Huge Japan protest over textbook
Saturday, 29 September 2007, BBC
More than 100,000 people in Japan have rallied against changes to school books detailing Japanese military involvement in mass suicides during World War II. The protest, in Okinawa, was against moves to modify and tone down passages that say the army ordered Okinawans to kill themselves rather than surrender.
Okinawa's governor told crowds they could not ignore army involvement.
Some conservatives in Japan have in recent years questioned accounts of the country's brutal wartime past.
Saturday's rally was the biggest staged on the southern island since it was returned to Japan by the United States in 1972, according to the Kyodo News agency.
When US soldiers invaded Okinawa at the end of World War II, more than 200,000 people died.
Hundreds of them were Japanese civilians who killed themselves.
The textbooks, intended for use in high schools next year, currently say that as the Americans prepared to invade, the Japanese army handed out grenades to Okinawa residents and ordered them to kill themselves.
Many survivors insist the military told people to commit suicide, partly due to fears over what they might tell the invaders and because being taken prisoner was considered shameful.
The governor of Okinawa, Hirokazu Nakaima, told crowds the episode should not be forgotten.
"We cannot bury the fact that the Japanese military was involved in the mass suicide, taking into account of the general background and testimonies that hand grenades were delivered," he said.
Japan's Kyodo news agency said Saturday's rally was the biggest staged on the southern island since it was returned to Japan by the United States in 1972.
Okinawa Island (Ryukyu Islands)
Life in Motion:
http://lifeinmotion.wordpress.com/2007/09/29/huge-japan-protest-over-textbook/History Controversy in the News:
http://historycontroversy.blogspot.com/2007/09/huge-japan-protest-over-textbook.htmlLabels: Okinawa, Ryukyu
上世纪的某期电脑报,大概是97,98年?记不清了,也许更早;采访金山的雷军,雷军说他首先是一名程序员,是最早一批通过一个什么考试来着,程序员还是高级程序员?当时,感觉程序员是一个很值得骄傲的职业。金山没做毒霸之前,的确扛过那么一段民族软件产业的大旗。 到了新世纪,互联网熊熊,博客它爹遍地都是,还有喝着脑白金的史玉柱重踏征途,阿里它妈也风光无限;难道真到了一个线上的时代,完全不需要软件业了吗?
下了quicken和MS money试用,感慨不已,世界前二就是不一样,你看看人家怎么做软件的;当然,微软的东西还是不如quicken专业,好用;但微软强就强在什么领域都搀合一脚,起码不是第一也是第二。
但 是除了记账,这两款软件对国内用户来说不太用得上,如果是免费的另当别论,用着玩呗,大马拉小车;这两款软件只是针对北美用户设计的,每月的账单和银行联 网互动,每家银行都支持这两款软件,报税节税方面软件都替你考虑到了,还有股票,房产,养老金帐户什么的,功能确实非常强大,也很智能;至于中国人根本用 不太上这种东西;股票行情,外汇行情,房产贷款等无法得到中国的数据,如果只是记个账那就没什么意思了;用excel就能记账嘛。
其 它软件我不敢保证,好的理财软件我认为还是有很大市场的,也很能抵御盗版,恩,现在都叫注册版,破解版的冲击;因为需要和银行等其它机构进行数据交换,不 是那种一锤子买卖的软件,不联网只是简单的账本,称不上理财软件。例如“财智”我不就买了吗,也先搜索过,发现破解方法都不算“完美”,财务数据我还是觉 着需要小心点好,都是对于个人来说比较重要的记录,不想成天劳神换软件玩。
Monks in the vanguard for regime change
By Brian McCartan
Sep 28, 2007,
Asia Times OnlineTHREE PAGODAS PASS, Thailand-Myanmar border - Images of tens of thousands of red-robed monks have been broadcast across the world as Myanmar's Buddhist clergy ups the ante in what has become the largest demonstrations against military rule since the brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protests in 1988.
Monk-led marches on Monday numbered more than 100,000 in the old capital Yangon, while demonstrations with clergy in the vanguard in other major cities tallied in the tens of thousands. Exile-run media reports claim that as many as eight monks have been killed in the violence, which started on Wednesday when soldiers for the first time opened fire on the protests in Yangon.
Early Thursday, soldiers raided Yangon's Ngwe Kyar Yan and Moe Guang monasteries, where they allegedly opened fire, physically assaulted and arrested an estimated 70 monks. Soldiers are now positioned at the front of temples to enforce the government's recent ban on gatherings of more than five people, and the number of protesters has reportedly dropped from Wednesday's figure.
That the leadership of what has evolved into a nationwide popular protest is in the hands of a religious institution that is generally perceived as above worldly concerns may seem odd to outsiders, but this is not the first time Buddhist monks have taken to the streets in Myanmar calling for political change. Indeed, there is a long tradition of political militancy in the monasteries of Myanmar.
Dating to the days of British overlordship in what was then known as Burma, monks have played a pivotal role in politics. Several of Burma's anti-colonial revolts were, at least partially, organized and led by the clergy. Prominent Buddhist anti-colonial leaders included the Venerable U Ottama and the Venerable U Wisara.
U Ottama organized the first anti-colonial activities under the General Council of Buddhist Associations in 1918, started the use of boycott campaigns and became the first Burmese citizen to be imprisoned by the British colonial authorities for a political speech he made in 1921. U Wisara died during the course of a 166-day hunger strike against the colonial regime.
The Saya San rebellion of 1930-31, which became the largest armed revolt against the colonial system in Burma, had a strong Buddhist element to it as well. Monks were actively involved in organizing the rebels of an insurrection that lasted more than two years, required almost 10,000 British troops to subdue and resulted in the deaths of about 10,000 Burmese, including the movement's leader, Saya San.
Monks were again actively involved in the pro-democracy uprising that swept the country in 1988. While most of the demonstrations were organized and led by university and high-school students, monks were crucial in maintaining discipline and giving their movement an important sense of moral legitimacy - though there were also reports of monks participating in retaliatory violence. When the killing began on August 8, 1988, many monks were among those gunned down by soldiers.
In October 1990, as a protest against the killings, disrobing and arrest of monks during the 1988 crackdown and continued harassment thereafter, monks in Mandalay declared an alms boycott against the generals and their families. The then-State Law and Order Restoration Council launched a crackdown and monasteries were raided and as many as 300 monks were forcibly disrobed and imprisoned.
Several of the ethnic insurgencies that have long fought against the government have also enlisted prominent monks as leaders. One, the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), is still, at least officially, run by a Karen monk named U Thuzana. Although it is inclusive of Christians, U Thuzana has seen that the DKBA maintains a strong Buddhist slant to its policies. Meanwhile, the Pa-O resistance movement based in Shan state was also initially led by a Pa-O Buddhist monk, U Nay Mee.
Karmic arbitersIn recognition of the centrality of the Buddhist clergy, or Sangha, in Myanmar society, the ruling generals have tried to be frequently seen making contributions to building monasteries and pagodas and donating money and gifts to prominent monks. State-run media almost daily contain images and stories of military officers visiting monasteries and handing over gifts of cash and religious materials or conferring religious titles. The donations and conferring of titles is a rather materialistic attempt at co-opting the Sangha while attempting to portray to the public an image of moral legitimacy.
Tellingly, however, the Ministry of Religious Affairs is currently run by a military officer, Brigadier-General Thura Myint Maung. Scores of monks who have run afoul of the regime for expressing their political views in recent years have been disrobed and imprisoned. Of the current estimated 1,100 political prisoners, at least 90 of them are monks.
In Myanmar's Buddhist culture, men are expected to become a monk at least once in their lives, usually before they marry as well as after the death of their father. The clergy also plays animportant and overarching social-welfare role, often filling the gaps left by the lack of government-administered services. Young men often join the monkhood to gain access to education provided free of charge by the monasteries.
Because of the lack of opportunities elsewhere in Myanmar's mismanaged and tightly controlled economy, monasteries are also filled with disaffected young novices. The monastic environment itself provides a convenient place to discuss issues, including politics, and to hear the complaints and grievances of the common people who come to their temples seeking advice and religious solace. This has over the years made the monasteries a boiling cauldron of potential anti-government dissent.
The current protests, of course, were initially set off by a very worldly concern: a huge rise in the prices of fuel in mid-August that has significantly inflated the costs of basic goods and services. The initial demonstrations were spearheaded by known activists and former political prisoners.
But after a September 5 confrontation between the clergy and soldiers in the town of Pakokku in north-central Myanmar, in which several monks were badly beaten or arrested and soldiers fired warning shots, the Sangha has led what has morphed into a nationwide protest movement.
When the government failed to apologize for the assault, on September 18 monks declared a boycott on accepting alms from soldiers and their families, an act of defiance known in Myanmar as "overturning the alms bowl". That is why many monks marching in the demonstrations have carried their alms bowls upside down in a symbolic gesture.
