2007年08月30日 南方周末
谢国忠 独立经济学家
月光博客 好消息,目前中国大陆用户可以通过招商银行香港一卡通收回(Withdraw)PayPal上的美元了。中国人收美元又有了一个新方法。
目前中国大陆用户开放了可以收回资金的香港银行账户,在PayPal主界面,点提款(Withdraw),即可以选择国家,其中有美国和香港两个选择, 办理美国的银行帐户进行转款也是一个不错的选择,但是大部分的美国银行不接受没有安全号的外国公民的申请,并且可能要去美国本地办理,较为麻烦。香港的帐 号可以选择香港招商银行,招行的这种卡可以在大陆办理(需要先办理护照或港澳通行证),目前PayPal转到这个卡,会自动将美元转换为港币,这会使得资 金在汇率转换上有一点损失,不过这时里面香港账户的资金可以在大陆取出来(需要交部分手续费)。这大概是大陆居民从PayPal收钱的最快捷的方法了。
本文中提到的“PayPal帐户”或“PayPal用户”是指:在www.paypal.com平台上注册CHINA地区的帐户/用户,不包括在 www.paypal.com.cn平台上注册的帐号/用户,也不包括在www.paypal.com平台上注册的HONGKONG地区的帐户/用户。
两地“一卡通”,是由招商银行香港分行发行的、特别为经常往来内地/香港之人士而设计的综合理财银行卡(英文为All-In-One Card Account)。其申领对象包括内地人士及香港人士。其特点是持卡人一卡在手,即可同时拥有了内地和香港两地的银行帐户(集4种帐户于一身:香港美元往 来帐户、香港港币往来帐户、内地港币活期帐户、内地人民币活期帐户)。此卡是标准的香港银行卡(属于国际银行卡的标准制式);从外观上看,应该与美国本地 的银行卡制式相容。
(1)本人的护照或港澳通行证(主要证件); (如果需要办理,携带户口簿、身份证,到本地公安局出入境管理处办理)

(4)如果银行工作人员问你:“作为内地居民,你为何要办理”两地一卡通“帐户?”——标准答案有2个:A) 我去香港旅游;B) 我去香港出差。(如果你到了香港去办理,估计不会问你这些问题了。)
所以,内地用户必须去指定的营业网点去办理此项业务。有效的办法是:在带好证件出门以前,最好先拨打招行的客服电话95555咨询——询问你所在的地区 是否可以办理,如果不可以,就问清距离你所在地区最近的受理网点在哪里,等等。不必担心:因为“两地一卡通”是加入内地“银联”的银行卡,所以,无论你在 哪里申办的卡,都可以在家门口的银联ATM机上提款,都可以通过登录互联网来实现网上银行的帐户操作。
(6)卡内人民币内地进行招行柜面人民币提现,按0.5%收取手续费。(深圳区分行以内:当日累计10万以下的免柜台手续费的,10万以上(不含10万)至20万的,每次收取手续费20元,20万(不含20万)以上的按提取金额的0.07% 手续费。)
(1)登录www.paypal.com,进入My Account首页;
(2)点开My Account下面最右端的Profile页面;
(3)点开Financial Information (财务信息)下列的Bank Account(银行帐户),进入Add a Bank Account (添加一个银行帐户的页面)输入一卡通帐户信息。

——C)Account Name(帐户姓名):你的两地“一卡通”帐户的注册姓名
——D)Account Number (收款帐号):你自己的两地“一卡通”卡片上的16位帐号
(5)在PayPal.com上添加任何撤款的银行帐户,PayPal要对你添加的银行帐户进行验证。验证的方式是寄2笔小钱(比如 US.13/US.09之类的)到你的银行帐户里,5-7天后你在自己被添加的银行帐户记录内发现这两笔小钱的收款到帐记录,在回到PayPal.com 上把这两笔小钱的具体数额填入(两笔金额在输入时没有先后次序),如果你填入的数值正确,那么就算银行帐号添加成功了。此后才可以通过这个银行帐户撤款。
(1)首先,要按上面所说的办法在自己的PP帐户内把两地一卡通帐户添加成功。 (PAYPAL.COM平台上的CHINA用户,何时可以在自己的页面里添加两地一卡通,见下面的标题)。
(3)键入用户名、密码,进入My Account的概览页面(Overview)。

(5)在Withdraw页面中,选择点击Transfer funds to your bank account (往你的银行帐户中转款)。

(9)对于标准的HK银行帐户,PayPal.com平台上转出的币种只能是港币。这里面有一个汇率损失的问题。在PayPal.com上,用户的帐户 余额从一个币种(比如US$)Exchange成另外一个币种(比如HKD),PayPal按协议可以收取2.5%的Currency Exchanging Cost(币种兑换费)。对于用户,如果他的帐户被视为HK的帐户,那么系统就按照HK的用户系统来操作。估计会有这部分的周转费用。如果撤款金额不大, 可以跟节省下来的电汇费相抵;如果一次撤款数量较大,估计费用就比较突显了。有路,总比没路强。不知道PP那里能不能通融通融,对已经走头无路的中国“曲 线救国大军”优待俘虏 , 但汇兑损失真的很难回避:如果PP把港币交给招行,肯定在PP帐户里要发生汇兑;如果PP把USD交给招行,那么PP对于HK用户的系统要全面推翻—— PP要喝西北风了,弄不好要赔钱的。
(1)私人账户(Personal Account)只可接受非信用卡支付,无手续费,但不能接受Creditcard Payment;只有高级/商业账户(Premier/Business Account)才可以接受credit card的付款,需要支付大约3%的手续费。
很多关于paypal的基础知识就不在这一一做介绍了,当然若有不明白的用户还可以顶帖询问 在这我想就实战过程中一的一些小技巧在这跟大家做个分享:
4,如果你能保证你的paypal帐户良性经营,那么可以考虑办理一个香港银行帐户,从paypal里withdraw到香港的银行帐户,1000美金 以上没有费用,但是一律转成港币入帐,会有汇率损失,另外通过认证的香港paypal帐户将不存在每月withdraw的限制
5,办理 美国的银行帐户进行转款也是一个不错的选择,但是大部分的美国银行不接受没有安全号的外国公民的申请.当然我前面说的是大部分,剩下的一部分是可以申请 的,但是他们都需要到银行去面签,难道我们飞到美国去?幸好有些银行在国内有分行或办事处可以解决一部分问题.问题又出现了,问:您为什么要申请美国银行 帐户?答:paypal转款.回复:NO.
Labels: Paypal
上帝对羊群说:"如果你们要狼,就给一只,任它随意咬你们。如果你们要狮子,就给两头,你们可以在两头狮子中任选一头,还可以随时更换。"南边那群羊 想,狮子比狼凶猛得多,还是要狼吧。于是,它们就要了一只狼。北边那群羊想,狮子虽然比狼凶猛得多,但我们有选择权,还是要狮子吧。于是,它们就要了两头 狮子。
那只狼进了南边的羊群后,就开始吃羊。狼身体小,食量也小,一只羊够它吃几天了。这样羊群几天才被追杀一次。北边那群羊挑选了 一头狮子,另一头则留在上帝那里。这头狮子进入羊群后,也开始吃羊。狮子不但比狼凶猛,而且食量惊人,每天都要吃一只羊。这样羊群就天天都要被追杀,惊恐 万状。羊群赶紧请上帝换一头狮子。不料,上帝保管的那头狮子一直没有吃东西,正饥饿难耐,它扑进羊群,比前面那头狮子咬得更疯狂。羊群一天到晚只是逃命, 连草都快吃不成了。
这头瘦狮子经过长时间的饥饿后,慢慢悟出了一个道理:自己虽然凶猛异常,一百只羊都不是对手,可是自己的命运是操纵在羊群手里的。羊群随时可以把自己送 回上帝那里,让自己饱受饥饿的煎熬,甚至有可能饿死。想通这个道理后,瘦狮子就对羊群特别客气,只吃死羊和病羊,凡是健康的羊它都不吃了。羊群喜出望外, 有几只小羊提议干脆固定要瘦狮子,不要那头肥狮子了。一只老公羊提醒说:"瘦狮子是怕我们送它回上帝那里挨饿,才对我们这么好。万一肥狮子饿死了,我们没 有了选择的余地,瘦狮子很快就会恢复凶残的本性。"羊群觉得老羊说得有理,为了不让另一头狮子饿死,它们赶紧把它换回来。
北边的羊群在经历了重重磨难后,终于过上了自由自在的生活。南边的那群羊的处境却越来越悲惨了,那只狼因为没有竞争对手,羊群又无法更换它,它就胡作非 为,每天都要咬死几十只羊,这只狼早已不吃羊肉了,它只喝羊心里的血。它还不准羊叫,哪只叫就立刻咬死哪只。南边的羊群只能在心中哀叹:"早知道这样,还 不如要两头狮子。"
2007.07.20 和讯网 作者:刘春涛 汪洋(编译)
和讯外汇消息 据FX Week报道,又有两家银行与外汇交易商签订协议启动零售级别的保证金交易平台,这预示着在保证金交易的行业竞赛在加速。
一些机构也开始效仿。瑞士银行据说就在筹划于今年推出一个零售级别的保证金交易平台。消息人士称,瑞银最初的计划是与位于都柏林的技术提供商 Cognotec合作来开发自己的交易平台,但这种努力在年初以失败收场。瑞银放弃了最初的计划,转而采用了“荷兰银行与Oanda进行合作”的模式来开发交易平台。这种合作模式有其合理的地方,很多银行靠自身是无法完成一个零售交易平台的后端客户支持与市场推广的。
客观事实是,市场上还有许多经验不那么丰富的交易者,这些人比银行的传统客户需要更多的技术支持。Saxo Bank在为零售客户提供算法交易工具时反复思考的问题之一就是,到底是将这套工具放在服务器端还是放在客户端。前者的好处是当客户需要Saxo Bank指导他们使用这套工具时,Saxo Bank可以直接访问在服务器上的算法工具;后者的好处是对客户的隐私保护显然更强一些。最终,Saxo Bank还是选择将工具放在服务器端,因为他们认为客户对技术支持的需求超过了对隐私保护的需求。
Labels: FX
Three Gorges Dam Exacts Its Toll
2007-08-29, WSJ
THE MOST VAUNTED engineering marvel in China, the Three Gorges Dam project, is suffering from unforeseen problems including landslides and water pollution, raising new doubts about a project that has come to symbolize the country's effort to control its environment.
It was only a year ago that the massive Three Gorges Dam was completed, creating a reservoir on the Yangtze River some 640 kilometers long. Now, geologists say the trapped water's massive weight has begun to erode the Yangtze's steep shores at several spots. That, along with frequent fluctuations in water levels, has triggered a series of landslides and weakened the ground under places such as Miaohe, a village about 16 kilometers up the reservoir from the dam. Local officials worry that a whole mountainside here could collapse into the water, killing residents and threatening a vital shipping lane.
There are additional dangers. Chinese scientists say that as the dam blocks silt heading downstream, the Yangtze River estuary region, which includes Shanghai, is shrinking and salt water from the ocean is flowing further inland. A report this spring by the World Wildlife Federation said water flowing through the dam is now moving faster, damaging the downriver dikes that were built to prevent floods. Raw sewage and fertilizer runoff has fouled the reservoir, nourishing giant algae blooms and threatening downstream water supplies. Fluctuating reservoir levels have even been blamed for a bizarre plague of rats that farmers have been battling in central China's Hunan Province.
