the ranks of Hong Kong's elite - to contest the by-election without splitting the party. Initially Chan was reluctant to run and some very big names in Hong Kong society were enlisted to cajole her. If the more rabidly anti-Democratic Party media are to be believed, even the British were enlisted to persuade her.

On the pro-China side, the issue was altogether different: Ip went knocking on their doors to solicit support. It was something of a godsend because neither the DAB nor the Liberal Party had anyone else of stature to contest the seat.

Successive public opinion polls in recent years have shown that the general public is totally bored with politics. Now, with the stock market likely to soar above the once "impossible" 30,000-point mark before polling day it might have been expected that the fight between these two women would be ignored.

Not so. There is, in fact, tremendous interest in this tussle of the tai-tais. Hong Kong people love to see a good fight. But this is much, much more than that - it could be a once-in-a-lifetime punch-up.

For outsiders to understand the exquisite nature of this fight, some characteristics of Hong Kong society need to be understood.

Hong Kong is a highly stratified society where everybody is expected to know his place and to keep himself there. At the top of this society are some two dozen or so established families who, generally, do not soil themselves with such common activities as politics.

Some members of these families see themselves as rightful heirs of the British in the running of Hong Kong. They will not come right out and say so, of course. They simply expect to be courted by the powers-that-be.

The British cultivated them; the Chinese did not. Or not to the extent that the British did.

Except for a notorious few (notably gambling mogul Stanley Ho), members of these established families are men and women whose desires, disdain or contempt are expressed with a nod of the head, an icy stare or a brief nod of the head. Rarely is anyone publicly criticized or scolded; face is paramount and no one, no matter how contemptuous, is made to lose face.

This much even the wretchedly poor in Hong Kong understand. So it astonishes them to hear and see on TV two elderly tai-tais from two established families going at each other's throat. It's simply not the done thing.

Chan has accused Ip of using the Legco venture as a trial run for her "grander plan to become chief executive" and questioned her opponent's sudden passion for democracy, asking: "I wonder who is a sudden democrat, myself or Regina?"

For her part, Ip, a woman who once argued against universal sufferage by saying, "Adolf Hitler was returned by universal suffrage, and he killed 7 million Jews ... one-person, one-vote is no panacea," has called Chan's comments "too far fetched", adding, "I'm really bewildered by what Anson Chan has said."

It is obvious that these two women have something between them that has nothing whatever to do with democracy, Beijing or even what's good for Hong Kong. They are not merely questioning each other's motives for contesting the seat or a sudden passion for democracy. They're also talking about who did what to whom during their time in the civil service under the British. No face spared and none given.

Ip had been regarded as a shoo-in candidate soon after the DAB chairman passed away. Then Chan was talked into running - and everyone, media and multitude alike, wrote off Ip.

Since the two started to swing at each other Ip has been catching up with each successive opinion poll. Most of these polls are conducted by pollsters sympathetic to the pro-democracy camp; one of them even organized the "primary" which ensured Chan's candidacy.

There's not much that is at stake in this by-election, no matter what the media say. Under the Basic Law the ultimate decision on Hong Kong's constitutional development lies with the Central Government of China. Period.

Hopefully, this tai-tai slug fest may convince others in the established families to abandon their own "Queensbury" rules of proper fighting behavior and get down to dirtying or glorifying themselves in politics. That may really help push Hong Kong along the road to democracy.

Augustine Tan is a freelance journalist based in Hong Kong.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007
2007.10.10 德国之声



如今中国保险市场上,为数不多的几个国内保险公 司占据绝对优势。外国保险公司的份额只有6%。但是,外国投资者对潜在的市场充满信心。普华永道的报告估计,到2010年,外国保险业在中国的份额将上升 到10%。未来三年中,外国保险公司数量将从今天的40个增加到大约55个,而受雇于外国保险公司的保险代理人数将从79 000增加到192 000,增长142%。被调查的24家大型外国保险公司认为,增长潜力最大的领域是人寿和疾病保险。刚刚起步的养老保险业也被认为具有较大的增长潜力。



现在还有很多中国人没有认识到保险的重要性(其实是认识到了。但是其一是很多地方需要支出,所以很多人没有把保险放到优先考虑的位置;其二是保险业的口碑实在不好)。这 是保险公司拓展业务的困难之一。另外,这个行业的形象很差。保险代理人通常被认为不够专业、不可信。虽然国家和保险行业都努力说服大众认识保险的重要性和 必要性,比如国家对保险实行税收优惠,但是人们头脑中的观念还一时难以改变。