This is a particularly powerful gesture, since it denies the soldiers and their families the ability to make merit - a very important part of life in religiously devout Myanmar. The involvement of the monks has given the protest movement a hard political bent, a significant evolution of the initial protests that were in response to fuel-price hikes.
The initial clergy calls for a government apology for soldiers' actions against monks at Pakokku has in recent days shifted to broader demands for dialogue between the government and opposition political parties, the release of political prisoners, and humanitarian demands for adequate food, shelter and clothing for the population.
Characteristic of most of the protests has been the willingness of ordinary citizens to march on either side of the monks in an effort to protect them from possible government violence. In one incident on Wednesday in the Yangon suburb of Ahlone, civilian protesters reportedly sat down around the monks and began praying even as the soldiers started to shoot.
With Wednesday's killing of several monks at Sule Pagoda in Yangon, the protest's demands have shifted again, with some monks now making calls for full-blown regime change. Video and photos of the marches placed on Internet weblogs showed agitated monks shouting slogans and brandishing poles on which they had tacked the Buddhist flag. Other demonstrations featured Buddhist flags raised together with banners emblazoned with the fighting peacock - a symbol of the pro-democracy opposition movement.
Now that the first shots have been fired, with as many as eight monks killed across the country and soldiers stationed in front of temples and monasteries, the issue has become whether the monks can sustain their protest movement. The power of Buddhism is strong in Myanmar, and the symbolism of soldiers gunning down monks could galvanize a broad-based insurrection.
Many hope that foot soldiers will balk at the next round of orders to open fire on monks, though there have been no signs yet of military desertions or breakdowns in the chain of command. What is clear is that the monks have captured the popular imagination, and with the clergy's brave example, people could soon be convinced that now is the time to take the nation's fate into their own worldly hands.
Brian McCartan is a Thailand-based freelance journalist. He may be contacted through brianpm@comcast.net.
Labels: Burma
Chinese buy into conspiracy theory
The Battle of Waterloo. The deaths of six US presidents. The rise of Adolf Hitler. The deflation of the Japanese bubble economy, the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis and even environmental destruction in the developing world.
In a new Chinese best-seller, Currency Wars , these disparate events spanning two centuries have a single root cause: the control of money issuance through history by the Rothschild banking dynasty.
Even today, claims author Song Hongbing, the US Federal Reserve remains a puppet of private banks, which also ultimately owe their allegiance to the ubiquitous Rothschilds.
Such an over-arching conspiracy theory might matter as little as the many fetid tracts that can still be found in the west about the “gnomes of Zurich” and Wall Street’s manipulation of global finance.
But in China, which is in the midst of a lengthy debate about opening its financial system under US pressure, the book has become a surprise hit and is being read at senior levels of government and business.
“Some senior heads of companies have been asking me if this is all true,” says Ha Jiming, the chief economist of China International Capital Corp, the largest local investment bank.
The book also gives ammunition, however hay-wire, to many in China who argue that Beijing should resist pressure from the US and other countries to allow its currency, the renminbi, to appreciate.
The book’s publisher, a unit of the state-owned CITIC group, said Currency Wars had sold nearly 200,000 copies, with an estimated 400,000 extra pirated copies in circulation as well.
Mr Song, an information technology consultant and amateur historian who has lived in the US since 1994 and is now based in Washington, says his interest was sparked by trying to uncover what lay behind the Asian crisis in 1997.
After he began blogging some of his findings, his friends suggested he find a publisher for a longer work. He professes himself surprised by the book’s success.
“I never imagined it could be so hot and that top leaders would be reading it,” he says during a book tour in Shanghai. “People in China are nervous about what’s going on in financial markets but they don’t know how to handle the real dangers. This book gives them some ideas.”
The thing that most shocked him, he says, was his “discovery” that the Fed is a privately owned and run bank. “I just never imagined a central bank could be a private body,” he says.
The Fed does describe itself “as an unusual mixture of public and private elements”. While its seven governors are all appointed by the US president, private banks do hold shares in its 12 regional reserve banks.
But Mr Song ignores the government’s role and argues that the Fed’s key functions are ultimately controlled by five private banks, such as Citibank, all of which have maintained a “close relationship” with the Rothschilds.
Mr Song is defensive about his focus on the Rothschilds and what the book depicts as their Jewish clannishness.
“The Chinese people think that the Jews are smart and rich, so we should learn from them,” he says. “Even me, I think they are really smart, maybe the smartest people on earth.”
Jon Benjamin, chief executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, is not impressed. “The Chinese have the highest regard for what they see as Jewish intellectual and commercial acumen, with little or no concurrent culture of antisemitism. This claim, however, plays to the most discredited and outmoded canards surrounding Jews and their influence. That it should gain currency in the world’s most important emerging economy is a great concern.”
The book has been ridiculed in internet postings in China, for exaggerating the lingering influence of the Rothschilds and being a re-write of existing conspiracy theories in the west.
Mr Ha puts the book’s popularity down to the decade-long stagnation in Japan and the Asian financial crisis, which he says had a profound impact on many Chinese policymakers.
Such officials remain deeply suspicious of advice from western countries to open up the financial system and float the currency. “They think it is just a new way of looting developing countries,” Mr Ha says.
Mr Song himself has been commissioned to write a number of new books to capitalise on his success, on the yen, the euro and also on China’s financial system.
But in conversation, he sounds hesitant about the line his future tomes might take. “This book may be totally wrong, so before the next one, I have to make sure my understanding is right,” he says.
“Before this book, I was a nobody, so I could say anything I liked, but now the situation has changed.”
Labels: bank, Jews
作者:英国《金融时报》马利德(Richard McGregor)
2007年9月28日 星期五
这样一个包罗万象的阴谋论,可能会像那些讲述着“苏黎世侏儒”(gnomes of Zurich,传说中的一个欧洲秘密结社组织——译者注)和华尔街操控全球金融的小册子一样无关紧要,这些散发着陈腐气息的阴谋论书籍现在仍能在西方找到。
中国国际金融公司首席经济学家哈继铭(Ha Jiming)表示:“某些企业的高管最近来问我,这一切是否确有其事。”中国国际金融公司是中国最大的投资银行。
英国犹太人代表局(Board of Deputies of British Jews)首席执行负责人乔恩•本杰明(Jon Benjamin)表示:“中国人最为欣赏犹太人在知识和商业方面所表现出的智慧,而这并不带有或很少带有同时代文化中的反犹太主义色彩。”但他补充称: “不过,这本书的说法与那些关于犹太人及其影响力的最不足信及过时的谣言如出一辙。而这种说法在全球最重要的新兴经济体中得到流传,令人深感忧虑。”
Labels: bank, Jews
How to find a cutting edge
By Richard Milne and Peter Marsh
Published: September 19 2007, FT
Job cuts, boardroom disputes and corruption scandals at Siemens, Volkswagen and DaimlerChrysler have stolen the headlines of German industry in the past decade.
But a closer look at the country’s industrial ranks reveals a group of companies that is both more reticent and more successful than its bigger brethren. These are what Hermann Simon, one of Europe’s best-known management consultants, calls “hidden champions”.
They may be smaller in size – less than €3bn or so in revenues – but they are all world leaders in their fields, with annual growth rates of 10 per cent. In a decade in which low-cost countries in Asia and elsewhere have transformed the economics of manufacturing, these hidden champions have – paradoxically – become even more successful.
It is a trend that prompts Prof Simon to make the bold assertion: “The two winners of globalisation are Germany and China.” He backs his claim with the fact that German hidden champions are two-and-a-half times bigger than they were 10 years ago; have a market share two-and-a-half times larger than their biggest competitor; and have generated 1m jobs.
“These small companies are the core of the German economy. They have lessons for all companies, big and small, [about] how to grow, how to create jobs, how to innovate,” says Prof Simon, who this week publishes Hidden Champions in the 21st Century, a decade after he coined the phrase in the best-selling Hidden Champions.
Several characteristics distinguish these hidden champions: a sharp focus on a niche market that enables them to dominate it and to continue producing in high-cost Germany; a global strategy to open fresh markets; a “do-it-yourself” approach to innovation and production; and most often family or private ownership to ensure continuity.
Klingelnberg, a maker of gear cutting and grinding machines, based near Cologne, is an archetypal example. At the age of 193, it is in the seventh generation of family management. Diether Klingelnberg, now chairman having passed control to his son Jan after 35 years in charge, says the company dominates most of its specialised equipment markets.
He attributes the company's success to thorough research and moving swiftly into its identified market. “You have to specify the market very, very precisely through talking to customers or maybe universities about what might work and then we invest a lot, hire people and build up the market share quickly through growth.” Mr Klingelnberg says opportunities have multiplied in the past 10 years. “The market has become much bigger: it is much easier for us to sell in China, Russia or India now.”