The emerging issues at Three Gorges illustrate this rapidly industrializing country's struggle against the constraints of nature, and how attempts to overcome them can worsen the problem. Three Gorges opens as dams are coming under new scrutiny abroad from ecologists, as well as from economists who say some of these costly projects can survive only with subsidies.
Questions about the Yangtze River's changed environment are taking on added urgency as China grapples with a mounting water shortage. Across the country, millions of tons of raw sewage, industrial waste and fertilizer runoff have turned lakes into algae-covered cesspools. According to official statistics, more than half of China's major waterways are so polluted that fish are dying or water is unsafe for drinking or irrigation. More than 300 million people -- almost one-quarter of the population -- lack access to clean drinking water, the government says.
Making things worse, more than one-third of the country's 85,000 or so reservoirs have 'serious' structural problems, according to the official Xinhua news agency. This spring, a deputy minister of water resources called China's reservoirs 'time bombs' that could threaten the lives and property of those downstream. In 1975, a dam collapse in Henan province killed tens of thousands or more, an incident that was covered up until recently.
At the center of the water debate is Three Gorges, China's largest and most visible reservoir. The country's news media are beginning to cover problems with the dam. The government hasn't spoken publicly about issues with the dam and reservoir, but it has quietly rolled out an early warning system for landslides and is supporting research to map at-risk regions. Officials are pouring money into water-treatment plants and reinforcing about 2,250 kilometers of riverbanks.
'We thought of all the possible issues,' says environmental scientist Weng Lida, the former head of the Yangtze River Water Resources Protection Commission, a government agency tasked with protecting the environment and water resources of the river basin. He is now secretary general of the Yangtze River Forum, a coalition of the Chinese government and nongovernmental organizations that share research on the region's environment. 'But the problems are all more serious than we expected.'
The government agency that oversees the dam, the Changjiang Water Resources Committee, declined requests for an interview.
The changes can be seen here in Miaohe, where villagers have grown oranges from gnarled trees and farmed the area's steeply terraced rice paddies for generations. Miaohe's 100 or so residents narrowly avoided the mass relocations that accompanied the dam's construction, when 1.3 million people moved from their homes to make way for the reservoir.
This spring, villagers noticed a 200-meter-long crack, barely a centimeter thick, zigzagging across their paddies. Not long afterward, dam officials lowered reservoir levels to prepare for the summer flooding season.
After early May rains raised reservoir levels again, there were four landslides in five days not far from Miaohe village. As the earth shifted, villagers say they heard cracking as the timbers in their houses began to split. The government told them to evacuate.
An hour away in the county seat, Zigui City, officials are facing a new wave of relocations. About 100,000 people in the county were moved to make way for the reservoir, and now local officials are concerned they'll have to relocate many more. 'The changes have come faster than our plans,' said Cui Shaofeng, an official from the Zigui County resettlement office.
The 6,400-kilometer-long Yangtze is the third-longest river in the world, racing down from Tibetan glaciers, slicing massive valleys through the middle of China and passing fertile plains before its brown waters meet the sea. Along the way, the river passes the Three Gorges, a series of canyons that for centuries plagued sailors with swift currents and hidden rocks. Floods were a constant threat, claiming about 300,000 victims, by some estimates, in the last century alone.
China's leaders long dreamed of damming the Yangtze, in part to harness its power, but primarily to prevent catastrophic flooding. Modern China's founding father, Sun Yat-sen, proposed a dam in 1919. Mao Zedong, who believed nature could be shaped to man's purpose, wrote a poem about turning the treacherous Three Gorges into a navigable lake.
From the late 1950s, the government approved and then delayed construction of a dam here several times, hobbled by technical challenges. By the late 1980s, China also faced mounting charges that a dam and reservoir would not only force farmers to relocate en masse to cities, but also destroy some of China's most precious archeological sites and temples.
In April 1989, the government responded to criticism by announcing that it would delay a decision for at least five more years. But opponents were silenced in the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square crackdown a few months later. In 1992 scientists and engineers completed a final environmental feasibility study, and later that year the dam project was put to a vote before the National People's Congress. It passed. But nearly one-third of China's usually docile legislature voted 'No' or abstained, an unusual show of dissent.
Construction officially began in 1994, but controversy continued. Responding to pressure from human-rights groups, the U.S. government and the World Bank pulled support from the project. In an open letter in 2000, leading engineers in China, including some who had worked on the feasibility study, protested a decision to fill the reservoir faster than originally planned to maximize profit.
The first trouble came in June 2003, two weeks after the Yangtze River was impounded and the reservoir began to fill. While water levels rose, passing 90 meters and approaching 135 meters, the valley's slopes started eroding under the pressure of the water.
On July 14, a mountain on a tributary of the Three Gorges gave way, shearing a tongue of land about a kilometer wide and long and more than 18 meters thick. Thirteen farmers were swept to their deaths in the mud and debris. The wedge hit the water, sending a two-story-tall wave crashing over 20 boats, drowning 11 fishermen. Officials blamed the landslide on heavy rainfall. Geologists says a sudden change in water levels loosened rocks along the riverbanks.
With a final cost of at least $22 billion, the 180-meter tall dam was finished in May 2006. Once it is fully operational later this year, it will contain 19 trillion liters of water, equivalent to one-fifth of the fresh water consumed each year in the U.S. It will produce more than 18,000 megawatts of electricity, 20 times more than the Hoover Dam.
Mr. Weng, the environmental scientist, believes the dam was necessary to stop floods. Now, his biggest worry is the worsening quality of the reservoir's water. Phosphorus and nitrogen levels from industrial and fertilizer runoff have risen 10 times above levels a decade ago, according to the WWF report, which he co-edited.
The Three Gorges reservoir is also filling with sewage. Wastewater discharge has soared in the Yangtze River basin, more than doubling from 2000 to 2005, the WWF report says. The basin is home to 160 million people, including 30 million in what is now by some measures the world's largest municipality, Chongqing, about 640 kilometers upstream from the dam. In the decade ending in 2005, the Yangtze basin economy grew 12.6% a year on average -- a percentage point faster than the rest of the nation -- as it has switched from agriculture to heavy industry.
Scientists and government officials say many sewage plants were built to process waste before it hits the reservoir, but that some aren't connected to city drains. Zhou Wei, vice director of the department of reservoir management at the government's Three Gorges Project Construction Committee, acknowledges that sewage levels in the reservoir appear to be increasing. He says the government has given additional funds to make sure plants are running full-time.
From the beginning, engineers were also concerned about sedimentation. The Yangtze carries 500 million metric tons of silt into the gorges each year. Without a way to release most of this mud, the reservoir would silt up and possibly collapse. Government engineers created 23 sluice gates at the bottom of the dam to release turbid water during flood season, and they estimate the system will keep the reservoir at roughly 90% or more of its capacity for nearly a century. Some critics believe sedimentation is growing at a faster rate, which could eventually make the dam unable to contain a flood crest.
Downstream, fluctuating sediment levels pose yet a different problem. In water with little sediment, sunlight reaches deeper and nourishes the photosynthetic algae, which also feeds on sewage and fertilizer runoff, Mr. Weng says.
Mr. Zhou, the reservoir management vice director, says the dam isn't responsible for the blooms. Algae had turned out to be less of a concern than the Three Gorges committee had expected, he says, with only minor blooms in Yangtze tributaries. He didn't address downstream algae growth.
There are also concerns about whether the dam will fulfill its primary flood-control function. Weeks of torrential downpours in July created one of the biggest surges on the upper Yangtze -- the biggest crest since 1998, when flooding on the undammed river killed thousands downstream. Officials announced on Aug. 1 that the crest passed through the dam without incident, crediting the structure for taming it for the river's lower reaches.
Critics say that while the dam can handle flood surges, it may contribute to downstream flooding for an unforeseen reason. Past the narrow gorges where it enters central China's broad plains, the river traditionally slowed, and in some places centuries of sedimentation raised the riverbed above the surrounding countryside and is held back by dikes, as in the city of New Orleans. Water released by the dam runs faster, the WWF says, because the dams traps most of the silt. Lightened of its muddy load, the water courses out with more force and speed and threatens to gouge out the dikes.
Geologists, meanwhile, are focusing on landslides. The Three Gorges were formed as the river gradually sliced through rock 300 million to 70 million years ago. The gorges have a base of limestone but are layered in places with sandstone, shale and mudstone -- softer materials that are more likely to collapse. As dam officials raise and lower water levels in anticipation of floods, the soaking and huge pressure changes leave banks weakened and in danger of collapse.
'Slope instability is responsible for the most widespread natural hazard in the Three Gorges,' a team of scientists at the Imperial College London wrote earlier this year in the 'Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology,' published by the Geological Society of London. They warned the problem is likely to get worse.
One of the authors looked at satellite readings of Zigui, Wushan and Badong counties, with a combined population of more than million people. In these areas, estimated geologist Ioannis Fourniadis of Imperial College London, 3% of slopes are actively falling and 7% are unstable for activities such as road-building. Another 15% were mostly stable. The rest were solid limestone, which he says pose extremely low risk.
Landslides can also trigger tsunamis, says Mr. Wang Fawu, a scientist at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute at Kyoto University, who has studied the gorges for decades. Narrow valleys could amplify a wave set off by falling rocks, sending a wall of water downriver. Such a flood occurred at northern Italy's Vaiont Dam in 1963, he says, killing 2,000 people.
A spokesman for China's Ministry of Land Resources blames this year's high incidence of landslides on heavy rainfalls since spring. He says the early-warning system has detected some major slides and that the government is training local people to recognize landslide warning signs.
A kilometer from Miaohe, where the gravel road that provides sole access to the village passes through a muddy tunnel, the villagers have set up temporary housing. Inside the tunnel, the farmers live in plastic lean-tos. Nearby the local government is creating a clearing where refugees will build their new homes. The site is an hour's walk from a simple river ferry.
The government is providing some money for new homes, but the villagers say it isn't enough. The farmers will be able to grow rice, oranges and tea here, but they complain that the land here isn't good for the crops. In a nod to the villagers' bleak future, the local government is providing families a dowry for their daughters, to encourage them to marry out.
'This all started happening right after they began damming the river,' says villager Han Qingxi, 52 years old, pausing for a moment from rebuilding his simple stone home. Nearby, giant backhoes level the mountainside. 'They say it's safer here,' he says.