外国保险公司现在在中国的雇员人数超过14 800,预计到2010年这个数字将增加133%达到34 000。 而其中外国籍员工只有312名,到2010年也不会有太大的增长。这说明,外资保险公司主要依靠本地人才。但这方面的情况并不十分乐观。在普华永道的调查 中,有一个问题是“公司面临的最大的压力来自哪方面”。结果显示,排名第一的是招募和培训优秀人才。这个问题甚至排在了开拓销售渠道和加快保险费增长的前 面。

瑞士普华永道保险业咨询部门的彼得.吕思 (Peter Lüssi)说:“人才的招募和培训对于外资保险公司来说是一个巨大的挑战。中国的人才流动性非常高,去年只有6家外资保险公司的人员流动率在10%以 下。4家公司的人才流动率甚至超过了总雇员数的四分之一。在领导岗位、销售和市场实施部门很难招聘到有能力的人才。”


德国安联保险集团1999年在华投资成立了欧洲 在华第一家寿险公司—中德安联人寿保险有限公司。2006 年,中德安联的毛保费总收入达12亿元人民币,比2005年增长超过300% ,在所有外资寿险公司中名列第四。今年前3个月,中德安联实现规模保费4.87亿元人民币,比去年同期增长了140% 。自成立以来,中德安联扩展迅速,至2007年5月,已在上海和广东,浙江和四川三大省份共16座城市设立了34个营销服务部。在寿险成功先例的鼓舞下, 2003年安联集团在中国成立了第一家财产险分公司--安联保险公司广州分公司(安联产险)。其中车险业务增长迅速。

这次调查的各项业绩指标的横向比较中,安联在 “寿险”、“疾病险”、“地区扩张”和“创新”等方面都占据第四位,“客户关系”还排在了第三。只有800名雇员的安联与气势汹汹雇员2600名的美国友 邦还是有差距的,这个由美国国际集团投资的全外资保险公司几乎在各项比较中都占据第一位。




Foreign insurance companies in China


Tuesday, October 09, 2007
09/10/2007, Radio France Internationale




法国国际广播电台中文部 李杰 华盛顿报道。
  Beijing reconnects with public transport

By Mure Dickie
Published: October 5 2007

Beijing's hard-pressed commuters should count themselves blessed, for they are about to receive that rarest of boons: more transport for less money.

Even as the Chinese capital opens its new 27.6km No. 5 mass transit line on Sunday, the price of tickets for the expanded underground network is being slashed to a flat fare of Rmb2, less than half the previous maximum tariff.

The opening of the Rmb12bn ($1.6bn, €1.1bn) line and the ticket price-cut highlight Beijing's belated re-embrace of public transport as the only way to ensure the fast-expanding city can function effectively.

“We are going to strongly push development of the subway in order to deal with Beijing's traffic,” says Liu Qi, the capital’s powerful Communist party secretary. “The large-scale subway development . . . may well result in the world’s biggest network.” Beijing's building plan is part of a nationwide explosion of interest in mass transit networks as urban populations are swelled by a vast influx of new residents from their rural hinterlands.

Over the next decade or so, 15 Chinese cities are expected to spend Rmb620bn to build 1,700km of underground lines and urban light railways, state media say. More than 20 other cities are also seeking permission to build lines.

Beijing is leading the way, with plans to have 561km of subway line in operation by 2015 – well above the London Underground’s 408km.

While Beijing favours Chinese suppliers, the subway surge is a big opportunity for global transit systems producers such as Germany's Siemens, France’s Alstom and Bombardier, the Canadian company responsible for a light rail link to the capital's airport that will open next year.

Beijing’s subway line plans are something of a return to the future for the capital, which was China's underground pioneer when it opened its first line in 1969.

“The Beijing [underground] was hardly late in taking its first steps, but development has come in phases because of shortages of finance and other limiting factors,” says Jia Peng, spokesman for Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corp.

Perhaps the most important limiting factor has been the capital’s love affair with road transport and the car. Planners have focused largely on widening cross-town avenues and on encircling the city with multi-lane ring roads.

The rapid road construction continues, but capacity is still failing to keep up with a flood of new vehicles, with many of the capital’s more than 3m cars already spending much of their time stuck in traffic.

Municipal leaders expect to have to ban half the capital’s cars on alternate days to ensure smooth traffic when it hosts the Olympic Games in August.

Merely building the new underground lines will be no panacea for Beijing’s transport problems. The clearing of much of the city centre of its original residents means commutes are growing ever longer. And the capital still lacks the convenient suburban rail links that round out the transit systems of London or Tokyo.

Despite the cheaper fares, many commuters may still be loath to take to the underground, which is often cramped and hot and which suffers from poorly laid out stations and connections.

Such reluctance may be eased by a Rmb4bn plan to upgrade the oldest two lines with new carriages and more frequent trains ahead of the Olympic Games.