Trumpf, the world leader in laser-powered cutting machines for the metal goods industries, has grown considerably during the past decade. Annual sales have risen more than three times to €1.6bn during the last 10 years, pushing up pre-tax profits nearly six-fold to €204m.
The company has always been a firm believer in a do-it-yourself approach. In the 1970s, when Trumpf first began to explore the market for laser-cutting machines, Berthold Leibinger, supervisory board chairman and the company's owner for the past 40 years, decided it should set up its own laser production operations because most of the existing devices were unsatisfactory. The decision paid off by making Trumpf not only a supplier of the machines but also of the lasers to other companies in fields such as welding.
Self-reliance has also been important for Kern Microtechnic, a world leader in machining systems for microscopic parts for industries such as defence, medicine and watches.
The 120-person company had sales last year of €15m. About a third of this was from sales of machines, the rest from its own production operations, which it uses to make parts for outside customers using Kern machine tools.
Mr Leibinger of Trumpf says innovation has been vital to the company's success, pointing to its decision to branch out from its core field of machine tools to medical lasers and electronics while retaining its position as market leader. He says Trumpf manages this by maintaining close ties with scientists worldwide and continually questioning its strategic direction. Prof Simon points to the rise of German companies in new fields such as biogas, wind energy and nanotechnology as a sign of how responsive they can be.
Hans-Jochen Beilke, head of EBM-Papst, a maker of motors and fans, emphasises the importance of its management style for its success. EBM-Papst has few rules, is heavily decentralised and has an extremely lean organisation – it hired its first public relations specialist only eight weeks ago.
Decentralisation is important, according to Prof Simon. “Hidden champions don't just decentralise their organisation. They also create new companies when they go into new areas. So the head of that new segment is not a middle manager, like he is in a big company, but the head of a separate company; that is very important for responsibility.”
Mr Beilke says the big advantage companies such as EBM-Papst and Trumpf have over larger corporations is the speed at which they can take decisions.
“We could go into a lunch to discuss whether to set up a Russian subsidiary and by the end of it have decided to do it. But if you are at VW or Siemens that could take half a year and then another half a year of committees and lawyers.”
Another characteristic of the hidden champion may seem obvious but is difficult to implement: putting the customer at the centre of the company's decisions. Volker Bartels, head of the management board at Sennheiser, the world's leading headphones producer, says contact with customers highlighted new trends such as the need to shrink headphones in order to keep up with changes in mobile telephony and listening to music on the move.
A lot of companies – particularly larger, listed ones – focus blindly on chasing market share rather than pleasing the customer, observes Hermut Kormann, chief executive of Voith, a maker of paper machines and turbines.
“If a customer has a problem, we don't say it is their fault and not ours. We go to the customer and ask: ‘What do you need to fix it?'”
Call of the east: transatlantic companies book a passage to ChinaHidden champions do many things right but they still face challenges in the 21st century. Hermann Simon, a management consultant who specialises in small companies, says: “The biggest challenge for hidden champions is to transform themselves from transatlantic companies into Eurasian ones.”
Prof Simon thinks the typical proportion of their business – 70 per cent in Europe and the US – needs to change to 70 per cent in Europe and China.
“This will have a huge impact on the culture of companies: for some, China has become a second home.” An example is SMS Demag, a maker of machinery for the steel industry, which earns more than 40 per cent of its revenues from China.
Diether Klingelnberg, chairman of machine maker Klingelnberg, sees a bigger problem in Germany's shortage of engineers. “China is producing 300,000 a year and we are barely making 30,000. That is going to hurt us soon.”
He admits this may be more of a problem for Germany's economy than German companies that are building expertise in other countries. Klingelnberg is trying out another solution: this month it advertised for engineers aged 60 and over to answer its need for experienced problem-solvers.
Labels: Germany
作者:英国《金融时报》理查德•米尔恩(Richard Milne)和彼得•马什(Peter Marsh)
2007年9月28日 星期五
但更近距离地观察一下德国的产业排名,就可以看到一群比规模更大的同业公司更低调、也更成功的企业,这些就是欧洲最知名管理咨询顾问之一的赫尔曼•西蒙(Hermann Simon)所说的“隐形冠军”(hidden champion)。
西蒙教授表示:“这些小公司是德国经济的核心。它们为所有公司(无论大小)提供了关于如何增长、如何创造就业以及如何创新方面的教训。”西蒙最近出版了《21世纪的隐形冠军》(Hidden Champions in the 21st Century)一书,距离他在畅销书《隐形冠军》(Hidden Champions)中创造这一词汇的时间已过去10年。
193岁的老牌企业铣齿和磨齿机床制造商Klingelnberg就是一个典型的例子。该公司总部位于科隆附近,拥有193年的历史,已进入家族管理的第7代。现任董事长迪特尔•克林格恩伯格(Diether Klingelnberg)表示,该公司在其所在的多数专业设备市场上都处于统治地位。在任35年后,克林格恩伯格已将管理大权移交给儿子詹(Jan)。
该公司一直是自主战略的坚定信仰者。上世纪70年代,当Trumpf首次开拓激光切割机市场时,公司监事会主席、过去40年一直是公司所有者的贝特霍尔德• 莱宾格(Berthold Leibinger)决定,公司应建立自己的激光切割机生产业务,因为多数已有的设备都不能令人满意。这项决定收到了成效,令Trumpf不仅成为激光切割机供应商,还成为了焊接等领域其它公司激光设备的供应商。
自立对于Kern Microtechnic也很重要。该公司是国防、制药和手表等行业微型零件加工系统的全球领军企业。
去年,这家拥有120名员工的公司实现了1500万欧元的销售额,其中约三分之一来自机器销售,其与部分则来自自己的生产业务。该公司利用这项业务为使用Kern Microtechnic机床的外部客户生产零件。
创新至关重要Trumpf 的莱宾格表示,创新对于该公司的成功至关重要。他提到,该公司决定从机床核心业务拓展到医用激光设备和电子产品,同时保持其市场领军企业的地位。他表示,通过与世界各地的科学家保持紧密联系,并持续对自己的战略方向提出质疑,Trumpf成功做到了这一点。西蒙教授指出,德国公司在沼气、风能和纳米技术等新领域的崛起,表明了它们的反应相当迅速。
发动机和风扇制造商EBM-Papst的负责人汉斯-约亨•拜尔克(Hans-Jochen Beilke)强调管理风格对成功的重要性。该公司规则不多,权力非常分散且组织架构极为简洁——该公司在8周前才聘用了首位公关专家。
隐形冠军企业的另一特点似乎非常明显,但很难付诸实施:将客户放在公司决策的核心位置。全球领先耳机制造商森海塞尔(Sennheiser)管理委员会主席福尔克尔•巴特尔斯(Volker Bartels)表示,与客户保持联系突显了新的趋势,例如为了赶上手机市场的变化以及在运动中听音乐而必须缩小耳机。
造纸机和涡轮制造商福伊特(Voith)的首席执行官赫姆特•科尔曼(Hermut Kormann)发现,许多公司——尤其是规模较大的上市公司——盲目把注意力放在追逐市场份额方面,而非取悦客户。
“这将对企业文化造成巨大影响:对一些企业而言,中国已成为第二故乡。”一个例子是钢铁行业机械制造商SMS Demag,该公司逾40%的收入来自中国。
Labels: Germany
Navis Capital finds a tough hunting ground in China
By William Barnes
Published: September 24 2007, FT
Navis Capital expected to find a company to buy in China, but try as it might it could not unearth one - it is still looking.
Richard Foyston, managing director and a founder of the Kuala Lumpur-based private equity firm, says: "We like control. We like to invest in industries we understand or think we understand. For us China is difficult. There must be opportunities there but we haven't found one yet."
Navis was started by three Boston Consulting Group partners with, currently, $1.8bn (€1.2bn, £900m) of commitments. It made its first investments in 2000 with clear if slightly idiosyncratic ideas about how private equity might work in Asia.
Asset prices are higher in China and most companies are looking for funding, without loss of control, which does not suit Navis. But more than that there is a cultural divide for foreign experts schooled in a tradition of gritty Boston Consulting type logic.
"We like managers who have some years operating the business, with at least a knowledge of the same things we look at, even if it's in an unsophisticated way - return on capital, shareholder governance, the [simple] structures we like," says Mr Foyston. "Most companies [in China] don't fit these criteria. We don't understand their management very well; they don't understand us very well. There are lots of ways for things not to go as planned.
"We believe in the China story and if we really focused I'm sure we could findsomething. Many of our companies doa lot of business with China, but we're not kidding anyone, if you want to investin China go to a China fund," he adds.
Japan and Korea pose somewhat different problems than China. Their typically "gigantic, complicated" businesses are simply too big, too tricky for a company that is too small to acquire control of industry leaders and, therefore, can have no logical role to play there.