Labels: Three Gorges Dam
2007年08月29日, WSJ
危险因素还不止这些。中国的科学家称,大坝阻挡了淤泥流向下游,使包括上海地区在内的长江入海口收缩,海洋的咸水正在倒灌入内陆。世界野生动物协会(World Wildlife Federation)今春公布的一份报告称,通过大坝的水流速度目前正在加快,对下游的防洪大堤造成破坏。未经处理的污水和化肥残留物被不断排入大坝水库,导致巨型水藻生长泛滥,并威胁到下游的水供应。而水库水位的波动也被认为是湖南省农民所遭遇奇特鼠灾的根源。
中国负责保护长江环境和水资源的政府部门──长江流域水资源保护局(Yangtze River Water Resources Protection Commission)原局长、环境学家翁立达称,我们考虑了所有可能发生的状况,但所有的问题都比预想的严重。翁立达现担任长江论坛(Yangtze River Forum)秘书长,该组织是为政府与非政府组织共同研究长江流域环境问题而设立的。
负责管理三峡大坝项目的长江水利委员会(Changjiang Water Resources Committee)拒绝接受采访。
1989 年4月,中国政府对批评意见作出回应,宣布将把三峡大坝计划再推迟至少5年。可几个月后发生的天安门事件让反对声音沉寂了下去,于是在1992年科学家和工程师们完成了最终的环境可行性评估报告,同年晚些时候,该计划经全国人大审议并通过。但在那一次投票过程中,近三分之一的人大代表投了反对或弃权票。这对习惯于“俯首”的他们而言,实属罕见。
即使到了三峡项目1994年正式动工时,争议仍然存在。美国政府和世界银行(World Bank)迫于人权组织的压力也撤回了对该项目的支持。2000年,包括参加了三峡项目可行性研究的部分工程师在内的中国工程学界顶尖学者发表了一封公开信,抗议为追求利润最大化而以较原计划更快的速度为大坝蓄水。
7 月14日,一条长江支流发生特大泥石流灾害,一块长、宽均在1公里左右,而厚度为18米的山体落入江中,13名农民被吞没在泥石流中,而落入江中的石块激起两层楼高的大浪,摧毁了20余艘船舶,并导致11名渔民丧生。虽然官方称此次灾害乃暴雨所致,但地质学家称,是江水水位突然变化导致了河岸岩石松动。
180米高的三峡大坝于2006年5月竣工,耗费至少220亿美元。一旦该水库于今年晚些时候全面投入运转,所容纳的水量将达19万亿公升,相当于美国全年淡水消耗量的五分之一。三峡水电站每年将发电18,000兆瓦,是胡佛大坝(Hoover Dam)的20倍。
科学家和政府官员声称,该地区有许多污水处理厂,污水在排入水库前会先经过处理,但实际上一些污水处理厂并未与城市排污系统相连。三峡工程建设委员会(Three Gorges Project Construction Committee)水库管理部副主任周伟(音)承认,排入三峡水库的污水正在增加。他表示,政府已投入更多资金确保处理厂能24小时运转。
而在长江中、下游地区,泥沙淤积状况的变化则会产生另外的问题。随着水中沉 物的减少,阳光可以照到更深的水中,进而促进那些既能吸收污水和化肥残留物养分又具备光合作用功能的水藻旺盛生长。
伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London)一个科学小组今年早些时候在《工程地质和水文地质学季刊》(Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology)发表文章称,边坡失稳是三峡地区最普遍自然灾害的成因所在。他们还警告说,情况可能会变得更糟。
该文的作者之一──伦敦帝国学院地质学家伊欧尼斯•弗尼阿迪斯(Ioannis Fourniadis)在观察过秭归、巫山和巴东县(这三个县的总人口超过百万)的卫星照片后发现,3%的边坡处于活跃的下滑状态,7%的边坡因为修路等活动而不稳定,另有15%基本稳定。其余边坡由坚固的石灰岩构成,发生滑坡的危险很低。
京都大学(Kyoto University)灾难预防研究所(Disaster Prevention Research Institute)数十年来研究峡谷地质的科学家汪发武表示,滑坡还可能引发水啸。狭窄的峡谷会起到放大岩石塌落所激起水浪的作用,引发下游巨浪。类似的灾难曾于1963年在意大利北部的维昂特水坝(Vaiont Dam)发生过,导致两千人丧生。
中国国土资源部(Ministry of Land Resources)某发言人将今年泥石流灾害高发的原因归咎于入春以后的大雨。他表示,早期预警机制已经探测到了一些重大泥石流灾害,政府正在教给当地人如何识别将发生滑坡、泥石流的征兆。
Shai Oster
Labels: Three Gorges Dam
Some of the tea in China
China is an education. Learning about the country can seem as difficult as learning Chinese. The business visitor is said to be swiftly engulfed in the soupy embrace of China’s cities, with their mushrooming tower blocks, television-illuminated meals in private restaurant rooms and visits to karaoke bars. Those who classify themselves as tourists rather than travellers, meanwhile, will walk a famous wall and meet an army of model warriors, cruise a large river, eat some mystifying meals, go shopping and go home. Either way, the new, open China can sometimes seem as elusive as the old, forbidden one.
Unlocking its intricacies requires either the courage to sally out in the face of incomprehension (tough but rewarding – problem-solving, good humour and honesty are far more common in China than their opposites) or it requires a special interest – in birds, gardens, railway trains, art – which will lead you to stranger, more educative places than nightclubs and cruiseboats. Tea can do this, too. Grown throughout southern China and loved nationwide, it will not only draw you towards some of the country’s most remarkable landscapes but it also provides a glimpse, in the drinking, of a China far sweeter and more gracious than the nation’s brash public image.
My own Chinese education was defective in that I had assumed that the vast, sparely rugged landscapes of classical Chinese painting were more spiritual lesson than a faithful rendering of place. Those tiny figures moving, insect-like, between indolent river and abrupt peak were there to teach modesty, instil calm and underline impermanence, surely, rather than reflect reality. No landscape could open like that, could it? It could and it does. Travel in China’s tea country, and those same scenes will unfold before you, their pines seemingly placed at the summit of crags by some great artificer and their quiet valleys broken only by the soft race of falling water. Even the lenses of mist, mobile and intermittent, are accurate. Tea bushes thirst for more than twice London’s annual rainfall, and cloud cover combined with high humidity is perfect for keeping their vivid green leaves pliant.
A good bit of China is mountainous. Lowland areas are commandeered for the productive agriculture required to feed 1.3bn people, so that any crop that can migrate upwards will do so. Tea is ideal for this task – indeed you can create a small tea garden in many areas by doing no more than clearing the scrub to leave the wild, native bushes to enjoy the light and warmth on their own. “Garden” is exact: the small, shaped bushes grafted on to stone terraces and rock ledges look, at first sight, like effusions of the privet so cherished in suburban horticulture or like some vegetable sculptor’s audacious installation. In the Da Hong Pao (Great Red Cloak) valley of Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province, this is an installation dating back to Tang times. At the same moment as the first Viking raiders were descending on Lindisfarne, in other words, the bamboos were being parted to make way for Camellia sinensis in this almost secret valley where water cuts its way through soaring planes of sandstone and conglomerate as sheerly as gin through ice.
In addition to Great Red Cloak, an oolong that is said to taste both of rocks and of sweet apples, Wuyi is also home to the greatest of all Lapsang Souchongs (or Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong, as it is known locally): that of Bohea Farm. This farm, where great smoked tea from wild bushes has been produced continuously since the 15th century, is sited at the village of Tongmu within the Long Chuan (Floating Dragon) gorge, in a protected zone of such environmental value that public access is restricted to the lower parts of the valley.
In springtime, smoke from logs of Taiwan red pine seeps from the wooden kiln roofs like the steam rising from a horse’s back after a canter in the rain; under the eaves, the rolled and withered leaves rest on giant bamboo trays while the fragrant, almost peat-like fumes riffle through them. The subtlety of Bohea Lapsang makes cheaper versions taste like burnt toast. Within China, Bohea is considered the origin of black tea. The fact that it was the source of the first tea imported to Britain meant that the name became, in the 17th century, a metonym for tea itself (the two words rhyme), and is thus used by Pope (in “The Rape of the Lock”) and Byron (in “Don Juan”). The great Scottish plant hunter Robert Fortune, who ended China’s tea monopoly by planting Darjeeling on behalf of the British East India Company, visited Bohea during a three-year voyage in the mid-19th century. “Never in my life,” he wrote later, “have I seen a view such as this, so grand, so sublime. High ranges of mountains were towering on my right and on my left, while before me as far as the eye could reach, the whole country seemed broken up into mountains and hills of all heights, with peaks of every form.”
Great Red Cloak valley and the Floating Dragon gorge are just two of the scenic attractions of Wuyi Mountain but there are at least a dozen more in the 1,000-square kilometre World Heritage site (China’s largest), many of them best seen from a seat on one of the languid raft trips that the Chinese describe in English, rather winningly, as “drifting”. Connoisseurs of geology may enjoy contrasting its red-rock danxia landforms with the better-known limestone karst outcrops of Guilin in Guangxi Province, home of the fishermen who prefer cormorants to rods or nets. Either landscape, though, will confirm the scroll painters’ accuracy.
Perhaps the easiest of all tea locations to visit is the city of Hangzhou in China’s largest tea-producing province, Zhejiang.
This is the source of the irresistible Long Jing (Dragon Well) green tea, the best of which smells and tastes like an essence of chlorophyll and creamed hazelnuts. Hangzhou is within easy reach of Shanghai. Indeed, in many ways, it would make a more attractive base for a Chinese initiation than Shanghai, thanks to its long history (it is one of China’s seven ancient capitals) and its watery attractions.
China’s Grand Canal flows through Hangzhou, snaking north all the way to Beijing, and two hours down the largely empty Hang-Quian Expressway is the 580 sq km Quindao (Thousand Island) Lake, surely the world’s prettiest reservoir and a Chinese centre for eco-tourism. Above all, though, it is Hangzhou’s own 6 sq km West Lake that lures visitors with its pavilions, temples, bamboo forest paths, tea plantations and ten signposted “scenes”, such as Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge, Orioles Singing In The Willows or Evening Bell Ringing at Nanpinghill.
The quality of the tea served at the Dragon Well itself (called “Tea Enquiry at Dragon Well” on tourist maps) is outstanding and local tea mania is such that even the water used to make it is prized, fetched from a source two miles away called “To Dream of the Tiger-Pawing Spring”. Tea, as you see, draws out the poetry in the pragmatic Chinese. An evening in a Hangzhou tea house such as Charenchun or one of the three He Cha Guan (“Peace Houses”) proves, to any European who had previously considered moderate alcohol intake essential to a good night out, not merely educative but positively enlightening. The kettle stands nearby, bubbling gently; the glasses are constantly refilled; the table is kept supplied with watermelon and lychees, with pumpkin seeds, with dried fish strips, with lotus-paste cake, with sesame wafers.
Sipping great green tea is like sipping springtime itself – it brings an entirely sober elation, and the sense of cultured elegance is heightened further by the traditional furniture, decorations and costumes of those serving and (if you’re lucky) by the music, too. If you’re not and it’s gone schmaltzy, return to the lake, where traditional musicians play together on the warm evenings, for nothing but the fun of it, as the moon rises.
‘You point, they kill, you eat’
The greatest wall of China hides inside the human mouth: nothing is more insurmountable to travellers and residents alike than the hurdles of two vastly dissimilar languages. Dozens will call a cheery “Hello” to you as you walk past but any attempt at conversation in English swiftly dissolves into laughing incomprehension and even those who might be expected to have some English (such as hotel desk staff) are often still monoglot.
Guide books in English are rare and the heroic calamities of Chinglish will amuse even where they fail to inform. (Among my treasures is the airline towelette called Hygiene Wet Turban Needless Wash.)
Those Chinese who do have some English often find comprehension easier if words are written out carefully. Phrase books are very helpful on the same basis, in that the relevant Chinese characters can be shown. Not everything is difficult, though: dual language road signs are ubiquitous and China’s airports and internal flight network is hugely impressive, as are its free-flowing toll roads. City travel is easiest via China’s cheap taxis (whose drivers happily do not require tipping), though driving styles are cavalier.