With sophisticated air-conditioning, elevators and platform safety doors, the new north-south No 5 line certainly offers a new level of mass transit comfort for the city.

Operators are even promising seamless mobile phone connections for travellers between its 23 stations as well as live TV broadcasts of Olympic events next year. For those commuters eager not to miss a minute of the games, that will no doubt seem a blessing indeed.

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  First Chinese banking acquisition in US

Published: October 8 2007

China’s pioneering US bank acquisition ticks all the right boxes. Minsheng Bank has gained a US presence in a business it knows well: its target, UCBH Holdings, is a San Francisco-based community bank serving Chinese family businesses. Better still, Minsheng has (so far) avoided both paying a hefty premium and ruffling feathers on Capitol Hill – a rare feat for a Chinese acquirer beating a path to the US.

All told, Minsheng will pay about $200m for 9.9 per cent of San Francisco- based UCBH in two phases. The initial 4.9 per cent bite is priced at the previous 90-day average closing price; the second may command a slim premium. That is pocket change for Minsheng. UCBH is roughly one-tenth its size in terms of assets, and the first cheque will have little impact on the Chinese lender’s healthy capital adequacy ratio. Should any strains appear later – subject to approvals, Minsheng has the option to increase its stake to 20 per cent – the lender can tap two of the world’s more buoyant capital markets. Minsheng’s Shanghai-listed shares have almost doubled this year, in spite of a massive block sale in March, and it is mulling a listing in Hong Kong.

Has Minsheng blazed a trail for peers to follow? Do not hold your breath. Unlike most rivals, it is privately owned and was ready to settle for a minority stake. That may have soothed US regulators, who are more likely to bridle at advances by state-controlled entities. UCBH is also a special case. Its need for cash meant it was prepared to sell the initial slug of stock at market price. Ironically, the cash raised will soon return to China, to fund UCBH’s purchase of Shanghai-based Business Development Bank. The whiff of reciprocity doubtless pleased the Americans. Beijing, which sees overseas acquisitions as a way to balance the waves of foreign money entering China, may have a different view.


2007年10月9日 星期二

中国首宗收购美国银行股权的交易可谓面面俱到。民生银行 (Minsheng Bank)在自己熟悉的领域内取得了美国市场的一席之地:并购目标联合银行控股公司(UCBH Holdings)是一家总部位于旧金山的社区银行,服务于华人家族企业。更让人叫好的是,迄今为止,民生银行不但不用支付昂贵的溢价,而且也没有引起国会山的不满——对于任何到美国发展的中国并购者来说,这都是一个难得的成就。


那么,民生有没有为自己的中国同行们开辟出一条可以追随的道路呢?不要抱太大的期望。与众多其它中国银行不同,民生是一家民营银行,也乐于成为一个小股东。这一点对美国监管机构起到了安抚作用,而它们很可能会对国有实体的并购要求持有敌意。联合控股也是一个特殊案例。该银行对资金的渴求使得它愿意按市场价出售第一批股份。有意思的是,这笔来自中国的资金将很快回到中国,联合控股将用其并购总部位于上海的德富泰银行(Business Development Bank)。这种带有礼尚往来色彩的做法无疑让美国人高兴。而中国政府在一定程度上将海外并购视为平衡外资流入的方法,因此可能对此有不同看法。




  Wanted: another British migration

By Tim Leunig
Published: September 30 2007

The recent housing green paper committed Britain to building 3m homes by 2020. Where should we build them? We could scatter them across the country in line with current population patterns, but both spatial economics and history tell us that we can do better. National income will be higher if we build them in the right places.

The 19th century saw coal-producing areas and the North West become prosperous. Liverpool and Manchester, for example, proved to be perfect locations for the then highly skilled, high-wage cotton industry and grew by more than half a million people apiece. Other big towns appeared from nowhere: Crewe was a village of 46 houses and 289 residents in 1800, but a big town a century later. People were attracted by the jobs and wages on offer and Britain would have been a lot poorer without people migrating internally.

Since 1945 Britain’s prosperity has moved south-east. Today Heathrow, not Liverpool, offers the best connections to the US. We trade more with Europe, so the South East, not the North West, is the best location for many businesses. As the home of finance rather than textiles, London has simply been luckier than Manchester.

City size matters even more than in the past. Service sector companies, especially those employing highly skilled workers, gain most from locating close to each other, as knowledge spill-overs between workers and companies make them more effective. In addition the rise of dual-career, dual-industry couples wanting to work in the same city as each other gives companies in different industries the incentive to locate in the same place.

For these reasons we would expect to have seen large-scale migration to the South East since 1945, with some small towns in that area growing dramatically, as in the 19th century. But we have not. Two obvious places where we could imagine knowledge spill-overs being important – Oxford and Cambridge – have seen population grow at just 0.5 per cent per year.