A putative management relationship also has to work at the emotional and personal level. "We have to be able to understand a market and have a high level of ability to interact [with other players]. That means it must be possible to use English in the boardroom and to be at least half-way accepted by the people you work with," says Mr Foyston.
You may be respected in Japan and Korea, but no matter how long you remain in either country you will always be seen as the foreigner, he adds. In south east Asia - lately overshadowed by booming China and India - you stand a good chance of being treated as at least "half local".
The idea of remaining an "explorer" after a dozen years in Asia seemed extremely interesting to Mr Foyston when he began to feel that his work with Boston Consulting had inclined to the "farming and administration" side of consultancy. The 1997 regional crash stripped away overpriced assets to provide Navis with its opening.
"I like to build businesses and south east Asia was ripe for a certain type of investing. We are very analytical. You live and die on logic and facts. We have a very flat management structure and I hope it will stay that way. People should be well rewarded but no one should work at Navis for the money. Boston Consulting always believed that too," he says.
The first fund was set up with contributions from 40 BCG partners (although no direct relationship exists).
Eight years on the company has closed its fifth private equity fund at $1bn and its managers have expanded from three to 35. On the way it has acquired interests as various as Australia's Dome Coffees, Bangkok Ranch - a duck business, bookshop chains, River Kwai foods (60 per cent of Thailand's canned sweet corn), building materials, packaging, and Cemex Asia (part of the Mexican cement giant).
Navis feels uncomfortable taking on much leverage, but expects to spend lots of time with its acquisitions. The focus is on the business rather than on the finance, which probably makes investment bankers snigger, Mr Foyston concedes. "We act more like a consultancy than an investment company," he says.
Among its 30-odd investments is Asia's leading private investigation firm, Hill & Associates. "We liked it because it is a leader in its field going through a period of transition. We thought it could be made much more profitable with relatively modest improvements."
The firm is willing to wait months, even years, for a deal to come to fruition, unlike the "Hong Kong outfits who come over for a few days and then expect to have everything tied up by the lawyers". Yet, because Navis does not like to be involved with government in any way - for example, heavily regulated, quasi-private or crony companies - its corporate universe in south-east Asia is relatively limited. This helps explain the move into India four years ago.
"We looked at the economies, deal flow, management structures and concluded that India would suit us, but that China wouldn't. That India would have a far better fit with our approach than China. We've seen [in pre-Navis days] all the positives of the China story, but we also realise how different things are in China."
The firm's Indian portfolio now includes a specialist aviation catering firm and two "iconic" restaurant chains that needed reviving in New Delhi and Mumbai, respectively.
Mr Foyston's teams do not have much time for the big picture wealth flows beloved of some fund managers and economists.
"We don't invest in macro themes. In fact I'm not sure we believe in them too much. We've tried to debunk the Asian consumer boom a little - in percentage GDP terms consumption has hardly changed in 20 years. The real key is to know where that fixed spend is moving to so, for example, there comes a tipping point when everyone can afford a car."
Mr Foyston converted to Islam several years ago, along with one other senior partner, which helped when Navis decided to set up two Sharia compliant parallel funds after requests from Gulf investors. Some 15 per cent of capital commitments are screened for Sharia compliance (low debt, non-injurious, no forbidden foods, etc). A much bigger percentage might be difficult.
More controversial among Navis's investors was the decision to set up an equity fund. "We had complaints about losing focus. We did it because we came across lots of companies we liked but that are listed." The equity fund runs to about $100m and could grow to about a third of the size of the private equity funds, says Mr Foyston.
Navis has not set itself a limit on how big it can get. It will however remain cautious and, almost certainly, located in its current geographic region. Mr Foyston says: "We are much more likely to expand into other asset classes than into other parts of the world. We are comfortable here."
Labels: 印度
作者:英国《金融时报》威廉•巴恩斯(William Barnes)
2007年9月28日 星期五
Navis Capital希望在中国找到一家可以收购的公司,但尽管尽其所能,还是没能找到。现在,该公司仍在物色。
总部位于吉隆坡的这家私人股本公司董事总经理、创始人理查德•弗伊斯顿(Richard Foyston)表示:“我们希望获得控股权。我们希望投资于那些我们了解或者我们认为自己了解的行业。对于我们而言,在中国收购很困难。那里肯定存在机会,但我们迄今仍未发现。”
Navis Capital最初由波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)的3位合伙人创立,目前承诺资本额为18亿美元。2000年,该公司进行了首笔投资,对于私人股本在亚洲的运作方式看法相当明确,不过稍微有些另类。
中国企业不愿为融资而失去控股权中国的资产价格较高,多数公司不愿因为融资而失去控股权,这种情况不适合Navis Capital。但除此之外,对于接受坚定的“波士顿咨询公司”型逻辑传统的外国专家而言,这里存在着文化分歧。
在亚洲打拼了12年后,仍然是个“探险者”的想法令弗伊斯顿极为好奇。当时,他开始感觉,他在波士顿咨询公司的工作倾向于咨询行业中的“农业和行政管理”领域。1997年的亚洲金融危机剥离了高估资产,这为Navis Capital提供了一个开业的机会。
他表示:“我喜欢创建企业,对于某些类型的投资而言,东南亚已相当成熟。我们的分析能力非常强。我们的一切都依靠逻辑和事实。我们的管理结构十分扁平,我希望能够保持下去。人们应该得到很好的报酬,但任何人都不应为了金钱而在Navis Capital工作。波士顿咨询公司也一向信奉这一点。”
经过8年的发展,该公司已设立了第5只私人股本基金,价值10亿美元,经理人数量也从3人扩大到了35人。该公司收购的公司多种多样,例如,澳大利亚的 Dome Coffees、Bangkok Ranch(一家养鸭企业)、书店连锁店、River Kwai食品公司(占泰国甜玉米罐头60%的市场)、建筑材料公司、包装企业、Cemex Asia(墨西哥水泥巨擘Cemex的下属企业)
该公司进行了逾30项投资,其中包括亚洲领先的私人调查公司Hill & Associates。“我们喜欢这家公司,因为它经历一段时期的转型后,成为该领域的领跑者。我们认为该公司在相对温和的改善后,盈利能力可能大幅提高。”
几年前,弗伊斯顿与另一位高级合伙人一道皈依了伊斯兰教。当应海湾国家投资者要求,Navis决定成立两只符合伊斯兰教教规的平行基金时,这一点起到了帮助。该基金对于约 15%的资本投资项目进行审查,确保其符合伊斯兰教教规(低债务水平、不具有伤害性、没有违禁的食物等)。要审查比例更大的投资项目可能非常困难。
在Navis 投资者中引发更大争议的,是该公司决定成立一只股票基金。“我们收到了有关我们丧失侧重点的抱怨。我们之所以决定这么做,是因为我们遇到许多我们青睐的公司,但它们都上市了。”弗伊斯顿表示,该股票基金的规模达到约1亿美元,今后可能发展至相当于其私人股本基金约三分之一的规模。
Labels: 印度
2007年9月28日 星期五
Labels: Tibet
Total says pulling out would raise hardship
Total of France, which operates a natural gas project in Burma, has expressed its “deep concern” over the situation in the country but rejected the idea it should pull out.
The company argues that its presence benefits tens of thousands of people and serves as a model for “business and political leaders looking for ways to address the country’s human rights issues”.
Alongside Chevron of the US, Total is one of the leading western companies still active in Burma.
In a statement, it said: “A forced withdrawal would only lead to our replacement by other operators probably less committed to the ethical principles guiding all our initiatives. Our departure could cause the population even greater hardship and is thus an unacceptable risk.”
Total and Chevron are partners on the Yadana offshore gas project, which came on stream in 1998. Last year the field produced an average of 19.3m cubic metres a day, representing about half of Burma’s total gas output.
Most of the gas is sold to Thailand; PTT, the Petroleum Authority of Thailand, is a member of the Yadana consortium. Chevron, which acquired its stake when it bought Unocal in 2005, said it was monitoring the situation.
Production has been steady since 2001. Total said it would not invest in any new projects in Burma, but would continue to spend on maintenance and in areas necessary to sustain production, such as drilling new wells and installing compressors.
In 2003 Bernard Kouchner, now French foreign minister, was commissioned as an independent consultant by Total to write a report on the group’s involvement in Burma. He did not call for it to leave the country, but said the company “must come out clearly in favour of democracy”.
Human Rights Watch, the New York-based campaign group, takes a similar view, saying it has a responsibility to speak out on events in Burma.
Arvind Ganesan of HRW said: “The Yadana project is probably one of the biggest revenue raisers, if not the biggest revenue raiser, for the Burmese government, so it gives them the ability to do the things they want to do.”
He added that there was a similar responsibility on Thailand, which buys most of the Yadana gas, and other Asian countries that have been investing in Burma.
Western companies such as Premier Oil of the UK have pulled out.
But ONGC of India and CNPC of China, both state-controlled, have been building up their investments.