Eating out in restaurants is low stress, too, since many of the largest work on the principle of a vast bank of fish tanks full of live fish and shellfish (as well as sea snakes), glass boxes full of doom-laden chickens and, on occasion, cages of miserable, jaw-clamped alligators, as well as simpler dishes whose raw ingredients are already assembled and then cling-filmed, or cold dim sum piled high ready for steaming. Menus are entirely unnecessary. You point; they kill; you eat.
On the tea trail
Andrew Jefford travelled to China as a guest of Virgin Atlantic, which flies daily from London to Shanghai, www.virgin-atlantic.com
Local tea travel for western tourists can be organised in Wuyi by Wuyi Mountain International Travel Agency, 3rd Floor, China Travel Building, Sangu Street, Wuyi, Fujian (tel: +86 599-5134 666); and in Hangzhou by Hangzhou Pacific Travel Company, Suite 705, Chengxin Building, 236 Jianguo North Road, Hangzhou (tel: +86 571-8729 6971) or Hangzhou Lai Lai Vacation Travel Agency, 86 Qingyin St, Hangzhou (tel: +86 571-8782 8533).
To taste the China teas mentioned in this article, contact Jing Tea, www.jingtea.com
Andrew Jefford is the author of ‘The New France’, a guide to contemporary French wine, and ‘Peat Smoke and Spirit’, about Islay’s distilleries
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007
Labels: tea
作者:英国《金融时报》安德鲁•杰弗德(Andrew Jefford)
2007年8月28日 星期二
除了大红袍和据说同样混合着岩石与苹果香气的乌龙茶以外,武夷山还盛产正山小种红茶:产自武夷农场(Bohea Farm)。这里最上等焙制的茶叶取自野生茶树的农场。自15世纪以来,一直在生产茶叶,坐落在龙川大峡谷内的桐木村,这是一处具有环保价值的自然保护区,公众只能进入山谷中的低处。
春季,台湾红松木燃烧的烟雾从木制窑炉顶缭缭升起,就像马匹在雨中慢跑后背上升起的水汽一样;屋檐下,烘制枯萎卷起的茶叶放置在巨大的竹制托盘上,飘出与泥煤非常相似的炭香。正山小种的精妙,使得便宜的茶叶品尝起来如同烤焦的面包。在中国,武夷山被视为红茶的发源之地。事实上,这里出产了首批出口至英国的茶叶,意味着武夷山在17世纪时成为了茶叶的代名词,蒲柏(Pope)[在《夺发记》(The Rape of the Lock)里]和拜伦(Byron)[在《唐璜》(Don Juan)里]曾经用过这一称谓。伟大的苏格兰植物学家罗伯特•福钦(Robert Fortune)曾代表英国东印度公司(British East India Company)种植大吉岭茶,从而结束了中国茶叶的垄断局面,他在19世纪中叶游历3年,期间拜访了武夷山。他后来写道:“在我一生中,从未看过如此宏伟、如此壮观的景象。我的左右两侧耸立着高山,而我面前是一望无垠的平川,整个中国似乎被山脉分割开来。”
英文的导游书非常罕见,四处泛滥的中式英语表达令人发笑,让人摸不着头脑。(我记得最清楚的事之一是,飞机上的湿纸巾被翻译成“Hygiene Wet Turban Needless Wash”。)
安德鲁•杰弗德乘坐维珍航空公司(Virgin Atlantic)的班机至中国,从伦敦至上海每天都有航班。www.virgin-atlantic.com
西 方游客若想游览中国茶乡,在武夷山可以由武夷山中国国际旅行社(Wuyi Mountain International Travel Agency)安排行程,地址:福建省武夷山国家旅游度假区三姑街国旅总社三楼(电话:+86 599-5134 666);在杭州可由杭州太平洋旅行有限公司(Hangzhou Pacific Travel Company)安排,地址:杭州市建国北路236号诚信大厦705室(电话:+86 571-8729 6971),或是杭州徕徕假日旅行社(Hangzhou Lai Lai Vacation Travel Agency),杭州清吟街86号(电话:+86 571-8782 8533)。
Labels: tea
Taiwan shopping for arms in US
By David Isenberg
Aug 21, 2007, Asia Times Online
WASHINGTON - The latest wrinkle in the long-running tale of US arms sales to Taiwan occurred last week when seven Taiwanese lawmakers from four different parties arrived in the United States on an 11-day visit to conduct a feasibility study for a submarine-procurement deal.
According to lawmaker Liao Wan-ju of the main opposition Kuomintang (KMT), the purpose of the visit, which began last Tuesday, is to learn about the production capacity of US submarine manufacturers and Washington's attitude toward the deal.
Other members of the group are KMT legislators Shuai Hua-ming and Su Chi, Fu Kun-chi of the opposition People First Party, Ho Ming-hao of the opposition Taiwan Solidarity Union, and Chang Hua-kuan and Shen Fa-hui of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.
Because of media criticism and partisan disputes in Taiwan over the trip, Vice Defense Minister Ko Cheng-heng canceled a plan to join the group, and the duration and itinerary of the journey were both curtailed. According to an original itinerary revealed by Taiwan's United Daily News in mid-July, the trip will take the lawmakers to the cities of Washington, Boston and Los Angeles and the state of Hawaii, and will include visits to defense contractors General Electric, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin.
And, in response to media criticism that the trip is a waste of taxpayers' money, the sources said the legislators will have to foot part of their travel expenses out of their own pockets.
The dispute stems from an accusation by Legislator Lin Yu-fang, who claimed that the Defense Ministry was trying to "buy" lawmakers' support for its plan to acquire eight US-built submarines by offering them free trips to the United States. Lin claimed that many of the lawmakers in the delegation do not even sit on the legislature's Committee for Defense Affairs, and that the organizers altered the itinerary to accommodate some lawmakers' requests for private trips during the visit.
The Ministry of National Defense has wanted the submarines since 2004, but a budget bill for the deal has been bogged down in the opposition-controlled legislature ever since.
This visit occurs about a week after the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Taiwan of 60 AGM-84L Harpoon Block II missiles as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as US$125 million. The missile suffers from a subsonic speed and is prone to interception. But it can be launched from the air, from the sea, or from under the sea, and can hit land as well as sea targets. Taiwan has previously purchased both air- and surface-launched Harpoon missiles. The Harpoon Block IIs proposed for Taiwan are air-to-surface missiles launched from F-16 fighters.
By their range alone, the missiles could reach mainland Chinese coasts. But the fighters would have to take off successfully and reach the middle of Taiwan Strait before the missiles could be launched.
It is likely that the US Congress will approve the proposed sales, as they are relatively small compared with past sales to Taiwan. The proposed deal seems to follow a pattern in which the US would sell any weapon system that Taiwan is capable of developing by itself or procuring from a third party. The Harpoon Block II is the US equivalent to Taiwan's Hsiung Feng IIE. Hsiung Feng IIE missiles developed by Taiwan can only be launched from the island's IDF fighters, whereas its 100 F-16A/B fighters can only carry Taiwan's older Harpoon missiles.
But Taiwan may not consider the 60 Harpoon Block II missiles to be reason enough for them to give up its own project.
Ironically, the trip takes place a month after the Legislative Yuan broke a four-year deadlock over the purchase of a package of advanced US weapons. That package included 12 P-3C Orion anti-submarine-warfare aircraft, eight diesel-electric submarines, six Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile-defense batteries, as well as upgrades to older Patriot batteries already in Taiwan's possession. However, the Yuan only approved funds for the Orion aircraft and the Patriot upgrades. The sale will cost Taiwan NT$31.9 billion (US$970 million), far less than the approximately US$18.5 billion value of the total package.
In a further complication, according to a commentary by an analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC, the US State Department is actively blocking the sale from going through to warn President Chen Shui-bian against holding a referendum on Taiwan's entry into the United Nations, one of Washington's leading commentators on Taiwanese affairs said.
Writing in the latest issue of Defense News, the analyst, John Tkacik, said the State Department had told the Pentagon that it opposed the sale of P-3C Orion submarine-hunter aircraft and advanced PAC-2 anti-ballistic-missile batteries, which the Legislative Yuan agreed to fund in June.
David Isenberg is a senior research analyst at the British American Security Information Council, a member of the Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy, a research fellow at the Independent Institute, and an adviser to the Straus Military Reform Project of the Center for Defense Information, Washington. These views are his own.
U.S. will spend $1.7B on military robots
Published: Aug. 28, 2007 at 5:07 PM
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28 (UPI) -- The U.S. military will spend about $1.7 billion on ground-based robots in the next five years, according to figures reported by a defense analyst.
The figures, covering the 2006-12 period, come from the National Center for Defense Robotics, a congressionally funded consortium of 160 companies, and were reported by analyst David Isenberg in the Asia Times Tuesday.
Isenberg writes that the U.S. military has already deployed thousands of robot systems in Iraq and Afghanistan, including the 40-pound PackBot -- a miniature tank equipped with a video camera. Made by the iRobot Corp., which manufactures the Roomba, the home vacuum-cleaning robot, the PackBot “can climb stairs, penetrate caves, and peek around corners … so that troops can reconnoiter while avoiding the enemy as well as booby traps,” writes Isenberg.
He says that the military has now begun deploying armed remote-controlled robot systems, like the Special Weapons Observation Remote Reconnaissance Direct Action System. “The SWORDS is armed with an M249 rifle and is remotely controlled by a soldier,” writes Isenberg, noting, “There are no reports of the SWORDS being used in actual combat yet.”
Isenberg points out that, at present, international law forbids the automatic operation of armed robot systems: “Unmanned systems cannot fire their weapons without a human operator in the loop.”
But he predicts there will be pressure to change that as the capabilities of robot systems grow, and notes that, in 2002, a senior military lawyer proposed that robots be programmed to fire at weapons, rather than people, to get around the law.