The postwar planning system was based on the belief that people should stay where they were and that jobs should move to them. But the belief that we can shuffle jobs around Britain proved false. You cannot move Canary Wharf to Liverpool: it is successful (in part) because of where it is.

This mistake has real consequences, above all for those trapped in declining towns to which our planners failed to persuade companies to move. Those without qualifications in Blackburn have a one in three chance of being unemployed; the equivalent figure for Windsor is only one in five. Those in work are less well paid outside the South East. Big house price differentials caused by misguided planning policies make it hard for people to migrate towards the South East.

It is correspondingly plausible to imagine that Britain would be richer were Whitehall planners simply to divide the 3m new homes equally between Oxford, Cambridge and London. It is highly unlikely that this would generate a worse outcome than spreading them fairly evenly across Britain. But the history of planning tells us that Whitehall does not know best. Rather than trying to pick winners, we should use market signals to decide where to locate these homes.

Britain’s highest land values are currently found in London and nearby commuter towns such as Reigate; in Oxford; and in Cambridge. A hectare of land in each is worth at least £8m, or around £200,000 per property. Nowhere else comes close to matching these levels. Additional houses in these areas are worth more because these places are capable of generating additional well-paid jobs. It is clear, therefore, that these are the most sensible places to build the first of the 3m new homes.

As we do so, the increase in supply may lead prices to fall to more typical levels, in which case the price signal will automatically lead us to build in other areas. But if the new homes attract new companies, then wages in these newly enlarged cities will stay high, leading housing and land prices to remain high. If that is the case, and it seems a plausible scenario, then the sensible strategy would be to keep increasing the size of these cities, generating more and more high-quality, high-wage jobs in the process.

Oxford and Cambridge would then become the Liverpool and Manchester of the 21st century: cities whose economic success leads to dramatic expansion, to the benefit of those who move to them, and, via buoyant tax revenues, to all of us.

The writer is lecturer in economic history at the London School of Economics

作者:英国《金融时报》撰稿人提姆•罗尼格(Tim Leunig)
2007年10月9日 星期二


19 世纪见证了产煤区和西北部地区的兴起。例如,事实证明,利物浦和曼彻斯特是当时高技能、高工资的棉布工业的理想位置,它们各自增添了逾50万人口。其它的大型城镇从无到有:克鲁(Crewe)在1800年只是一个拥有46栋房屋和289名居民的村庄,但在一个世纪后成为了一个大城镇。人们受到了就业机会和工资的吸引,如果没有国内人口流动,英国会比现在贫穷许多。




战后规划体系是基于这样的信念:人们应待在自己原来所在的地方,而工作应移到那里。但事实证明,工作可以被移至英国各地的想法是错误的。你不可能将金丝雀码头(Canary Wharf,伦敦的一个新兴金融区)搬到利物浦,它之所以成功,(一定程度上)是因为它所在的位置。






  Sex Education
September 22 2007

Dear Economist,

I am worried that if my children receive sex education at school, it will make unwanted pregnancies more likely. Should I take them out of class?

Protective Parent

Dear Protective Parent,

You are right to be worried. It is easy to see why information about contraception might encourage sex by lowering its costs, but the effects might be more dramatic than you would think. In a nutshell, fixed costs are your problem. These are obvious when it comes to, for instance, producing software. The first copy may cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce, the second very little. But losing your virginity is like that too: the first sexual experience comes with a psychological cost, but, once paid, future experiences are easier. (Economics students will recognise the implication: sex has economies of scale, so it is efficient to either have lots or none at all.)

Within a relationship, too, the first sexual experience probably has a fixed cost.

In both cases, access to contraceptives makes it likelier that the first experience will be chosen; having crossed that barrier, it may become so attractive to have sex that teenagers will do so even when the contraceptives are not available.

The economists Peter Arcidiacono and Ahmed Khwaja, of Duke University, with Lijing Ouyang of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, believe that this is the way teenagers do, indeed, behave.

Yet, I would not advise you to shield your children from sex education. That might be wise if prevention of pregnancy and disease were your goals, but that is too extreme. Your children will know that sex has benefits as well as costs. Perhaps you should refresh your memory about these?

Questions to economist@ft.com

作者:英国《金融时报》专栏作家提姆•哈福德(Tim Harford)
2007年10月9日 星期二








杜克大学(Duke University)经济学家彼得•阿西迪亚科诺(Peter Arcidiacono)和艾哈迈德•赫瓦贾(Ahmed Khwaja),以及美国疾病控制和预防中心(US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的Lijing Ouyang认为,实际上这正是青少年的行为方式。



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