Burma’s gas resources are sizeable, if not enormous. Proved reserves were 540bn cubic metres at the end of last year, according to the BP Review of World Energy.
Labels: Burma
英国《金融时报》艾德•克鲁克斯(Ed Crooks)伦敦报道
2007年9月28日 星期五
英国的Premier Oil等西方公司已经从缅甸撤出。
缅甸天然气资源丰富,甚至可以用庞大来形容。英国石油(BP)发布的《世界能源评估》(Review of World Energy)显示,在去年年底,缅甸已探明的天然气储量为5400亿立方米。
Labels: Burma
"PayPal Meets MasterCard" Without The High Fees
September 24, 2007 Ted's Take
REVOLUTION JOINED BY INDUSTRY LEGENDS AND MAJOR BANKS TO LAUNCH REVOLUTIONARY PAYMENT SYSTEMSteve Case, Ted Leonsis, Larry Summers, David Pottruck, Russell Hogg and others form and invest in company to transform payment industry
New company to be called Revolution Money; Internet pioneer Leonsis named Chairman
New Internet-based payment system with innovative credit card drastically alters economics of the industry, generating significant consumer benefits and higher level of security; saves merchants and online store owners on rising interchange fees
Company first to combine the power of free online money transfer with credit and pre-paid in one integrated offering
WASHINGTON, September 24, 2007 Revolution LLC, the investment company created by Steve Case, today launched a new subsidiary, Revolution Money, an innovative new payment platform created to transform the payment industry by drastically altering the economics through Internet-based technology, generating significant consumer and merchant benefits. Revolution Money offers consumers one of the most secure credit cards with significantly lower interchange fees for merchants and the first free online money transfer service, Revolution Money, formerly GratisCard Inc., has been formed by Case, Revolution Money Chairman Ted Leonsis, former United States Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, former Charles Schwab CEO David Pottruck, and former MasterCard International President and CEO Russell Hogg, among others, and is backed by Citi, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank.
"Traditional, and even online, incumbents have been charging what adds up to billions of dollars of fees every year that ultimately comes out of consumers' pockets," said Steve Case, chairman and CEO of Revolution LLC. "So we have built an innovative Web 2.0 company based on the latest technology to disrupt the decades-old system with the goal of offering the industry's most accessible, easy-to-use and secure payment system that puts money back where it belongs, in consumers' pockets."
Revolution Money has created the first Web 2.0 payment platform designed for a mainstream consumer audience, especially those who enjoy the convenience of handling their financial affairs and purchasing online. Its technology will enable account holders to do things that no single alternative has been able to do before fuse all of the expected functions of a traditional offline credit card with a stored value card, and combine it with new online functionality.
Today Revolution Money introduced its first two flagship offerings Revolution MoneyExchange, the first free money transfer service that powers online transactions, and RevolutionCard, the industry's first anonymous, PIN-protected credit card.
Revolution MoneyExchange
Revolution MoneyExchange's money transfer service is the first online payments platform for social and instant messaging networks, allowing consumers to safely transfer funds via the Internet to anyone, even merchants, for free. Consumers can set up a free Revolution MoneyExchange account in just minutes by registering at www.revolutionmoneyexchange.com, and start transferring money to friends, family, or merchants. In the future, Revolution MoneyExchange plans to provide its users the option of linking their accounts to a RevolutionCard, offering the convenience of combining their online and offline payment needs into a unified stored value and credit experience.
Consumers will be able to use Revolution MoneyExchange across a variety of Internet platforms and portals, including social networks and Instant Messaging portals
Revolution MoneyExchange launched in invitation-only beta form today and will be gradually expanded before being made available to all consumers later this year.
When a consumer uses a credit card at any store today the merchant is required by traditional credit card companies to pay them an average of 1.9 percent of the total sale. For example, when a consumer buys a $500 television using their credit card the store has to pay the credit card company an average of $9.50. With billions of credit card transactions annually these fees called —interchange fees' totaled an estimated $56 billion paid in the United States to credit card companies in 2006 alone. Revolution Money's sophisticated new payment system, based on secure Internet technology, slashes these fees to 0.5 percent, creating significant savings for merchants and enabling them, in turn, to offer their customers new and immediate rewards, such as cost savings and loyalty programs.
"Today, merchants, and ultimately consumers, pay an enormous sum just to have the convenience of using a credit card," said Jason Hogg, Founder and CEO of Revolution Money. "Revolution Money's proprietary operating system uses the Internet to circumvent the traditional interchange system, providing a drastically reduced fee structure that could create billions of dollars of merchant and consumer savings essentially flipping the industry on its head."
In addition to the significant savings generated by Revolution Money, the company has also created one of the most secure forms of payment. Revolution Money is the first to offer an anonymous credit card with PIN-based encrypted technology. With no name or account number on their card, consumers' identities remain anonymous, drastically reducing the risk of identity theft, fraudulent charges and other consequences of cards being lost or stolen.
"Payment security and identity theft are big concerns for virtually everyone today," said Hogg. "That is why we have created a network based on the latest technology that provides consumers the highest security available. Whether a consumer wants the benefits of a traditional credit card, pays bills online or transfers money, Revolution Money is the most cost-effective and secure offering available."
Accepting RevolutionCard is easy for merchants. It can be accepted through existing payment processors or directly through Revolution Money. It can seamlessly integrate into existing Point-of-Sale (POS) software and implementation can be completed remotely. Revolution Money has effectively created the first win-win credit service for merchants by offering a drastically reduced-interchange service that increases their profitability.
"Customer convenience is a number one priority for our company," said Comcast-Spectacor President Peter Luukko. "RevolutionCard allows us to provide our customers with a new and innovative payment platform which ultimately saves the consumer money. We rewarded our customers who registered during our trial period with credit toward food, beverage or merchandise purchases at the Wachovia Center. Additionally, we offered our season ticket holders an autographed jersey as incentive for using RevolutionCard as their payment form. RevolutionCard is a necessity for any organization looking to truly reward their customers and simultaneously reduce credit card fees."
To apply for RevolutionCard, consumers only need to fill out one application form, found at participating merchants or online at www.revolutioncard.com. RevolutionCard offers instant customer approvals and merchants are able to issue co-branded PIN-protected RevolutionCards on-the-spot in their stores and through their websites.
Launch Partners
To demonstrate its versatility, Revolution Money has launched pilot programs in a number of segments, including credit, online, gift and person-to-person. In a recent trial, the company successfully performed in multiple programs with the Philadelphia Flyers and the Philadelphia 76ers. RevolutionCard is also launching card distribution programs and marketing programs in multiple segments, including airlines, cable, petroleum and convenience stores, energy products and services, apparel and footwear, online, healthcare, computers, electronics, and sports. Northwest Airlines is one of Revolution Money's largest acceptance partners.
The first major partner to offer Revolution MoneyExchange will be AOL's AIM® service, the largest instant messaging community in the United States. Starting this fall, AIM® users will be able to download the Revolution MoneyExchange AIM® plugin at http://gallery.aim.com to launch Revolution MoneyExchange and make payments via instant message directly from their AIM® Buddy List® feature for free.
To gain ubiquitous acceptance by merchants, Revolution Money has established key strategic partnerships with leading merchant acquirers and processors, such as Fifth Third Processing Solutions, to enable millions of merchants across the United States to immediately and seamlessly begin accepting RevolutionCard. Processing more than 21 billion transactions annually, Fifth Third provides best-in-class processing solutions to diverse financial institutions, merchants and
networks worldwide.
Bank Partners
Unlike most bank credit card issuers who are limited to a narrow scope of credit approval guidelines specific to their bank, RevolutionCard seamlessly utilizes multiple partners to achieve unparalleled consumer approval rates. The platform is able to achieve these high approval rates by giving consumers access to multiple banks, which approve credit across a much broader range of credit scores than traditional credit card companies do, while still only having to fill out one application. RevolutionCard's centralized application system dramatically increases immediate consumer credit approval rates, on terms appropriate for each consumer.
Revolution Money has initially partnered with four institutions: First Bank and Trust (Brookings, SD) issues the accounts, Citi (New York, NY) acts as a prime partner, CompuCredit (Atlanta, GA) acts as sub-prime partner and Union State Bank (Orangeburg, NY) acts as a merchant settlement bank.
Revolution Money recently secured an additional $50 million in Series B venture capital funding. The financing round was led by Citi, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank and Ted Leonsis, and included its controlling investor, Revolution LLC. In addition to the equity financing, Revolution Money has secured debt financing from Citi to fund growth of Revolution Money's prime consumer loan portfolio. The investments will be used to accelerate the company's growth, enhance product development and expand marketing and sales efforts.
"The launch of Revolution Money is another example of how Web 2.0 technologies and business processes can transform an industry for the benefit of consumers and merchants alike, while providing great growth and value creation opportunities for stakeholders," said Ted Leonsis, Chairman of Revolution Money.