撰文 David Isenberg
2007/08/29, 週三, 亚洲时报
華盛頓 --- 戰爭每每考驗著人的許多方面:例如意志、決心、英雄主義、犧牲精神。同時,戰場也為一些看得見摸得著的東西,尤其是科學技術,提供了絕佳的試驗機會。從第一塊用作武器的石塊,到長矛短劍,再到火藥,化學、生物及核武器,每場戰爭都服務於軍事系統和武器的改良。
不僅如此,根據由國會資助的美國“國防機器人技術中心”(National Center for Defense Robotics),美國政府計劃在2006-2012財年撥款17億美元,打造一支派往伊拉克執行任務的機器人部隊。
事實上,美軍已在伊拉克和阿富汗部署了數千個機器人系統。其中一種是IRobot公司生產、重19公斤的“PackBot”炸彈處理型機器人。 “PackBot”活像一個小型坦克,運用兩套履帶行動,能爬樓梯、鑽山洞,能穿過各種類型的崎嶇地形;還安裝了一個化學傳感器,讓部隊在進入建築物和洞穴之前,查看裏面是否有化學武器。
可對付簡易爆炸裝置的,還不止“PackBot”一個。2004年2月,五角大樓開始在伊拉克部署無人操作機器人,包括10個Matilda,22個 Packbot,58個Vanguard,43個Talon及20個微型Andros。當時,在美軍車隊行經的多條路線,簡易爆炸裝置層出不窮,令美軍聞之喪膽,還被稱為“頭號殺手”。這些機器人的任務是,一旦發現爆炸物,立即進行處理。它們還裝有“干擾器”,遇到威脅時能噴出一股氣流或水,將之清除。
將這些機器人投入實戰試驗,只是權宜之計,美軍還正式制定了計劃,購買一種便攜式機器人系統(Man Transportable Robotic Systems)。該系統主要由一個操作控制系統和一個遙控器裝置組成。系統部件小而輕,以便適合一個兩人小組可以攜帶著它,在半崎嶇的地形上行走500 米以上。該系統的主要功能是偵測,將來會被升級為可執行其它同爆炸軍火相關任務的機器人。
目前在伊拉克投入使用的機器人,還有美軍2004年首次部署的“龍行者”(Dragon Runner)。“龍行者”是個四輪裝置,長約30厘米,寬不到30厘米,高12.5厘米,重量僅為4公斤;該裝置遇到牆會翻側,即便從三層露高的窗戶被扔下也安然無恙,還會爬樓梯。發明人哈根介紹說:“龍行者是最輕的、最小的、最能適應高低不平環境的便攜式機器人系統,可以實現現今常用的遠程操作。”
《國防》雜誌本月刊有報道稱,美國陸軍已經悄悄在伊拉克部署了一種攜帶步槍的機器人。迄今為止,投入使用的SWORDS(Special Weapons Observation Remote Reconnaissance Direct Action System)已達到三種。SWORDS配備一把M249步槍,由一名士兵透過終端進行遙控。不過,目前還沒有關於此類系統用於實戰的報道。
若有人覺得這種擔心是杞人憂天的話,最好看看2002年美軍提出的一個新的法律解釋。相關理論由海軍水面戰中心(Naval Surface Warfare Center)總工程師坎甯(John S Cannin)提出。他呼籲將所有武裝機械裝置的目標鎖定程序,設置為只瞄準武器、不瞄準手持武器的那個人。打個比方,一個自動裝置發現一名手持AK- 47的叛亂分子,那麼它可以自動發射武器摧毀那支AK-47;可如果那名叛亂分子因此喪生,這就被視為所謂的“附帶傷亡”。
本文作者David Isenberg是“英美安全信息委員會”(British American Security Information Council,BASIC)的高級分析員,“爭取現實主義的外交政策聯盟”(Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy)的成員,獨立研究院(Independent Institute)的研究員以及美國智庫防務信息研究中心(Center for Defense Information)斯特勞斯軍事改革項目(Straus Military Reform Project)的顧問。
編譯 寸草心
Growing pains that afflict corporate adolescents
By Richard Evans
Tuesday, August 15, 2007, FT
Entrepreneurs have been responsible for much of the job creation in the US in the past 25 years. Yet nine out of 10 start-ups there fail in the first three years, says Doug Tatum, founder and chairman of Tatum LLC, a US financial and technology consultancy.
So why do so many start-ups fail? And how can entrepreneurs survive the years when a company is growing quickly but does not yet have the resources to make the leap to become abig, established brand?
Tatum focuses on three core failings of many small growth companies: a lack of cash, inappropriate management and an inflexible business model.
The author draws on personal experience and a variety of obscure case studies of US start-ups in sectors as diverse as technology, food service and musical instrument retailing. He points to recurring failings when entrepreneurs seek to move their companies through an "adolescent" phase - in which they earn $10m-$50m in annual sales. Most of these companies don't make it beyond adolescence. They either stall, fail or are sold to larger firms.
Perhaps the biggest barrier to growth is inability to raise capital. In their early days, start-ups are typically funded by an entrepreneur's own money, contributions from family and friends, credit card debt and bank lending tied to assets such as homes and land. Steering a start-up successfully through adolescence, however, requires a step change in financing. Infrastructure must be beefed up, external managers hired, and new products and services developed.
"At a certain point, the business needs more capital than the entrepreneur can repay," Tatum writes. "Unfortunately, most banks and private equity firms make it very difficult to provide capital to these firms."
The author cites the case of DocuSource, a Californian start- up providing computer-based document-management systems to businesses. After nine years, the company had grown to more than 100 employees and $21m in sales by 2001. Then it hit the wall. In spite of its impressive growth and record of stealing customers from larger competitors, DocuSource could not find a bank to back its expansion plans. Instead of being able to meet growing customer demand, it was forced to cut its salesforce. Revenues stalled.
"We were in a cash stranglehold with [our] current lender," says Les Walker, chief executive of DocuSource. "The banks tightened up their lending criteria." After failed attempts to raise $1m in subordinated debt, Mr Walker was left reluctantly considering selling the company.
The best way to attract capital, of course, is to reduce the risks that frighten banks and private equity firms. To do this entrepreneurs need to hand off functions such as operations and finance to professionals, even if it means demoting or firing colleagues who have been on board since the start.
Tatum says growth companies that cross that no man's land to become $1bn-a-year sales behemoths do so with a mixture of entrepreneurial vision and sound management. What is needed, at a bare minimum, is a "mess up" guy with great sales skills and an innate sense of customer needs, and a "clean up" person who knows how to control costs and prioritise. The founder is almost always the "mess up" guy; the "clean up" person is hired from outside.
Also vital to success is the ability of a growth company to shed its original business model once it has outgrown it. Almost all start-ups initially thrive on a "high performance/cheap labour" business model. The entrepreneur and team work absurdly long hours, pay themselves virtually nothing and yet offer superior products and services. Eventually, though, the business grows to a point where that model becomes untenable.
"Ultimately, you can't build an organisation on superhuman effort," Tatum says. "Sustainable profits must be built on normal people doing normal things for normal compensation." This requires standardised business procedures that can be easily taught to new arrivals. Above all, the business model must be "scalable" - adaptable to larger volumes, wider product ranges and greater geographical scope.
No Man's Land offers some useful rules to aspiring entrepreneurs, and benefits from Tatum's insights. But its folksy style - with jokes about raccoon hunting - may bemuse international readers. The last chapter contains a critique of US local and national government policy regarding growth companies that some could find provincial.
Not all the book's case studies are entirely convincing. They are let down by the author's tendency to jump from story to story without providing enough focus or detail. Perhaps theseare the inevitable traits of the serial entrepreneur.
Labels: SME
英国《金融时报》撰稿人理查德•埃文斯(Richard Evans)
2007年8月28日 星期二
过去25年间,美国新增就业机会中有很大一部分要归功于创业者。但美国金融与科技咨询公司Tatum LLC的创始人兼董事长道格•泰特姆(Doug Tatum)在他的新书《无人区》(No Man's Land)中指出,90%的初创企业在成立三年内就倒闭了。
作者结合了亲身经历,并列举了大量美国初创企业案例研究,涉及领域颇为广泛,涵盖科技、食品服务和乐器零售等行业。他指出,当创业者试图引领他们的企业度过 “青春期”——年销售额在1000万美元至5000万美元之间——时,企业往往容易倒闭。多数企业都无法度过“青春期”。它们要么停滞不前或倒闭,要么出售给规模更大的公司。
泰特姆引用了DocuSource的例子,这是一家加利福尼亚州的初创企业,为企业提供基于电脑的文件管理系统。到2001年,该公司已经成立了9年,雇员增加到逾1000人,年销售额达到2100万美元。当时公司遇到了增长瓶颈。尽管增长速度惊人,并从较大竞争对手手中挖走了一些客户,但 DocuSource无法找到一家为其扩张计划提供资金的银行。企业无法满足日益增长的客户需求,反而被迫削减了销售团队。公司营业收入陷入停滞。
“我们遭遇了贷款银行的资金限制,”DocuSource的首席执行官莱斯•沃克(Les Walker)表示,“银行收紧了放贷标准。”在试图通过发行次级债融资100万美元的努力失败后,沃克无奈地考虑卖掉公司。
“说到底,你无法打造一个建立在超人能力上的公司,”泰特姆写道,“可持续的利润必须建立在做正常事、获得正常报酬的正常人身上。”这需要企业制定标准化的流程,使新员工可以轻松学会。最重要的是,这种业务模式必须 “可升级”——能够适应更大的业务量、更广的业务范围和地域。
Labels: SME
e-FX Awards 2007
* Best electronic broker GFI
* Best trading technology vendor
* Most innovative bank e-trading platform
Deutsche Bank
* e-FX initiative of the year - (bank)
* e-FX initiative of the year - (vendor)
* Best post-trade services to clients
* Best vendor for post-trade services
* Best professional e-trading venue
* Best algorithmic trading technology (bank)
Credit Suisse
* Best algorithmic trading technology (vendor)
* Best retail platform
Saxo Bank
* Best liquidity outsourcing service
Deutsche Bank
* Achievement award
Lars Seier Christensen and Kim Fournais Saxo Bank
Labels: FX
消息来源 Saxo Bank A/S
盛宝银行 (Saxo Bank) 将在北京设立其新的代表处,打开中国市场,以便在全球发展最迅速的经济体之一开发和拓展其业务。
盛宝银行全球业务发展部高级执行董事 Shailendra Robin Patel 表示:“在亚太地区,你会找到一个见多识广、技术上老练并且善于接受投资工具(包括但不限于:外汇、差价合约 (CFD) 和其它金融衍生品)信息的客户群。在线交易的未来发展趋势将取决于那些热衷多元化投资和乐于学习的有主见的投资者。在那样一种环境里,盛宝银行的价值主张尤其适合亚洲投资者。”
Patel 补充说:“我们的代表处将让我们能够进入北京日益发展的金融界,同时也是我们为在全球发展最迅速的经济体之一开发和拓展业务而正式迈出的第一步。”
盛宝银行已经任命姚志超为首席代表 (CRO)。姚志超带来了其在中国最大证券公司中国银河证券股份有限公司的经验、对中国不断演变的金融和监管框架的深入了解以及在中国资本市场上广泛的人脉关系。
Patel 评论说:“我们的中国办事处将被用来促进积极互动,把盛宝银行的业务和服务带到日趋国际化的中国金融界。在姚志超的领导下,该办事处将负责建立一个强大的业务网络,为我们未来的在华发展计划提供支持。”
姚志超还将与盛宝银行的所有部门密切合作、相互协调,其中包括该公司设于新加坡的子公司 Saxo Capital Markets Pte. Ltd(由 SCM 首席执行官 Kevin Ashby 领导)。盛宝银行总部位于丹麦,在伦敦和西班牙也有运营办事处,并在俄罗斯圣彼得堡设有一个 IT 开发中心。
Saxo Bank A/S 简介 Saxo Bank A/S(盛宝银行)是专门在国际资本市场从事在线投资的现代投资银行。该银行使客户能够通过在线交易平台 SaxoTrader 进行外汇、股票、CFD 合约、期货、选择权和衍生产品交易和投资组合管理。由 Saxo Bank 自主开发的 SaxoTrader 通过 Saxo Bank 或其全球合作伙伴直接向投资者提供(Saxo Bank 的全球合作伙伴已经将 SaxoTrader 融入其自身的基础架构中)。Saxo Bank 的重点业务之一就是“白标”(white label) -- 为其他银行和经纪公司开发该在线交易平台的定制版本。Saxo Bank 拥有80多个“白标”合作伙伴并在177个国家拥有数千家客户。该银行的网站 http://www.saxobank.com 的日访问人数约为65,000。Saxo Bank 目前在50个不同国家拥有员工1000多名。该银行总部位于丹麦,在伦敦、西班牙和新加坡设有办事处,并在俄罗斯圣彼得堡设有 IT 开发中心。
Labels: FX, Saxo Bank
银监会特批盛宝银行(Saxo Bank)入华
2007.03.24 财经时报
为了遏制地下炒汇愈演愈烈,中国银监会有关官员告诉《财经时报》,他们近期已经特批丹麦盛宝银行(Saxo Bank)在北京成立代表处。这是中国首次批准的从事资本市场金融产品交易的银行,其在全球金融市场最知名的业务之一,正是外汇交易。
两部门联合特批 这位官员向记者透露,总部位于丹麦哥本哈根的盛宝银行成立于1992年。盛宝银行不是传统的商业银行,也不同于投资银行,它是一家主要致力于全球金融产品交易的服务银行。
地下炒汇红火背后 盛宝银行北京代表处首席代表姚志超向《财经时报》透露,盛宝银行是一家最早通过互联网进行金融产品交易的银行。在1996年,它们就已推出Saxo Trader——一个功能强大的金融产品交易平台,全球每一位交易者都可以通过这个交易平台,迅速进入外汇、证券、期货、基金、商品市场。
独特的贴牌合作模式 在姚志超看来:“盛宝银行进入中国市场后,可以迅速通过贴牌合作帮助中国的商业银行进行外汇保证金交易,并且可以帮助中国的银行开拓外汇交易市场,确保中国的外汇投资者的投资安全。”
Labels: FX, Saxo Bank
China's gilded age coming to an end
Aug 21, 2007
By Kent Ewing,Asia Times Online
HONG KONG - China's gilded age of easy profits, cheap labor and unchecked environmental degradation may be coming to an end - at least for the tens of thousands of Hong Kong companies invested in the mainland's mammoth manufacturing industry.