Management Team
Ted Leonsis, Vice Chairman emeritus of AOL and majority owner of the Washington Capitals and Washington Mystics, and minority owner of the Washington Wizards, is Revolution Money Chairman. In addition to Leonsis, Revolution Money's Board of Directors is comprised of Steve Case, Lawrence Summers, former U.S. Treasury Secretary; Russell Hogg, former President and CEO of MasterCard International, Inc.; Franklin Raines, former CEO of Fannie Mae and former director of the Office of Management and Budget; David Pottruck, former CEO of Charles Schwab; David Golden, CFO of Revolution LLC and former Vice Chairman of JPMorgan; Jason Hogg, Founder and CEO of Revolution Money; and Patrick Graf, Co-founder and CTO of Revolution Money. Marshall Group Chairman and CEO Dennis Mathisen is also a founding investor.
Revolution Money was founded by CEO Jason Hogg and co-founded by CTO Patrick Graf. Hogg was previously a founder of MBNA Canada and chief business development officer at MBNA Canada. He was the COO of Medsite, Inc. and previously President of HorizonLive. Hogg is the son of Russell Hogg, the former President and CEO of MasterCard International Inc., who is credited with launching BankNet, MasterCard's global packet-switching network. Graf was previously SVP for Q1 Solutions. Hogg and Graf are joined by COO Dax Cummings and CFO Darren Thompson. Cummings is a seasoned veteran who previously ran MBNA's US Endorsed Card business and served as member of their Management Committee. Thompson was formerly the head of Credit Finance at Fannie Mae and a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs.
About Revolution LLC
Revolution LLC, the Washington, DC-based company launched by Steve Case in 2005, seeks to drive transformative change by shifting power to consumers and building significant, category-defining companies in the process. Revolution's mission is to build companies based on disruptive business models that give people more choice, control and convenience in the important aspects of their lives. Revolution is currently focusing on four market sectors poised for disruptive change Health, Financial, Resorts and Balanced Living. For more information go to www.revolution.com.
Labels: e-currency
China, US delicately juggle Taiwan
By Jing-dong Yuan, Sep 25, 2007
Asia Times Online
MONTEREY, California - Taiwan's bid for United Nations membership has again been rejected, action that was hailed by Beijing as a reaffirmation of the "one China" position and its claim of sovereignty over the island. However, the situation remains tenuous.
Taiwan's attempts for UN membership began in 1993 when the government of president Lee Teng-hui sought a seat in the international body under the name of the Republic of China (ROC). But this time the Chen Shui-bian administration sought to enter under the name "Taiwan", a provocative move that has incurred strong condemnation and even strong warnings from Washington. Even the Nationalist (Kuomintang) party, not to be outdone by Chen, called for its own referendum to return to the UN under the name "Republic of China".
These developments constitute serious challenges to both mainland China and the administration of US President George W Bush. For Washington, these are issues of commitments, priorities, and its relationship with Beijing.
For obvious reasons, Bush administration officials are concerned that Chen's move could provoke China to resort to "non-peaceful" means under its 2005 Anti-Secession Law in reaction to what is seen as attempts toward de jure independence. This in turn raises questions about US commitments to the defense of Taiwan under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act.
However, these commitments are to be honored only if there is unequivocal and unprovoked unilateral use of force against Taiwan by mainland China, not a carte blancheto Taipei regardless of what it does. Indeed, in recent years, the Bush administration has on many occasions stated that it is opposed to any unilateral change of the status quo by either side of the Taiwan Strait.
Within this context, Bush administration officials have become increasingly worried about Chen's apparent attempts to change the status quo and issued several warnings in recent months. US deputy assistant secretary of state Thomas Christensen, speaking at the US-Taiwan Business Council this month, warned Taipei against "needlessly provocative behavior" and expressed serious US concerns over the issue of name change in an upcoming referendum. While affirming US commitments to and friendship with Taiwan, he also emphasized that Washington would not "let Taipei define our position".
That Washington is so adamant and open on this issue is dictated by its priorities elsewhere, namely the war on terrorism and its quagmire in Iraq, and other strategically more urgent problems such as Iran's nuclear developments and the situation in the Middle East. The US can hardly afford being distracted by another crisis across the Taiwan Strait. It is therefore annoyed by what it sees as political posturing, unnecessary provocation, and potentially harmful actions against US interests.
US reactions to the referendum issue are also indicative of its changing relationship with China. The Bush administration came into office more than six years ago viewing China as a strategic competitor and determined to strengthen its alliances in Asia and support Taiwan in an effort to contain the rise of China. The events of September 11, 2001, changed that early assessment and have given Washington a different set of priorities. The administration has since redefined its strategic interests and recognizes the need for closer cooperation with Beijing.
The Sino-US relationship has evolved into one characterized as cooperative, constructive and candid or, to quote President Bush, "complex". Beijing and Washington cooperate on a whole range of issues, from the North Korean and Iranian nuclear challenges, to the environment and global warming, to the "global war on terrorism". China and the US have become ever more interdependent economically, with bilateral trade surpassing US$300 billion this year.
Both have come to recognize the importance of handling the delicate Taiwan issue. Washington seeks to maintain the status quo so it can stay focused on its "war on terrorism" and on combating the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Beijing recognizes the role that the US can play in reining in Taiwanese independence even as it continues its military preparation to deter and respond to such a scenario.
But Beijing is facing a serious challenge. It is quite clear that Chen Shui-bian's referendum plan is largely driven by Taiwan's election politics as much as by Chen's own craving for personal legacy. It is also obvious that despite serious warnings from both Washington and Beijing, the referendum is most likely going to take place. How Beijing should react is a test for the mainland leadership's acumen as well as resolve.
Handled well, the impact of the pending crisis could be absorbed, leaving maximum flexibility without either losing face or losing tempers. This is crucial in particular given the pending 2008 Summer Olympic Games and China's international reputation as a rising power.
For Beijing, there are three principles to keep in mind. The first is that Chen's motive for holding the referendum is to provoke. Overreaction hands Chen the very prize he seeks. And while the 2005 Anti-Secession Law defines the overall parameter of what is tolerable and what is not, Beijing should leave itself open to an extremely flexible interpretation.
Second, time is on the mainland's side. The fact that Chen has sought all kinds of tactics to push the edge of the envelope concerning de jure independence demonstrates his frustration over the futility of such attempts and the fear that such independence is becoming increasingly elusive for Taiwan. The mainland and the island have become economically more dependent, and many Taiwanese business people and the public in general prefer the status quo to uncertain and unpredictable change. Indeed, cross-Strait trade continues to expand; the first nine months of 2007 have already seen a 13% increase over the same period last year, and total two-way trade for 2007 is projected to reach US$110 billion, with the balance heavily favoring Taiwan. This is what worries Chen.
Finally, Beijing should be sanguine about the US role. While Washington is opposed to any unilateral change of the status quo and hence has strongly criticized Chen's referendum move, it does not share completely Beijing's vision for unification. The US continues to offer arms sales to Taiwan, with the most recently announced possible deals worth more than $2.2 billion, including P-3C Orion anti-submarine patrol aircraft and SM-2 anti-aircraft missiles. There are also reports of possible US sales of F-16s to Taiwan.
Clearly, US interests remain a Taiwan separated from the mainland. Herein lies the limitation to what Beijing can expect of Washington.
Dr Jing-dong Yuan is director of the East Asia non-proliferation program at the James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies and associate professor of international policy studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.Labels: Taiwan
撰文 羅少蘭
2007/09/25, 週二
From a bank run to nationalising deposits

Financial panic has hit both the public and politicians of the UK over the past week, to deliver two remarkable results: the first run on a British bank since the collapse of Overend and Gurney in 1866; and the transformation of bank deposits into public debt at the stroke of a pen. These are historic times.
How then could these astonishing events have happened? Contagion is the answer, just as it was during the Asian financial crisis of a decade ago. When Thailand announced the devaluation of the baht in July 1997, few foresaw the way the crisis would spread. Yet contagion was not random. Some countries were more vulnerable to the disease than others.
The same is true of Northern Rock, a specialised housing lender that saved itself the cost of raising deposits from the public by selling its loans into the wholesale market. This was a profitable strategy until the crisis in subprime US mortgages and securitised finance undermined investor confidence. Northern Rock failed to insure itself against this contingency. Credit - or trust - fled and, with it, its business model.
The drying up of these markets ultimately forced the bank to seek help from the British authorities, who promised to provide financing. But their effort to rescue Northern Rock was the equivalent of screaming "fire" in a theatre. The public, alarmed, wanted its money back.
As the public panicked, so did politicians. A solvent government will not let ordinary depositors lose significant quantities of money. Deposit insurance is the way to eliminate the possibility. But in the UK such insurance covers only 100 per cent of the first £2,000 and 90 per cent of the next £33,000. Worse, in the case of an insolvency, depositors take their place at the back of a queue. British deposit insurance does not prevent runs from banks in trouble. It guarantees they will happen. The run was quite rational.
The offer of liquidity assistance from the Bank of England was insufficient to eliminate the panic because the public feared Northern Rock was insolvent. Being told by the authorities it was not did not help. What else, after all, could those worthies say if they were not going to close it down at once? Why, moreover, should the public at large have greater confidence in a financial institution than the markets?
The government's decision to guarantee all deposits is completely understandable. First, depositors vote. Second, any politician knew that the sight of thousands of ordinary people trying to obtain their money from a supposedly regulated institution was fatal to the government's reputation for competence. Third, it is absurd to expect ordinary people to assess the strategy of a long-established institution, particularly when it increases its loans massively over a short period. Finally, contagion spreads. On Monday, the shares of institutions dedicated to lending for house purchase collapsed (see chart). Northern Rock may have not been a systemically important institution. But its implosion became a systemically important event.
I must declare an interest: members of my immediate family had money in Northern Rock. As an individual, therefore, I am pleased. As a hard-nosed commentator, I deplore it. But no British government would have behaved differently. If it had failed to do so, the flight to institutions deemed "too big to fail" would have become a Gadarene rush.
Yet the decision to guarantee deposits raises large questions. Deposit liabilities are nationalised, while the financial system's assets, albeit regulated, remain in private hands. If you do not understand the implications of that, you have not paid attention to what has been happening in the financial sector.
This story raises several questions. The first is whether the disaster could have been prevented. Note that what went wrong in this case was not Northern Rock's strategy on lending, but rather on borrowing. Should the regulatory regime have insisted that it insure itself against the possibility of disruption in the markets on which it depended for finance? I do not know the answer. But that has now become a big question more broadly.
The second issue is whether the crisis could have been better handled Some argue that it would have helped if the Bank of England had been less "Victorian" in its determination to lend only against good collateral at a penal rate and in its refusal to intervene in financial markets. Yet a lower three-month interest rate might not have saved Northern Rock. If the Bank had been prepared to accept a wider range of collateral, more institutions might have approached it, which would have made the condition of Northern Rock seem less uniquely dreadful. But it would also have had to charge less than a penal rate, to encourage them to do so. That would have amounted to a sizeable subsidy to badly managed institutions.
Another line of argument is that the Bank should have been able to lend, or arrange a takeover by some other institution, covertly rather than offering lender-of-last-resort facilities overtly, as it did last week. But this, it argues, is today impossible. Northern Rock was obliged to give a profits warning. Similarly any proposed takeover would have had to go before shareholders. Depositors would have known that the deal might have fallen through, with dire results for them. So, argues the Bank, transparency itself guaranteed a run.
The third question, then, is what is to be done in future. A part of the answer is advanced by my colleague John Kay, in his adjoining column. Normal insolvency procedures should not be applied to banks. Moreover, deposit insurance will have to be more generous and its availability more immediate. But the shareholders of failing institutions must receive no bail-out. That is why I still believe the Bank is correct to insist on providing liquidity at a penal rate against good collateral. That should give some incentive for shareholders to insist on prudent management.
Yet there are other and wider questions. As long as governments cannot - or will not - let ordinary depositors suffer inconvenience, moral hazard runs rife. The answer must surely include tighter regulation: more capital, perhaps an obligation to obtain long-term subordinated debt and specific liquidity requirements.
Finally, is this the end of the story of crisis and contagion? "Far from it" is my guess. If we can have such trouble with the financial system when the real economy is healthy, I tremble at what may happen when conditions start to become worse. The financial system looks more insecure than I feared. The unwinding of past excesses may well bring more unpleasant surprises. But it is necessary, and healthy, all the same.
作者:英国《金融时报》首席经济评论员马丁•沃尔夫(Martin Wolf)
2007年9月25日 星期二
过去一周,对英国公众和政界均造成冲击的金融恐慌,带来了两个值得注意的结果:一是自1866年Overend & Gurney破产以来英国的银行首次出现挤兑;二是突然之间,银行存款就转变为公众债务。这些时刻具有历史意义。
Northern Rock也同样如此。这家专业的住房贷款银行通过向批发市场出售贷款,节省了向公众吸纳存款的成本。这是个有利可图的策略,直至美国次级抵押贷款和证券化融资市场危机瓦解了投资者的信心。Northern Rock未能确保自己置身于这一突发事件之外。信用(或信任)消失了,而随之消亡的还有其商业模式。
这些市场上流动性的干涸,最终迫使该行向承诺提供融资的英国当局寻求帮助。但当局拯救Northern Rock的努力,无异于在戏院里大喊“失火”。惊慌失措的公众纷纷想把自己的存款提取出来。
英国央行(Bank of England)提供的流动性援助,并不足以消除恐慌情绪,因为公众担心Northern Rock丧失偿付能力。即便是政府当局出面澄清也无济于事。毕竟,如果这些要人不打算立即关闭这家银行,他们还能说些别的什么吗?此外,为何公众对一家金融机构的信心应该超越对市场的信心呢?
政府为所有存款担保的决定完全可以理解。首先,储户支持这一决定。其次,任何政界人士都知道,目睹大量普通老百姓试图从一家受到监管的金融机构提取存款,对政府能力的信誉构成致命打击。第三,指望普通老百姓评估一家老牌金融机构的策略,特别是当该机构的贷款短期内大幅增加时,这种想法颇为可笑。最后,传染效应会蔓延。上周一,发放购房贷款的专业机构股价普遍大幅下挫。Northern Rock或许不是一家具有系统重要性的机构。但其挤兑问题却成为一个具有系统重要性的事件。
我必须在此声明自己的利益关系:我的近亲在 Northern Rock有存款。因此作为个人,我对政府这种做法感到满意。但作为一个讲究实际的评论员,我对此感到惋惜。但任何一届英国政府都会采取相同举动。如果政府没有介入,流向那些被认为肯定不会破产的大银行的挤兑风波,会一发而不可收拾。
这场危机为我们提出了几个问题。第一个是这场危机是否本可以避免。请注意,在这场动荡中,出差错的不是Northern Rock的信贷策略,而是借款。监管机构还应当坚称,它能够避免其赖以获取资金的金融市场崩溃吗?我不知道答案。但现在这已经成为更加广泛的一个大问题。
第二个问题是,这场危机是否本可以得到更好的处理。一些人认为,如果英国央行坚持仅以惩罚性利率向优质抵押物提供贷款并拒绝干预金融市场的决心不那么“维多利亚主义”,情况可能会好一些。然而,降低3月期利率可能也救不了Northern Rock。如果英国央行愿意接受范围更广的抵押物,可能就会有更多金融机构找上门,从而可能使Northern Rock的可怕状况看上去没那么独特。但为了鼓励它们采取这样做,英国央行收取的利率也要比惩罚性利率低。这就等于向管理不善的金融机构提供一笔金额巨大的补贴。
还有一种观点认为,英国央行本应当秘密提供借款或者安排一些其它金融机构进行收购,而不是像上周所做的那样,公开行使最终贷款人职能。但这在如今是不可能的。Northern Rock必须发出利润预警。相似地,任何收购提议也必须通告股东。存款者就会知道,交易可能落空,对他们造成可怕的后果。因此,英国央行认为,透明度本身导致银行挤兑一定会发生。
第三个问题是,未来应该采取什么措施。我的同事约翰•凯(John Ka)在他的专栏里给出了部分答案。通常的破产程序不应当适用于银行。此外,应当提高存款保险的额度,并确保随时可以获得。但倒闭金融机构的股东一定不能获得纾困。这就是为什么我仍然认为,英国央行坚持仅以惩罚性利率向优质抵押物提供流动性的做法是正确的。这应当会给股东提供一些坚守审慎管理的刺激。
Labels: bank, UK
Pakistan upset over India-UK war game in Kashmir
Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:52am BST,
ReutersISLAMABAD (Reuters) - High-altitude military exercises by India and Britain in mountains in the disputed Kashmir region are not legal, Pakistan said on Monday.
British and Indian forces are carrying out a three-week exercise in the Ladakh area of the Himalayan region of Kashmir, at the heart of decades of hostility and the cause of two of the three wars the nuclear-armed neighbours have fought.
Pakistan had lodged a protest with both India and Britain over the exercises, which were not a "legal activity", Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said.
"Ladakh is part of Jammu and Kashmir, (which) is an internationally recognised disputed territory and more than anybody else, Britain should be aware of it," Aslam told a weekly news conference.
Last week, Pakistan lodged a protest with India over a plan to open the Siachen Glacier, also in the Kashmir region, to tourist trekkers. The two sides have faced off across the glacier, known as the word's highest battlefield, since 1984.
The South Asian neighbours began a peace process in early 2004 after going to the brink of their fourth war in 2002.
The talks have led to an improvement in sporting, transport and diplomatic links, but there has been no substantial progress on Muslim-majority Kashmir.