Draconian new rules taking effect this week will force manufacturers to pay at least a 50% deposit on import levies, impose restrictions on exports, and also mandate the installation
of expensive anti-pollution technology.
The aim of the new regulations is clearly to reduce international tension over China's ballooning trade surplus, clean up the country's woefully deteriorating environment, and at the same time move its manufacturing industry up the value chain.
Hong Kong companies, which are invested in nearly half of the manufacturing done on the mainland, will be hit hardest by the changes, and they are mustering all of their resources to resist them. But the die is cast, and a new reality is about to begin.
In explaining the new rules, the Commerce Ministry's industry director, Wang Qinhua, said: "The new policy will add cost and affect the cash flow of exporters, especially those engaged in the labor-intensive part of the industry. Our calculation shows that the impact will force exporters to increase value to their products and upgrade their technology."
She added: "We hope these enterprises can follow the bigger situation and quicken their pace of adjusting their own product mix, increase their own intellectual-property rights, and develop the high end of their industry supply chain."
No doubt the central government hopes Wang's message was heard loud and clear in Washington, where Congress - up in arms over the slow appreciation of the Chinese currency, the yuan, and the ever-widening trade deficit with Beijing - has threatened to impose trade sanctions against China. But the new policy comes too suddenly for Hong Kong companies operating factories on the mainland. Crying foul, they are running to the Hong Kong government for help.
The regulations not only require manufacturers to install costly anti-pollution technology and add more than US$1 billion to the cost of their exports, but industry analysts say they could also tie up $2 billion to $3 billion in deposits that would otherwise be used for making more toys, electronics, clothing and other cheap goods.
Starting this Thursday, companies that import any of 1,853 different commodities - including plastics, metals and textiles - must pay at least a 50% deposit on their import taxes, and the number of commodities subject to this deposit is expected to expand to about 5,000 in the future.
The processing trade - in which Hong Kong companies play a particularly big role - will be hit the hardest, with analysts expecting a rise of 30% in export costs for such enterprises.
Of the more than 90,000 processing-trade firms operating on the mainland, China's National Bureau of Statistics reports, 57,500 are Hong Kong-invested. As these firms employ 9.6 million workers, the new policy will clearly involve layoffs. But Beijing is ready to accept that loss in exchange for moving up the value chain in manufacturing, cleaning up the environment, and reaching out for the international goodwill that would result from narrowing the politically sensitive trade surplus - which reached $112.53 billion in the first half of this year, up 84% from a year earlier.
The Federation of Hong Kong Industries says 45,000 Hong Kong-owned factories will be adversely affected by the changes. For 14,500 of them, according to a Hong Kong Trade and Development Council report, the damage will be serious, and 1,500 are expected to cease production altogether. As a result, the council projects that 375,000 mainland and 10,000 Hong Kong workers will lose their jobs.
Meanwhile, however, Hong Kong investors, who have played a huge role in the 40-fold boom in the Chinese economy over the last 25 years, are wondering what hit them.
"The whole situation is not very good," said Danny Lau, chairman of the Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprise Association, which has been lobbying the Hong Kong government for help. "We are expecting $3 billion will be held up [in deposits] as a result of the new regulations. This will be especially hard on SMEs [small and medium enterprises] with a low profit margin."
Lau's association is pressuring the Hong Kong government to persuade Beijing to delay the implementation of the new rules and stagger the introduction of the 1,853 commodities affected by them. The association would also like to see bank guarantees, currently only available through the state-owned Bank of China, extended to Hong Kong banks. "The Hong Kong government can also subsidize some manufacturers to relieve the burden," he said.
Hong Kong authorities are "working closely" with the central government to soften the blow to manufacturers, according to Andrew Leung, an industry representative on the city's Legislative Council. Leung estimates that 10-15% of Hong Kong-invested factories may eventually have to close if the new policy is not changed. In the end, however, he says the writing is on the wall: "This is a strong signal from the central government that China is no longer a place for making cheap, low-end products. Hong Kong companies should look at how to upgrade into higher-value goods."
Tellingly, the state-run China Daily ran a story last week focusing on two Hong Kong companies with factories on the mainland, one that is likely to close down because of the new regulations and one that has admirably planned for this eventuality by moving up the value chain.
The report chronicles the travails of Victor Ho, who took over ownership of a toy factory in Guangdong province from his father seven years ago but is now considering closing shop and letting his 150 employees go.
"It was easy for my father to make money for some time," Ho is quoted as saying. "Time was when one looked at a person enviously if he said he was working for a Hong Kong company." But that time has passed, Ho laments.
By contrast, the article also presents the case of Billabong Enterprises Co and quotes its prescient managing director, C B Chiu, who founded the company in the 1950s and "years ago" transformed it from a low-end manufacturer of gloves into a high-end "environmental-goods maker".
"It is an unwritten rule of business that one should always keep an eye on long-term development," Chiu reportedly said.
If all this sounds a bit contrived - well, it probably is. Beijing has never been blamed for excessive subtlety - or even accuracy - in making a point. But the point nevertheless stands.
In the 1950s, the low-end manufacturing industry was centered in Hong Kong. It has since moved to the southern and eastern coastal areas of the mainland, most notably the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong and the nearby provinces of Fujian and Jiangsu. And now, with the environment in this region disintegrating under the onslaught of largely unregulated manufacturers, the central government has signaled that it is time to move on.
Indeed, manufacturers who opt to relocate their factories to central or western provinces or autonomous regions - such as Shanxi, Xinjiang and Gansu - are exempted from the new rules. This inducement fits into a broader plan to close the enormous income gap that exists between the wealthy coastal cities of the south and east and much of the rest of the country. For low-end manufacturers like the China Daily's archetypal Ho, however, the cost of relocation will be too much to bear.