新华网 新华网伊斯兰堡9月24日电(记者 饶博) 巴基斯坦外交部发言人阿斯拉姆24日在例行新闻发布会上说,印度和英国在印控克什米尔地区举行军事演习是非法的。
《财经》特约经济学家 谢国忠
《财经》杂志 /总194期 [2007-09-17]
制造业成本上升 由于通货膨胀和本币升值,中国制造业成本正在上升。目前,人民币对美元名义汇率大约以每年7%的速度升值,包括4%的名义汇率升值和3%的通货膨胀。
重工业黄金时代 布鲁金斯学会最近的一篇文章认为,中国的全要素生产率(TFP)在1993年到2004年间,以每年平均4%的速度增长,而1987年至1983年间则为3.6%。TFP是衡量经济增长的标尺,意为在不增加劳动力或资本投入的情况下,一个经济体生产力的增长。
中国重工业之所以迅速发展的原因之一,是在德国、日本、韩国这样的国家中,重工业工人的工资已达到中国的7倍到20倍。相比之下,中国轻工业出口产品的附加值通常只能占最终产品价值的二分之一,同时它还面临着印尼、越南这样工资水平更低国家的竞争。所以,中国的平均TFP 得以增长,主要源于那些高附加值重工业的扩张。
中国目前的城市化已经进入起飞阶段,城市化水平约为43%。通过农村与城市间的人口流动,这一水平可以在25年中达到75%。届时,农村人口的年龄结构较之城市人口将明显老化,且数量相对于城市进一步自然萎缩,城市化进程接近完成。城市人口规模会由今天的5.6亿翻一番。假定城市人口平均住房需求为20 平方米,这就意味着新增住宅市场需求为112亿平方米。而现有城市人口对住房条件升级的要求,可能又会产生50亿平方米的需求。依此算来,20年到25年中,每年会产生6.5亿到8.2亿平方米的住宅需求。
轻工业应向内陆转移 生产率提高对中国应对人民币升值影响十分有利。但它对就业和收入分配问题却无能为力。日本和韩国重工业起飞时,劳动力市场接近充分就业。因此,向资本密集型行业的转型对他们有益无害。但是,中国还远未达到充分就业状态,向资本密集型行业的转型,会削弱处于社会底层的非技术劳动力的议价能力。而实际汇率的上升,也提高了人民币对外国产品的购买力,这对高收入群体有利。因此,这样的转换目前可能导致中国的不平等加剧。
Deutsche Welle
德国总理默克尔周日坚持在总理府会晤达赖喇嘛,引起中国方面强烈反应,德国司法部长参加的一次两国法制国家对话被临时取消,中国网站上骂默克尔的网民言论 也放松了管制。此间有媒体说德中关系陷入了危机。但默克尔的行为在德国则受到几乎所有党派的赞扬。这次会晤会带来什么呢?德国之声记者报导与分析如下。
默克尔要会晤达赖喇嘛的消息刚公布,中国外交部 就召见了8月29日刚递交国书上任的德国驻中国大使施明贤。周三,中国外交部发言人姜瑜在北京新闻会上说:“我们希望德国中国政府在达赖问题上的立场是明 确的。西藏自古就是中国的一部分,西藏事务是中国的内政。达赖不是单纯的宗教人士,而是披着宗教的外衣,长期从事分裂祖国活动、破坏民族团结的政治流亡 者。中方一贯坚决反对任何国家的官方人士以任何名义和形式与达赖接触。”
周六,达赖喇嘛在黑森州说:“我欣赏默克尔总理 为人权问题和宗教自由坚定不移的支持。”“我相信她(默克尔)有建立一种真正的友谊的意愿。”他还表示,他不相信这次会晤会长期损害中德关系,“中国人只 是在试探他们的底线。”他还指责北京政府的“恃权高傲”,说北京政府走最简单的路,“那就是压迫。”
设在柏林的“德国国际西藏运动组织”(ICT) 发表声明说:“今天联邦总理默克尔与达赖喇嘛在总理的的会晤具有很高的象征力量,虽然官方仅仅把这说成是私下意见交流。德国联邦总理首次与达赖喇嘛会晤是 对西藏和达赖喇嘛的一个重要支持。西藏问题只能通过达赖喇嘛和中国国家领导人的对话来解决。”
1990年,德国当时的总统魏茨泽克在柏林总统 府会晤达赖喇嘛。他是西方第一个会晤达赖的国家元首。1995年,德国当时的外交部长金克尔会晤达赖。中国立即取消了与金克尔的一个日程。
1996年,由 于亲自民党的瑙曼基金会在波恩举办了一个批评中国的西藏问题会议,中国因此而关闭了该基金会的北京代表处,到今天为止,自民党一再努力,这个代表处仍然未 能重开。
1999年,外交部长菲舍尔会晤达赖,他强调道,德国和欧盟所有国家都认为西藏是中国的一部分,但支持西藏对宗教和文化自治权的要求。也许由于这 个讲话含有北京不反对的内容,中国没有采取什么行动。
第一个方面,在德国国内,默克尔此举显然是得分 的,从上述各党(包括几个主要在野党)的反应可以看出这一点。默克尔显然是位个人全能得分高手。在今年她身为主席国领导人的八国峰会、欧盟峰会上,她都得 了分,而且是大分;访问中国时,她讲人权,又得了德国媒体的广泛赞扬;现在她会晤达赖喇嘛,已经得到德国国内普遍好评。即使是热衷于德中经济关系的德国经 济界,在这些问题上也只能“表示担忧”,没法公开说反对的话。
第二个方面,在德中关系上,毫无疑问,政治关系 会受到一定的影响。至于“危机”之说,可能言过其实。这从中方相对温和的反应就可以看出。即使是取消法制国家对话,中方也说是“技术原因”。当然,默克尔 也不希望把关系搞僵了,所以学习布什等的样子,把会晤性质定为“私下交流意见”。
中国一位官员日前说,默克尔这次访问中国与温家 宝会谈时,温家宝说,不少人说德中关系在默克尔上台后变坏了,他不这么认为,他觉得德中关系还是在发展,在进步(大意)。这位官员认为,默克尔错误地理解 了温家宝总理的话。温家宝实际上是在委婉地批评,否则就根本不会提这个话题。这是用外交辞令来批评。但默克尔大概以为真的是在赞扬。
为什么默克尔总理对中国的态度跟前任施密特、科 尔和施罗德有这么大的区别呢?当然,这里面有个人的因素,德国的中国问题专家辜学武、中国前驻德国大使梅兆荣等人都认为跟默克尔来自德国东部对前独裁政权 的看法有关。但应该并非完全是个人因素。有一点也许更重要,即中国的地位发生了质的变化,中国与西方的关系也因而变化了。在前几任德国总理任上时,中国还 是一个高速发展的发展中国家,总体上还是一个弱者,也就是说重要的是通过支持和扶助来共同获益的;而现在中国质变成了一个各方面的强者,虽然这个强者形象 还刚刚开始,但西方已经把它更多地视为对手。与对手之间,是需要经常针锋相对的。这一年来,各方面对中国的态度,包括玩具,黑客事件,等等,都可以看到这 种新的关系的形成,并非仅仅在德中之间。也许在许多政治家心里还是一种潜意识的东西,但实际上这种关系确实是变化了的。对一个强者示弱,或过分地示好,容 易失去国内民心。
西方各国领导人中为什么忽然出现达赖喇嘛热呢? 这里面固然有达赖跟中国的谈判最近破裂的因素在内,但深思一下,会发现并非仅仅如此,这似乎是一个对抗系列片中的一集。也就是说,现在可以说是处于中国与 西方关系转折的微妙阶段,很容易情绪化,而且情绪化已经存在。无论对西方各国来说,还是对中国来说,都需要一种空前的技巧来处理外交问题。软硬之间,是很 难掌握的,对今后的世界外交关系却又是有着重大关联的。
实际上,现在的中国政府比文革期间的中国政府聪 明多了。综观这十、二十年来的中国外交,可以发现,中国领导人现在首先考虑的是自身的利益,并没有一味的强硬,有时候还十分的灵活。在西藏问题上,在与梵 蒂冈关系问题上,在汇率问题上,都没有把门关死,经常有些动作。现在的西藏问题似乎僵在达赖提出的大藏区问题。现在中国的言辞很激烈,把达赖定性为分裂分 子。但是,达赖喇嘛的态度也是比较灵活的,他也已经反复表示过不求独立了,而且他想在有生之年返回西藏的愿望是强烈的。假如达赖喇嘛再灵活一些,中国也应 该会灵活一些。中国与达赖的谈判应该不会不再进行.要有重大突破谈何容易,但哪一天如果重新开谈,那也并不奇怪。而且,重新开谈也会让中国得分,尤其在对 抗情绪普遍比较严重的今天,或者明天。(sr)
Labels: Tibet