With labor costs also rising as the mainland prepares to enter its third consecutive decade of breakneck economic growth, Hong Kong entrepreneurs with the capital to branch out may consider not only China's hinterlands but also other low-cost, loosely regulated countries, such as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. As it turns out, the gilded age may be a movable feast-cum-environmental disaster.
Kent Ewing is a teacher and writer at Hong Kong International School. He can be reached at kewing@hkis.edu.hk.
中國外貿新政打擊 港商“流金歲月”走到盡頭
撰文 Kent Ewing
2007/08/24, 週五,亚洲时报
香港 -- 勞動力成本低廉、以犧牲環境為代價換取經濟利益的一本萬利發展模式,在中國或許快走到盡頭了。至少對於數以萬計在大陸設廠的港商而言,“流金歲月”很快就會結束了。
代表工業界利益的香港立法會議員梁君彥透露,特區政府正同北京“緊密合作”,試圖減少新政對港企的衝擊。梁君彥預計,若北京拒絕收回成命,約10-15% 的港資工廠會被迫關門大吉。但無論如何,他認為北京已通過外貿新政,發出了一個強烈的信號:中國不再是一個生產廉價低端產品的地方,港企應當想想如何提升產品的附加值了。
故事回顧了港商Victor Ho的營商歷程。Victor七年前從父親手中接過了廣東一家玩具廠的管理大權。七年後的今天,他卻在考慮解散150名僱員,關門大吉。“在我父親管理的年代,賺錢十分容易。那時,人人都會對在港資企業工作的人投以豔羨目光。”
與之形成強烈對比的,是故事的另一個主人公,“群邦實業有限公司‘董事總經理趙振邦。趙振邦於上1950年代創立群邦實業,並在“好幾年前”將這個生產手套的低端企業,成功轉型為高端的“環保產品廠商”。 趙振邦對記者說:“商業界有個不成文的規則──深謀遠慮,高瞻遠矚。”
其實,廠商也並非無路可走,他們可以選擇把工廠,再遷至中部或西部地區,例如新疆、甘肅等自治地區,以規避外貿新政帶來的衝擊。外貿新政之所以給廠商提供這個選擇,想必是為了縮小沿海和內陸省市存在的巨大收入差距。可是,對於上面提到的那個港商Victor Ho的低端製造企業而言,搬遷費用是個大問題。
編譯 寸草心
撰文 Scott B MacDonald
2007/08/24, 週五,亚洲时报
書名:《印度星球》(Planet India: How the Fastest-Growing Democracy Is Transforming America and the World)
作者:凱姆達爾(Misa Kamdar)派 爾(Kenneth B. Pyle)所著的《日本崛起》(Japan Rising: The Resurgence of Japanese Power and Purpose)一書,有一個有趣的結論:日本是個適應性的大國,“遵從現有國際體系的機會較高”。言下之意是,它不可能成為真正的霸權國家,因為它不具 備美法中俄等國革命所體現的、對其他國家有吸引力的普世價值觀。
正如亞洲時報在線撰稿人Sreeram Chaulia在有關《日本崛起》的書評中指出,日本“似乎註定是一個謹小慎微的適應性大國,它從國際體系中得到的多,付出的少”。然而,崛起中的印度並非如此。
凱姆達爾(Mira Kamdar) 是“世界政策研究所”高級研究員,兼美國“亞洲協會”(Asian Society)的副院士。她認為,印度在經濟方面正在崛起,融入全球化進程,並成為不斷改變的國際體系中日益重要的玩家。在這些方面,印度的民主資本主 義實驗,對於鄰國尤其是那些欠發達國家的吸引力與日俱增。
她在《印度星球》一書中強調,印度的軟實力(其民主制度的魅力)和不斷取得的經濟成就,使這個國家成為既不同於專制中國、也不同於富裕得多(但更揮霍、更 貪圖享樂)的美國的另一模式。她說:“從全球反恐、到尋找危險流行病的治療方法,從解決能源危機、到避免全球暖化的最糟結果出現,從重新平衡全球嚴重的不 均衡現象、到促進必要的革新以創造就業機會和改善生活──印度如今已成為一個重要的一員。全球都在進行具有深遠意義的重新調整,在此過程中,亞洲的崛起是 最重要的,而印度對這個新世界至關重要。”
凱姆達爾解釋寫《印度星球》的原因說,“因為我認為,印度從來沒有像現在這樣,對一個陷入危機的世界影響重大”。西方操控的舊世界秩序正在崩潰,這點從嚴 峻的環境問題、瘋狂爭奪自然資源、全球恐怖主義、極端不平等以及艾滋病等疾病肆虐可見一斑。雖然西方的生活水平高,對世界其它國家人仍很有吸引力,但是西 方社會昂貴的生活方式,是不可能輕易被複製的。因此,這就需要另一個模式,而印度能填補這一空缺。
例如,凱姆達爾提到:“印度有可能成為全球最致命的流行病滋生的溫床。它也迅速成為非傳染性流行病之都,糖尿病和心臟病的發病率,遠遠高出全球的平均水 平。”她還考慮到以下問題,例如婦女、貧困階層以及其他人處境堪憂,以及印度教徒與穆斯林之間的緊張關係,所有這些都對“印度星球”構成威脅。
儘管面臨一大堆問題,但印度非常渴望改革。從1990年代初起,改革就促進了該國經濟的發展,擺脫了社會主義的發展模式。印度提供了一種替代發展模式,介 乎富有但遙不可及的西方模式,與政治上專制但經濟發展日益加快的中國之間。印度必須給全球問題,例如疾病,提供更低成本的解決辦法。
凱姆達爾寫道:“不過,或許印度也最有希望找到解決這些疾病以及其它危害全球數十億人口災害的辦法。高成本的養生法,只能幫助少數受感染的人。如果印度可 以找到低成本、便利的療法,例如口服胰島素療法,這樣病人就不用打針了,數百萬人的生活將得到改善。”除了尋求更低成本的疾病療法,還可以把這種方法應用 到其它領域,包括尋找替代能源。
凱姆達爾寫了一本有趣的、討論時局問題的書,大多數美國人都應該拜讀這本書,尤其當下正值印度日益成為美國生活的一部分(這表現在生活和工作在美國的印度 人、出現在美國市場的印度產品、外包給德裏或孟買的業務與日俱增)。她指出,生活在美國的印度人,是“在美國最富有、受教育最好的外來群體之一”。
譯者:楊柳Labels: India
撰文 Sreeram Chaulia
2007/08/24, 週五, 亚洲时报
書名:《R&AW的特工們》(The Kaoboys of R&AW: Down Memory Lane)
作者:拉曼(B Raman)保密和情報機構,可以是同義詞。一般公眾鮮有機會一窺特工的秘密世界,以及他們在國家秘密機構鐵幕背後的英勇事蹟。
拉曼(B Raman)是印度對外情報機構“R&AW”( 研究分析局)的反恐科前負責人,通過其《R&AW的特工們》一書,讓公眾一窺這個“黑盒子”的內幕。他一方面通過此書,懷念印度情報界默默無聞的 戰士,同時也思索了這個傳奇組織的問題。(編注:拉曼在書名中用上Kaoboy一字,據印度傳媒解釋,這字眼意指那些忠心耿耿的間諜特工;這字眼也可能來 自R&AW首任局長Kao的名字。)
拉曼在開篇就把矛頭對準了美國。他在R&AW 工作的26年期間,美國國務院一直是他痛恨的對象。例如,美國國務院曾把新德里與它分享的錫克裔動亂情報,轉交給巴基斯坦。又例如,在1992年,由於印 度拒絕美國偵察機在空中拍攝印度與中國的邊界,美國國務院就威脅對印實施經濟制裁。
拉曼也敘述了在1971年“東巴基斯坦危機”加劇期間,時任印度總理甘地夫人(Indira Gandhi,1966年至1980年連續四屆當選印度總理),決定讓剛成立兩年半的R&AW出動一事。(編注:1971年印巴第三次戰後,其後 東巴基斯坦獨立,成為孟加拉國。)
他指出,當年R&AW負責訓練孟加拉的遊擊隊,組織一場心理戰打擊巴基斯坦的統治者。甘地夫人幾乎每天都能竊聽到巴基斯坦高級將領討論局勢演變的電話交談。她每做一項決定,都會咨詢R&AW首腦卡奧(R N Kao)。
在1969-1971年間,R&AW破壞了獲中國支持的 “納加族”(Naga)和“米佐族”(Mizo)叛亂組織,在緬甸和東孟加拉的交通設施、庇護所和基礎設施。
不過,R&AW與美國中情局之間並非只是簡單的敵對關係。它們曾聯手阻止了中國可能兼併緬甸北部的行動。於1975-77年擔任美國中情局局長的 老布什,更因而成為卡奧的私交。後來在老布什擔任副總統時,卡奧成功說服他,切斷對卡利斯坦分離分子的援助。拉曼對此評論說:“兩個情報機構之間,善意和 惡意如影隨形。”(頁42)
在拉曼看來,R&AW當前搜集美國情報的能力仍然很弱。他批評當前的辛格(Manmohan Singh)政府“看來沒有給予足夠的關注”。
R&AW於1968年創立後不久,卡奧就與以色列情報機構“摩薩德”(Mossad)建立秘密聯繫,“學習它的反恐技巧”(頁127)。在 1980年代初,巴基斯坦的確擔心印度和以色列情報機構合作,摧毀它在卡胡塔(Kahuta)的濃縮鈾工廠。12年來,摩薩德官員一直以南美商人的身份, 駐紮在新德里。
拉曼提到的一個有趣事態發展是,在約旦塔拉爾親王的牽線下,印度的R&AW和巴基斯坦“三軍情報局”(Inter Services Intelligence)的首腦,曾於1980年後期多次秘密會晤。三軍情報局否認窩藏卡利斯坦恐怖分子,但在公共媒體視線之外,它的確向印度 R&AW移交了一些從印度軍隊叛逃的錫克人。
此外,政客操縱的政治迫害、裙帶關係、歧視性的內部國安檢查、高級和低級官員之間的隔閡、放縱、以及工會的興起,所有這些因素,都對R&AW造成 了很大傷害。在招募問題上,還有跨部門之間的資歷安排問題上,摩擦持續存在,“即使是機關建立39年後的今天,這仍妨礙團隊精神的形成”(頁133)。
R&AW科技部門的桑塔納姆(K Santanam),是第一個評估到巴基斯坦秘密建立濃縮鈾廠的人。他有系統地監視巴基斯坦核計劃的發展。拉曼披露說,當時的印度總理德賽(1977- 79在任)輕率地告訴巴基斯坦總統哈克(Zia ul-Haq):他知道伊斯蘭堡的核計劃。
R&AW曾訓練過很多非洲獨立國家的情報官員,又協助過南非和納米比亞的反對種族隔離鬥爭。一些退休的R&AW官員,會被派駐到非洲國家 的情報訓練機構。令拉曼感到非常惋惜的是,由於後來疏忽,R&AW將先前在非洲贏得的善意和影響力,拱手讓給了中國。
另一方面,當年R&AW有關卡利斯坦恐怖分子的情報,有一部分證明是錯誤的。拉曼對此堅持說,“跨邊境行動缺乏協調,通常導致誤差以及誤導性的和 警告性的報道,這一直是我們情報界的痛處。”1984年甘地夫人遇刺身亡,就跟“印度情報局”(Intelligence Bureau)高級官員玩忽職守和監督鬆懈有關,卡奧對此一直耿耿於懷。
同樣,拉曼曾提醒有關方面,要當心來自斯里蘭卡的泰米爾極端分子,刺殺拉吉夫.甘地(甘地夫人之子,1984至1989年任總理、1991 年遇刺身亡)。然而,他的警告受到情報界的質疑,結果產生了致命的後果。“在德里,大家都相信他們(斯里蘭卡泰米爾人)不會傷害拉吉夫,因為他和他的母 親,比任何一位印度領導人對他們的幫助都多。”(頁236)
拉曼用了很多篇幅,說明1980年代R&AW在反間諜工作方面的弱點。法國情報機構滲入了印度總理辦公室,美國中情局又被發現在R&AW 的欽奈辦公室搜集情報。R&AW特工辛格(Rabinder Singh)被揭發原來為美國中情局工作了多年,最近叛逃到美國。這些都顯示了印度情報界的可悲之處。去年甚至有報道說,美國中情局已滲透進了印度國家安 全委員會秘書處。拉曼悲觀地預測說,也許有一天,“這個國家所有敏感機構,都會在情報合作的名義下受到嚴重滲透。”(頁255)
拉曼還發現,前任總理瓦傑帕伊(Atal Bihair Vajpayee)政府和現任辛格政府下的國家安全管理,結構存在問題:R&AW的首腦被降格為國家安全顧問的下屬,甚少能與總理直接溝通。
拉曼承認,R&AW官員曾向拉吉夫“獻計”,以掩蓋有爭議的“博福斯軍購回扣醜聞”(編注:瑞典軍火商博福斯透過行賄獲得訂單)。博福斯醜聞“暴 露了我們情報和調查機構最惡劣的一些特徵”。然而,正是在拉吉夫執政期間,R&AW、特別是其負責巴基斯坦事務的部門,重新獲得了強大的秘密活動 能力。
也是在拉吉夫時代,R&AW在中印關係正常化的過程中,發揮了重要的幕後作用,兩國情報首腦之間建立了熱線。中印兩國政治領導人利用這條熱線,可 繞過正常的外交管道互通消息。在1991年第一次海灣戰爭期間,中國情報部門就曾提出向印度供應石油,以助印度應付任何可能出現的石油短缺。
1987年當印控克什米爾開始叛亂時,R&AW堵塞了巴基斯坦的廣播和電訊渠道,並反過來在巴控克什米爾宣傳印度的立場。它還在印度的穆斯林社區 以及歐洲的南亞穆斯林移民社區當中,煽動反巴基斯坦的情緒。它與巴基斯坦政圈和民間社會中“親印度”的人士,建立強有力的聯繫網絡。它還開始與那些不滿巴 國情報人員滲透阿富汗的游擊指揮官建立聯繫。
1993年孟買發生連環爆炸,是印度首次發生導致大量人員傷亡的恐怖襲擊,R&AW綜合各種可靠的證據後,認為是巴基斯坦三軍情報局直接插手了恐 怖襲擊行動。當時卡奧曾憤怒地表示,儘管證據確鑿,“但美國決不會因巴基斯坦對印度所做的事,而採取行動反對巴基斯坦。”拉曼補上一句說,“即使在今天, 跟過去還是一樣的。”(頁277)
譯者:晏陽Labels: India
Abe praises Indians who backed Japan in WWII
by Elizabeth Roche Thu Aug 23, 2007
KOLKATA, India (AFP) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe voiced admiration Thursday for two controversial Indians who stood up to colonial ruler Britain during World War II and sided with Tokyo.
Abe visited the eastern city of Kolkata to meet relatives of nationalist Subhash Chandra Bose, who advocated violent resistance, and Radhabinod Pal, the sole judge who dissented at the Allied tribunal that condemned to death war-time Japanese leaders.
"Many Japanese have been moved deeply by such persons of strong will and action of the independence of India like Subhash Chandra Bose," Abe said in a speech at the opening of the Indo-Japan Cultural Centre.
"Even to this day, many Japanese revere Radhabinod Pal."
The premier, wrapping up a three-day official visit to India, met the son of the judge Prashanto Pal, 81.
Abe has dismissed suggestions back home that meeting Pal's son would anger other Asian nations resentful over Japan's wartime atrocities.
In a dissenting opinion, Pal questioned the legitimacy of the tribunal, sealing a friendship between Pal and Abe's grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, who was charged but never tried as a war criminal.
Prashanto Pal told AFP he was "very, very happy to see" Abe.
"I feel proud of the fact that my father is still remembered for his contribution that was only correct and just. How can you blame only one side for war crimes and not the others?"
Abe's stop in Kolkata came at the end of a high-profile visit during which India and Japan vowed to seal an economic partnership deal by December.
The premier who later left for Kuala Lumpur held talks with West Bengal state's Marxist chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and toured a museum dedicated to Bose.
After WWII broke out, Bose escaped his British watchers, sought help from Nazi Germany and later went to Tokyo, where he organised an army.
Abe spent time looking at black-and-white photos of Bose as a young boy, his May 1942 meeting with Adolf Hitler in Berlin and a picture of his German wife, Emilie Schenkl, holding their baby girl.
He was shown around the museum by Krishna Bose, a niece of the nationalist leader by marriage and her son, Sugata, a Harvard University history professor.
"I was very impressed to see so many memorabilia" related to Bose "who had a strong bond with Japan," Abe told reporters.
"I expressed strong determination to strengthen our bilateral relations that Subhash Chandra Bose had wanted."
Other pictures capture Bose's 90-day journey from Germany to Japan aboard a submarine between February and May 1943. And the last known photo of Bose shows him stepping off a plane in Saigon on August 17, 1945, a day before his widely disputed death in an aircrash in Taipei.
Abe "was very interested to see all the pictures, he was able to identify many of the Japanese in them. He was particularly thrilled to see the submarine photo and to see Bose with the Japanese crew," Sugata Bose told AFP.
The exhibits include swords, coats, caps and footwear as well as furniture and scores of books owned by Bose until he fled Kolkata in 1941.
"This is the first visit by a Japanese prime minister to Kolkata and to the museum so it is an occasion for a double celebration," said 76-year-old Krishna who heads a trust that has preserved the three-storey residence as a museum.
Sugata Bose said she had presented Abe with a DVD containing the nationalist leader's speeches on Asian solidarity and a picture that showed him on his way to see the Japanese emperor in Tokyo in 1943.
Labels: India, Japan
Abe praises dissenting war crimes judge
Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, risked irritating Beijing and Seoul during a state visit to India on Thursday by paying homage to a Bengali judge revered by Japanese militarists for denouncing the legitimacy of the 1946-1948 Tokyo war crimes trials.
In a gesture to nationalists disappointed by his decision not to visit the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo last week to commemorate the end of the second world war, Mr Abe held a 20-minute meeting with the son of Justice Radhabinod Pal in Kolkata.
Aides described it as a “courtesy visit”.
Justice Pal, who died in 1967, was the only judge at the war crimes trial to rule that all the defendants – including Hideki Tojo, the wartime prime minister – were innocent.
His dissenting judgment has been seized on by those who say that Japan was subjected to “victors’ justice” and that its leaders were condemned under international laws applied retroactively.
Vivek Pinto, a visiting research fellow at Tokyo’s International Christian University, said: “Pal has become a rightwing darling.” The veneration of Pal, the subject of a tribute at the Yasukuni shrine, “shows the right is determined to show that the [Tokyo] trial was a big hoax, which in a sense it was”.
Mr Abe, who has pledged to restore Japanese pride and release it from what he calls the “postwar regime”, has had to put aside some of his convictions in the interests of better relations with China. He has not visited Yasukuni, where a number of Class A war criminals are honoured but compromised by sending an expensive potted plant to the shrine.
More than one commentator has likened his meeting with Pal’s son to a proxy visit to Yasukuni aimed at salving his conscience and mollifying some of his more nationalistic supporters.
South Korea’s biggest newspaper, Chosun Ilbo, criticised the meeting, saying in an editorial before it took place: “He will travel all the way to India to embrace the descendants of a judge hailed as a hero by Japanese militarists for claiming innocence for Class A war criminals.”
The judge has become a potent, if ambiguous, symbol of Indo-Japanese understanding. In 2005, Manmohan Singh, the Indian prime minister, told a New Delhi banquet in honour of the last visiting Japanese premier, Junichiro Koizumi, that Pal’s dissenting judgment would “always symbolise the affection and regard our people have for your country”.
In a separate foray into sensitive wartime areas, which still dominate Asian diplomacy, Mr Abe met descendants of Subhas Chandra Bose, an Indian nationalist who sided with imperial Japan during the second world war. Japan’s right says Bose confirms its view that, in the 1930s and 1940s, the country was waging a war of liberation from colonialism – not a war of aggression.
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007
Labels: India, Japan
英国《金融时报》乔•约翰逊(Jo Johnson)新德里、戴维•皮林(David Pilling)东京报道
2007年8月24日 星期五
日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)在对印度进行国事访问期间,冒着激怒中国和韩国政府的风险,昨日向印度法官拉达比诺德•帕尔(Radhabinod Pal)表示了敬意。帕尔因抨击1946年至1948年对日本战犯的审判而受到日本军国主义者的崇敬。
Labels: India, Japan
投机之王 2006-9-20
外汇市场的特点 外汇市场是全球最大的金融市场,涵盖的交易品种包括现货外汇交易(又称即期外汇交易)、远期外汇交易、掉期外汇交易、外汇期货交易、外汇期权交易等等。单日交易额平均高达1.9万亿美元,其中OTC衍生品交易为1.29万亿美元。(以上数据根据国际清算银行2004年调查报告)
电子交易主要有两种模式,一种是服务于机构客户的ECN(electronic communications network)模式;另一种是服务于零售客户的询价(Dealer)和单一做市商(Market maker)模式。我们平常接触到的外汇保证金经纪商通常采用后一种交易方式。
面向银行和机构投资者的ECN ECN是一个电子交易网络,交易者的单子都直接且匿名的挂在这个网络上,买卖价格由参与这个ECN上的所有交易者竞价产生,所以ECN上的价格是真实的市场价格。ECN的运营者一般不参与交易而只收取交易佣金,所以他们会尽可能提供给客户更好的服务。
随着互联网技术的发展,服务于小型银行、大型投资机构、对冲基金的ECN开始出现,包括CurreneX、Fxall、FX Connect、Hotspot等。他们各有业务的侧重点,例如FX Connect主要面向基金经理,而Currenex则全力开发公司客户。
外汇保证金交易的模式:询价、单一做市商 虽然ECN模式较为公平透明,但是这些“真正的”外汇市场门槛较高,通常只向大交易量和高资产净值的金融机构开放,所以个人投资者主要透过外汇保证金或国内实盘进行外汇现货交易。由于国内实盘有点差高、单向交易、无资金杠杆等缺点,有经验的外汇投资者通常会选择外汇保证金交易。目前,在国内比较知名的美国外汇保证金经纪商包括 FXCM、嘉盛、FXSOL、IFX、CMS等。
对赌就是这些做市商们不把所有的净头寸拿到ECN 或银行去对冲。比如,某家外汇经纪商收到客户1000手(外汇交易单位,通常是指10万单位基本货币)买入欧元/美元的指令和800手卖出欧元/美元的指令,那么内部对冲后余下200手欧元/美元的净多头头寸,但是该公司愿意承担了这部分头寸的市场波动风险,并没有把这200手欧元/美元净多头头寸放到银行或ECN上做一反向交易,这就叫做和客户“对赌”。在美国相关法律法规中并没有硬性规定如何对冲风险,这完全取决于交易商自己的风险控制策略。
这种对冲/对赌模式的存在,意味着在某些特定时段(比如美国重大数据公布的时候,或者市场价格剧烈波动的时候),你可能经常性的无法连接到经纪商的交易系 统上进行有效迅速的交易,因为此时经纪商很难在有限成本区间内及时地把市场风险转嫁出去,所以干脆限制客户下单或者采用一些其它的方式。这种特定时段经常 出现单子无法成交的现象在国内银行外汇实盘交易中也是普遍存在的。
缺乏监管的美国外汇保证金交易 美国对外汇保证金经纪商并没有形成有效的监管,主要原因是相关立法的落后。美国期货市场监管机构美国商品期货交易委员会(Commodity Futures Trading Commission,以下简称CFTC)依据的法律主要为: Commodity Exchange Act(1936年商品交易法,以下简称CEA)、Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act (1974年商品期货交易委员会法,以下简称CFTCA)、Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000(2000年商品期货现代化法,以下简称CFMA)。
CEA赋予CFTC对在交易所和场外交易的期货和商品期权的唯一管辖权,同时也赋予了它监管市场中介机构的权利,如期货佣金经纪商(Futures Commission Merchant,以下简称FCM)。不过,场外外汇交易并不受CEA监管,除非这些交易涉及未来在商品交易所交割。CFTCA赋予了CFTC对期货合约的专属管辖权,但是有关外汇合约的监管没有给出明确的界定。
由于陈旧的法案早已无法适应当代日新月异的金融衍生品市场,所以克林顿政府在 2000年制定了CFMA。CFMA在很大程度上放松了对OTC衍生品交易的限制。法案规定了“合格投资者”(eligible contract participant,以下简称ECP),用来明确哪些交易者要服从CFTC的监管,而哪些交易者则不必。所谓ECP是指总资产超过1000万美元的各类投资者,包括经纪自营商、期货佣金商以及资产超过500万美元的商品基金。在ECP之间的外汇期货交易不属于CFTC管辖;非ECP客户的交易要服从 CFTC的管辖。但是,CFTC对OTC外汇衍生品的管辖权只是被限定在期货和期权产品上,远期和现货外汇合约并不在CFTC的管辖范围之内。
Labels: FX
Forex Broker Comparison
This table compares some well known forex brokers and market makers. Use this table to compare forex brokers, or click on the links to go to their website. For more firms, including a list of those that use the MetaTrader platform, see the forex broker list.
| | | | | | | | |
CMC Markets | MM | $2,000 | 1% 100:1 | 2-3 | F | $0 | 60 | $10,000 |
EFX Group | ECN | $400 | 1% 100:1 | 0-3 | V | $5 per $100k | 22 | 10,000 units |
FX Solutions | MM | $250 | 0.25% 400:1 | 3-4 | V | $0 | 20 | 1,000 units |
GFT Forex | MM | $250 | 0.25% 400:1 | 3-4 | V | $0 | 60 + | 10,000 units |
Hotspot FX
 | ECN | $7,500 | 2% 50:1 | 1-3 | V | $3 per $100k | 16 | 100,000 units |
Interactive Brokers | ECN | $5,000 | 2% 50:1 | 1-3 | V | $2 per $100k | 90 | $25,000 |
IFX Markets (cbfx) | MM | $500 | 1% 100:1 | 2-3 | V | $0.625 per 10k lot | 27 | 10,000 units |
IFX Markets UK | MM | $5,000 | 2% 50:1 | 3-4 | V | $0 | 44 | $100,000 |
MG Forex | MM | $200 | 0.25% 400:1 | 3-5 | F | $0 | 8 | 10,000 units |
Oanda | MM | $0 | 2% 50:1 | 1½-3½ | V | $0 | 31 | $1 |
Realtime Forex | MM | €2,500 | 2% 50:1 | 3-4 | F | $0 | 33 | €10,000 |
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this table, GoForex accepts no liability for any errors contained therein. For the most current information, please visit the firm's website.
Labels: FX